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To Be Resumed Heresy in the North - Part One - The Road to Winterguard


Lord of Altera
So just to clarify, will the bandits be give horses at the starting point?
My suspicion is: 'only if they bring them themselves' ;). - My planning involvement for this event ends where the Cathedral stops floating in the air though ;)

Let me say though that even without horses and at same numbers the bandits have a huge advantage if they do it right.
If they do it wrong... Oh well.
That being said the Bandits might want to check the Area between the Redocs Castle and ~250blocks away from Winterguards jousting Arena - any closer than that would be very unwise.

That is assuming the caravan will actually walk along the street @Axex
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Lord of House Hawklight
It appears we're also looking for a temp Renatun diplomat. This character will very much be the crappy at fighty, good at diplomacy, high value if kidnapped target, so if you want to temp it, let me know.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
It appears we're also looking for a temp Renatun diplomat. This character will very much be the crappy at fighty, good at diplomacy, high value if kidnapped target, so if you want to temp it, let me know.


Lord of Altera
It appears we're also looking for a temp Renatun diplomat. This character will very much be the crappy at fighty, good at diplomacy, high value if kidnapped target, so if you want to temp it, let me know.
My long owned char/alt IS a cruddy fighting Renatun diplomat. Heh. I'd be willing to drop my bandit char and put Alexander Wise in the role. Up to you.


Lord of Altera
This is going to be a most enjoyable blood bath.

Edit: Ranged guards might be appreciated as well~
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... is very scientifical.
Events Staff
Lore Staff
'Pologies, yes, was shunted into the diplomat role by Sadko~ :p

Will make char profile now, wanted to sleep before doing so.


Lord of Altera
Can we use characters already made for this? I know a character that really enjoys fighting/hunting bandits ;)