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Quotes Said By Your Chars That Stuck With You


Lord of Altera
Not a quote at all but I don't know where to put it. @Jackjack455 @Emudude13 @jayo53 @Daelik

Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Tell me what you want with your life, no jokes, no cocky answers to make yourself feel stronger to cover your insecurities. Be straight up to me, man to man.

James Greyhelm: *Calling out behind him* Just say yes, Damon!Deal with y'r insecurities!
Ignore him...he is a -fool-
James Greyhelm: *huff* Apparently, indeed I am.

Tybalt Rhett-Marr: *First time today he breaks his calm neutral tone, talking bellowing tone that holds all the authority of a -King-*
James Greyhelm: {A damn smart one.}
Damon the Ripper: I want lots of things. Better training, more booze, Visage dead, the Wolfstadt people dead...
James Greyhelm: *Being the low-budget version of a scholar*
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Tell me things in life that are less shallow
Damon the Ripper: *Damon would sit down on his butt, looking at Tybs and almost tearing up*
James Greyhelm: Everyone wants Wolfstadt burnt to the floor, Damon.
James Greyhelm: Y' not special about 'at one..

Yorrick Goldfist: {ah that's fair}
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: *Steps forward*
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: You know there is something more you want
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Then Shallow meaningless objects
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: And vengeance
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Im talking things that last a lifetime if not more
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: What do -you- want, to do with -your- life

Damon the Ripper: Forgiveness? Respect? Not so much known as a drunk man...
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Obtainable
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: And it is something earned
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Something every man has struggled to earn

James Greyhelm: {Today has been -very- eventful..}
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: *is the wisest 17 year old in Altera*
James Greyhelm: {SAYS YOU, YOU BRAIN DAMAGED [Expletive!]}
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: SO Damon
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: You want Respect..forgivness?
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Anyting else?
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Speak open with me

Damon the Ripper: *Is sorta rocking back and forth and looking at Tybs, almost crying* James Greyhelm: Euh- Person!
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: I will not so easily abandon a brother
James Greyhelm: Get me some uh, like, scotch or somethin'...
James Greyhelm: ...Please.

Damon the Ripper: A life. . .Enough with this senseless violence. Mabye... a wife.. Actually *Fakes a chuckle* Not
Damon the Ripper: that... I want my women..
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Aye.all good things
Marcus Attilus: "Huh.."
James Greyhelm: Yeah, yeah, a scotch would be nice...
Marcus Attilus: "Scotch.."
James Greyhelm: Please... That would be /gracious/ of ye..
Marcus Attilus: "Where would ya find scotch around this place.."
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: You want your woman..singular
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: But you have to help me to help you
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: To let stuff go through one ear and out the other


Loyal Servant of Altera
Not a quote at all but I don't know where to put it. @Jackjack455 @Emudude13 @jayo53 @Daelik
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Tell me what you want with your life, no jokes, no cocky answers to make yourself feel stronger to cover your insecurities. Be straight up to me, man to man.
James Greyhelm: *Calling out behind him* Just say yes, Damon!Deal with y'r insecurities!
Ignore him...he is a -fool-
James Greyhelm: *huff* Apparently, indeed I am.
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: *First time today he breaks his calm neutral tone, talking bellowing tone that holds all the authority of a -King-*
James Greyhelm: {A damn smart one.}
Damon the Ripper: I want lots of things. Better training, more booze, Visage dead, the Wolfstadt people dead...
James Greyhelm: *Being the low-budget version of a scholar*
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Tell me things in life that are less shallow
Damon the Ripper: *Damon would sit down on his butt, looking at Tybs and almost tearing up*
James Greyhelm: Everyone wants Wolfstadt burnt to the floor, Damon.
James Greyhelm: Y' not special about 'at one..

Yorrick Goldfist: {ah that's fair}
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: *Steps forward*
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: You know there is something more you want
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Then Shallow meaningless objects
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: And vengeance
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Im talking things that last a lifetime if not more
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: What do -you- want, to do with -your- life

Damon the Ripper: Forgiveness? Respect? Not so much known as a drunk man...
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Obtainable
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: And it is something earned
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Something every man has struggled to earn

James Greyhelm: {Today has been -very- eventful..}
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: *is the wisest 17 year old in Altera*
James Greyhelm: {SAYS YOU, YOU BRAIN DAMAGED [Expletive!]}
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: SO Damon
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: You want Respect..forgivness?
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Anyting else?
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Speak open with me

Damon the Ripper: *Is sorta rocking back and forth and looking at Tybs, almost crying* James Greyhelm: Euh- Person!
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: I will not so easily abandon a brother
James Greyhelm: Get me some uh, like, scotch or somethin'...
James Greyhelm: ...Please.

