Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Shadowdark Moondeath Bloodtear


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Reddit Post said:
When I was in middle school, I made my parents call me "Shadow". I wouldn't respond to my real name.
On top of that I wore all black and and a trench coat with chains on my pants. When everyone did the pledge of allegiance I'd sit down and cough loudly through it. Someone asked me why I did that once and I said "I'm only allied with the darkness." I was the edgiest -swearword- on the planet back then. It was like almost 10 years ago now but I still cringe whenever I think back to it.


Insert Custom Title here
Was he once an important part of his previous kingdom's hierachy? Exciled prince, I don't know, something important!

Totally in love with this character.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
You forgot the shipwreck.

Also the old man ninja-hermit in the woods.
yup yup

This is gently starting to hurt my heart.
Don't forget to make said person able to read people's moods and intentions.
Oh don't worry

Was he once an important part of his previous kingdom's hierachy? Exciled prince, I don't know, something important!

Totally in love with this character.
Already was ;)

They can also see in the dark right, due to the glowing eyes, and they'd never give him away in the dark as well.
How did you know? :D

I also added the traumatic disfiguring life-changing childhood incident that also gave them special properties/powers. And some pictures! :D

The Courier

Lord of Altera
I don't know if you remade a char or if you like added more things. The fact it went from male to female brought about the most chuckles from me.


Coffee Enthusiast
I went to quote one thing, then found I wanted to quote another, and then another, and then another.
So I decided not to quote anything.
Quote anything, except quote the entire thing. Because it is hilarious. allofitis

Shadowdark Moonblossom Bloodtear

Master Duelist
Expert Physician
Accomplished Blacksmith
King/Queen/Emperor of Everything
Just a Simple Commoner
Master Alchemist

Nickname/Alias: Call me Shadow.
Also known as:
Bear, Hunter, Prince(ss), Runaway, Slave, Dragon, Warrior
Age: Sixteen
Gender: Male(?)
Race: Half Moor Elf/Half Silver Elf/Half Dragon
Social Status: Outcast
Sexuality: *eyebrow wiggling* is SO KAWAAAIII
Height: 7'0" ft
Weight: Lithe and quick despite their excessive strength
Date of Birth: 06/06/06
Date of Death: Life is death. And pain.
Homeland: The Nether
Current Home: Nowhere

Build: Shadowdark Moonblossom Bloodtear is thin yet strong! Their muscles are very strong but they are still light and tall and fast and quick on their feet. They have the endurance and stamina of several bears while retaining the speed of a tiger. They can also lift several tonnes but they are still thin enough to slip through bars.
Hair: Their hair is flowing and PLATINUM BLOND, with natural streaks of neon pink and bright blue to symbolize their dual personalities.
Eyes: One eye is blood red and the other is light blue. They glow with her mood.
Skin: Ashen Black. Like their dark soul.
Identifying Marks: The edgy aura that fills whatever room Shadowdark Moonblossom Bloodtear walks into.
Appearance: Intimidating yet incredibly attractive also very reserved, not noticed very often as they don't stand out very much.
Clothing: Leather armour under chainmail under plate armour concealed under black and red clothing- with silver trim, of course.
Hygiene: Shadowdark Moonblossom Bloodtear smells like blood and death. Always.
Voice: grrrrhhrrrrrr

-Very strong
-Very Fast
-Strong acrobatic ability
-Learned in dual wielding Katanas
-Can throw axes and knives
-Is extremely diplomatic
-Has extreme pain resistance/cannot feel pain
-Can expertly read all moods and intentions
-Eyes are able to glow on command and they can see in the dark (ofc no one can detect this)
-Fear its self
Intelligence: Extremely highly intelligent, able to solve any puzzle or dilemna with ease.
Languages: Common, Draconic, Silver Elven, Moor Elven, Forest Elven, Dwarven, Latin, Earthspawn, Nakam
Profession: Assassin Assassin. They assassinate assassins.

Personality: Broody and introverted, they have no need for friendliness or airs, but also joyous and friendly. Also they have multiple personality disorder.
Religion or Cults: Athiest
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Short Term Goals:
Long Term Goals:

Place: The Nether
Pastime: Howling at the moon
Food: Human Flesh
Drink: The Blood of the Innocent/Orphan Tears (pick one)
Colour: The absence of colour, black
Animal: Wolves

Least Favourite...
Place: Everywhere
Pastime: Everything
Food: Every cusine
Drink: Every thirst quencher
Colour: Every colour
Animal: Everything

[themesong here]
[many skills and powerful weapons gained from when they were on another server here]
[traumatic childhood incident that resulted in special properties/powers here]
[being dirt poor, but secretly an exiled princess and part of a rebellion and also on a path of burning vengeance and both parents are dead and has an evil sibling here]
[was shipwrecked here and lost their memory]
[became a hermit lost in the woods and was a friend to all animals here]

INSPIRATIONS: this is satire

My in-game name is:
-Duel Katanas
-Pet venemous snake that attacks on command

-Fractal Claymore (A claymore that has other little swords sticking off it), 9ft long and 3ft wide and wieldable one-handed by only them
-Pet wolf that follows all commands unfailably
-A longsword that shoots other longswords
-300lb draw bow
-100 poisoned daggers

Prized Possessions: -The symbol of their dead parents, heirloom dual Katanas. They're engraved with the words "Aeternus" and "Obscurum", which is latin for "Darkness Eternal".

-"My scars are a metaphor for my inner pain"
-"You could never understand my darkness"
-"They don't see, I'll hurt people, for there is hatred festering in my soul!"

Hated: -
Hated: -
Hated: -
Hated: -
Hated: -
Hated: -
Hated: -
Hated: -

Hated: -