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Quotes Said By Your Chars That Stuck With You


Lord of Altera
"Remember all parts of your life, the angers that have coursed through your veins, the sorrows that have left you dead to the world, the joys that gave you wings, the fears that kept you trapped. Remember them all, as they are all part of you, and when you deny one, you slowly lose yourself and succumb to a lie you begin to believe"

"I'm not drunk enough to deal with this..."

"...Elf... you're lucky im too drunk to hit the broad side of my smithy right now, or id leave your nose where your eyes kindly tell me which way the exit is?"


Lord of Altera
Grant to an 11 sool who barely speaks common: why dont we go down to the pub and ill buy you a drink
*five minutes later*
Grant to an 11 sool who barely speaks common: *draws knife* you little brat, i am going to cut you


Lord of Altera
"Remember all parts of your life, the angers that have coursed through your veins, the sorrows that have left you dead to the world, the joys that gave you wings, the fears that kept you trapped. Remember them all, as they are all part of you, and when you deny one, you slowly lose yourself and succumb to a lie you begin to believe"

"I'm not drunk enough to deal with this..."

"...Elf... you're lucky im too drunk to hit the broad side of my smithy right now, or id leave your nose where your eyes kindly tell me which way the exit is?"
Grant to an 11 sool who barely speaks common: why dont we go down to the pub and ill buy you a drink
*five minutes later*
Grant to an 11 sool who barely speaks common: *draws knife* you little brat, i am going to cut you
I'm noticing a pattern here.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I want to take some of these quotes and add "mom" at the end.

Examples from the last few pages-

Not every warrior will be honourable, Mom
These are some of my favorite quotes from Cyrus (being a poet and comedian, he tends to be rather quotable):
"The Art may nourish the soul, but it don' nourish the stomach, Mom"

"We all come from a hole, and we all end up in one. What matters is the in-between, Mom"
"Patience is a virtue, Mom"
@AdmiralAegir has been reminding me of this one for the past year.
"Dost thou wish thy ass whooped?" - The Courier's Mom
"Who have you lost?"
"Who haven't I lost, Mom"
"I'm not human anymore, Mom"




Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
The hole one made me giggle. Moms hole


The Lurker
Retired Staff
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Lord of Altera
"Rain hides from rain, let the Sun shine on her" -Nyhllis, her home, far away.

"Even when we inevitably sink, and drown under the waves, there is no reason our souls should not sing for the living" -Nyhllis, the docks of Azerport.

"M'numb 'ere, can' feel much..." -Nyhllis, the galley of the Eyes of Silas. (Think thats the name)

"My past... My past was 'The Tower', that tower has fallen by my hands, the painful memories still haunt me but I will not let them be a weakness, I will not let what's happened harm me further, my past is a fallen tower, and I am the queen of the castle built on it's foundation." -Nyhllis, written words.

(I have a feeling this quote will be something she says to Jaden, its a thought she's had many times, something she's written a few times. Edit: #Edge4Lyfe)
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