Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Quotes Said By Your Chars That Stuck With You


Dark Council Elite
"Are you alright?"

"I don't get it, how is she beautiful? Pretty at best."

"She's unbelievably, inconceivably, immortally, incomprehensibly perfect in every way. But she is not the one I love."

At the Sallana summoning with the bae.



i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
"Are you alright?"

"I don't get it, how is she beautiful? Pretty at best."

"She's unbelievably, inconceivably, immortally, incomprehensibly perfect in every way. But she is not the one I love."

At the Sallana summoning with the bae.

there should be a club for people who like to say sallana isn't pretty xD

Maaaaan the things a Divine of perfection and beauty, what d'you expect?


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
After kind off getting to know what getting laid is from her uncle:
"Mom I love you can I get laid with you?"
@Niah @Ace19


Lord of Altera
Sorry, I didnt think she would ask her mother but when she did
Peter Blackfire: Bloody Hell. . .Its not what you think.


Lord of Altera
All Kopii everyday~

"Look at me."

"A-An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind..."

"I will not lie. I-I have no reason to lie when the truth is all the more stronger."

"W-Would you like to have some tea?"


The Lurker
Retired Staff
(When my ten year old Moor was being taught the ins and outs of "flirting". This was basically his reaction by the end of it.)

Erikor Walterius: You gotta tell them they're pretty AND buy them stuff too? Can't they do nothing for themselves? *Seems disbelieving* I think I"ll just pass if it's that much work.