Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Quotes Said By Your Chars That Stuck With You


Lord of Altera
"She'll come back, it might be long, but she'll be back."
"I know.. Everyone acts like I don't believe it.."
"I was just thinking you'd be more excited."
"Death is natural..It just..happens, then people come back..And I wish it wasn't like that.."

Anastasia and Ailil talking about Alanna~


Lord of Altera
Iteraldi: Sorry. . .I didn't mean to upset you

Damon: Upset me?
Damon: No I'm not upset. Upset is an emotion specific to those who care.
*Throws hood on and walks off all cool like*


Lord of Altera
*A few seconds before Damon is lying on the floor bleeding out*
Zack from "The Vanguard": Do you not understand the concept of leverage?
*Damon smirks and says*
"Three of of me.....I like my odds" - Ripper
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BUMPIN' THIS. @ForestRose

"What about yourself do you find the most pride in..?"

"... Is that your question?"

*Lacey nods.*

*Syr shifts his gaze from Lacey to the flames for a moment, idly raking his hand through his hair. After a time of evident thought he casts his eyes back to her, drawing his right arm up from his side - a stump at the end of the wrist, wrapped within a fine gauze.*
"This did not cripple me."

"... And I did not simply go to Tzemik."


Magus of Nothing
"What can I say that would make me seem slick, cool and awesome, without seeming completely conceited?"
- Greyling


Lord of Altera
"I have a sense of self preservation the size of Altera, and a sense of distrust thrice of that" -Tybalt Rhett


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
pffft no one goes to tzemik :p
I think its becoming a trend to avoid Tzemik especially when you've got an injury.

Edit: On theme-

"damn kids... poppin' up like daisies..."

Edge points! @Glados

"How long has it been, Tzemik?"
"... 'ow long since wot?"
"Since you were sober. Didn't slur your words."
"bout two hours. Once et hits three I'mma go get s'mer."
"I know you know what I mean. You're one of the smartest people I know. When did you resort to climbing inside a bottle?"
". . . s'mwhurr between bein' forced t' go insane n' learnin' I can't die."
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The rosiest of forests.
BUMPIN' THIS. @ForestRose

"What about yourself do you find the most pride in..?"

"... Is that your question?"

*Lacey nods.*

*Syr shifts his gaze from Lacey to the flames for a moment, idly raking his hand through his hair. After a time of evident thought he casts his eyes back to her, drawing his right arm up from his side - a stump at the end of the wrist, wrapped within a fine gauze.*
"This did not cripple me."

"... And I did not simply go to Tzemik."
"I like to fish."


The Arbiter of the Gods
"Baby I can start a bonfire in your heart... Then the purifying flames shall engulf the rest of you. Slowly, painfully. You'll smell your skin melting off your bones. Oh- hi."


Lord of Altera
"Why should I bother with them? None of them helped me in my time of need, and it's likely that none of them would ever like me, I'm just the sort of person that not a single one of them cares for. If none care for me, why should I go out of my way to care for them?"