Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Quotes Said By Your Chars That Stuck With You


Lord of Altera
"But your seed of doubt is a curse to the whole garden. It only thrives off the efforts and health of the other plants. It's an ugly vine that choked the life out if what was once a flourishing garden." @Woolsey


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
"It is one thing to create an illusion, another to sustain it long enough to be believed."

Located this wee beastie while ploughing through my AppData logs a few days ago. Naturally, it's out of the specific context, though the adaptability of this particular quote amuses me to no end.


Legend of Altera
These arent the exact words due to the fact I can't find it in my logs but... Whatevs.

*Is said while Nylarii, Darko, and Dax were in the Jishrim dimention*

Dax Felix: Patience, Cap'n... If it comes to a single person surviving... I promise I will sacrifice meself to you.

Darko Tideborne: You don't need to do that, I don't pay you enough. *Says with a sad smile*

Jigsaw Jishrim: ...Booo huuuu... Booo huuu...


Lord of Altera
I remember after winning 12 consecutive fights in Warstrom arena like two years ago, I got carried away and yelled "Are you not entertained?!"


Lord of Altera
Dax Felix: You think this war is stupid?
Calcifer Crow: All conflicts are stupid. Most are avoidable, and all are resolvable

(Funny because Calcifer is usually the one causing conflicts. He has matured abit, though.)


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
That's building a computer and software company. The College dropping was an unrelated statistic in that scenario. Should re-rail this to IC speak.


Lord of Altera
Tybalt: What did you do?!
*Hes asking what crimes he committed*
Damon: Thats for me to know and you to ". . ."
*As he says that, he pokes the air as he says each dot. .Like he makes the dots as he says them :p*


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind; seeking revenge does not bring respite from one's inner demons, but feeds their flames, and causes more elsewhere. If you wish for vengeance regardless, vengeance you shall be given. I expect largesse in return, once everything is situated."