Damon the Ripper: A life. . .Enough with this senseless violence. Mabye... a wife.. Actually *Fakes a chuckle* Not
Damon the Ripper: that... I want my women..
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: Aye.all good things
Marcus Attilus: "Huh.."
James Greyhelm: Yeah, yeah, a scotch would be nice...
Marcus Attilus: "Scotch.."
James Greyhelm: Please... That would be /gracious/ of ye..
Marcus Attilus: "Where would ya find scotch around this place.."
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: You want your woman..singular
Tybalt Rhett-Marr: But you have to help me to help you

Tybalt Rhett-Marr: To let stuff go through one ear and out the other



Lord of Altera
"I know marriage is between people who love each other, but is it between anyone who loves each other? I love Aracena does that mean I should marry her?"

"Oh and when people get married they have children yes? Is that a requirement?"


Doge Keeper
"I know marriage is between people who love each other, but is it between anyone who loves each other? I love Aracena does that mean I should marry her?"

"Oh and when people get married they have children yes? Is that a requirement?"
It's a good thing Vevila is probably better equipped to deal with these questions than most. xD


Lord of Altera
I just remembered this scene from Over the Horizon and I had to dig it up because I think it was one of my favourite non-action bits.

Jaden Seeker: *He looks back to Bronn.* "Ready to get that sail?"
Bronn Westergard: Aye.
Jaden Seeker: *He nods, then walks off.*
Jaden Seeker: "Gannet! Should we spread it out?"
Gannet: Depends!
Jaden Seeker: "..On?"
Gannet: Do you want it to dry?
Jaden Seeker: *He rolls his eyes, grinning slightly as he starts to unclup and unfold the sodden sail.*
Bronn Westergard: *Unfolds as well, yawning,.*
Jaden Seeker: *He lays it flat on the deck.* "Should we tie it to the mast, so it doesn't get pulled away by the wind"
Gannet: Depends!
Bronn Westergard: Depends if we want it to blow away?
Gannet: Now you're getting it!
Jaden Seeker: "Wise's contract never mentioned anything about 'Death by sass'." *He huffs as he goes to secure the sail to the center mast.*

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Lord of Altera
I just remember this scene from Over the Horizon and I had to dig it up because I think it was one of my favourite non-action bits.

Jaden Seeker: *He looks back to Bronn.* "Ready to get that sail?"
Bronn Westergard: Aye.
Jaden Seeker: *He nods, then walks off.*
Jaden Seeker: "Gannet! Should we spread it out?"
Gannet: Depends!
Jaden Seeker: "..On?"
Gannet: Do you want it to dry?
Jaden Seeker: *He rolls his eyes, grinning slightly as he starts to unclup and unfold the sodden sail.*
Bronn Westergard: *Unfolds as well, yawning,.*
Jaden Seeker: *He lays it flat on the deck.* "Should we tie it to the mast, so it doesn't get pulled away by the wind"
Gannet: Depends!
Bronn Westergard: Depends if we want it to blow away?
Gannet: Now you're getting it!
Jaden Seeker: "Wise's contract never mentioned anything about 'Death by sass'." *He huffs as he goes to secure the sail to the center mast.*

Gannet for best.


Lord of Altera
These are some of my favorite quotes from Cyrus (being a poet and comedian, he tends to be rather quotable):

"Only thing coin's good for is spendin'."

"The Art may nourish the soul, but it don' nourish the stomach."

"We all come from a hole, and we all end up in one. What matters is the in-between."

"Why is it that every time we meet, Daekra ends up drunk?"

An Exchange Between Cyrus and Vilvin

Cyrus: "Your eyes terrify me; I'm never sure where exactly to look. But at the same time... I kind of like them."

Vilvin: "You can be sure I'm looking right at yours."

Cyrus: "Oh? And what do ya see in 'em?"

Vilvin: "Eager Compassion..... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand a bit of constipation."

An Exchange Between Cyrus and His Student, Daekra

Daekra: "Teacher.... Vilvin... I understand..."
Daekra: "You don't get drunk.... or get women before you sing... you get them after...."

Vilvin: "... Eh?"

Cyrus: *actually claps his hands in joy*
Cyrus: "You've got it, mate!"

(Also, sorry that I'm such a formatting addict.)
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Lord of Altera
" You will learn there are two types of swordsmen... Fulgrims and Drakes... Drakes are honorable and fight for a cause... Fulgrims use poison, bite ears off and will hurt your loved ones to break your spirit. Not every warrior will be honourable


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
*people start talking Elvish*
"I am not an Elf!"
"I am still not an Elf!"
"Remember w'en I said I'm not an Elf? Meant it."


Doge Keeper
Hammy: I saw little Elluin and Mister Ailil said when he gets bigger, I can hold him!
Vevila: You sound a bit excited, little one.
Hammy: Mhm! Oh and.. Uhm... Where do babies come from? Mister Ailil told me to ask..

You couldn't just take one for the team, could you, Ailil? xD @CthulhuPeople