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The University of Altera Teacher Application Thread

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Lord of Altera
Now that Uthrandir will no longer be a University City, there is a void in Education in Altera, a void which the University of Altera intends to fill. This project has received sponsorship from the admin team, so it is legit. We also already have some buildings picked out for the University but some additional building may be required and can be done if needed for some of our classes. Dormitories will be constructed for those willing to teach and learn in the University, however, no one will live in the city full time. Anyway, what we are looking for is professors for this university. If you are experienced in any skill what so ever that you think would be useful to the player base (Building, interior design, redstone circuitry, archery, swords, potion making, farming, mining etc. etc.) or anything that could be a good rp class (Magic, history, religions, cooking etc. etc.) please fill out an application. Classes will likely be held on weekends.


In game name:
RP name:
What do you want to teach?
Why would this class be a good addition to the University?
What experience do you have in this skill?

If you want to teach building, please include your work as we will likely have multiple building teachers for the many different styles.

Furthermore, I will promote people to be department heads as I see fit.

As another item of note, we also want to compile a great library for the literary works of Altera, so those submissions would be appreciated as well.

We look forward to educating and growing the future of Altera!

The College of Combat and Warfare
Legion-Combat, also College Head
Tang-Dwarven Combat
Malldar-Unarmed Combat
Epik and Sally-Pirating
Darko- Stealth
Wyvern-Survival Skills
Dracoboy2- Stabby stabby fun time and or Leadership Training.

The College of Magic and Alchemy
Bellon-College Head/Advanced Magic
Karasu-Alchemy/Magic Teacher
Bewpy- Magical Creatures

The College of Humanities and Sciences
Itzzaboy-Religions/ Department Head
Minecraft King-Astronomy
Iron and TroubleKelp-Physical Fitness/Acrobatics
Bluebird- Choir
Gravenor- Trade/Law
Alaila- Cooking, Domestic economy, and Diplomacy
Cinnamony- Lit. and Creative Writing

The College of Architecture and Design

JLA Montoya- Architecture
Zotikos- Nordic Architecture
Tantara- Elvic Architecture
Spearhorn-Redstone Circuitry
Jagster-How to make nice, non-derpy buildings 101
Atkyre- Engineering


House of Korigon: Wolves (Black & Red & Grey)

House of Harateth: Owls (White & Gold & Purple)

House of Thyrien: Centaurs (White & Blue & Green)

House of Korog: Bears (Silver & Purple & Blue)


The original mute
I would apply, but while my ro character is good at music, being a mute makes certain tasks impossible, teaching being one of them. Oh it's also because i can't teach anything very well.


In Game Name: Thyrin
Age: 22
Country/State: The Netherlands
In game name: Thyrin
RP name: Thyrin
What do you want to teach?
Alteran History
Why would this class be a good addition to the University?
Players need to brush up on their Alteran History sometimes, this makes it fun for them.
What experience do you have in this skill?
I have been around and written a lot of server lore.


Lord of Altera
Hahahahaha valid point matyio, but since you said that it reminded me about what I had forgotten. We will be having a library where we want to compile all sorts of literary works, including musical books, so your contributions there would be greatly appreciated!


Lord of Altera
In game name: Minecraft_King_
Country/State: Scotland
RP name: Arthur Stonebrook
What do you want to teach?
Why would this class be a good addition to the University?
I think Astronomy would be a good candidate as it is commonly overlooked in Altera and it is not common knowledge.
What experience do you have in this skill?
I do an awful lot of Astronomy IRL and have a good understanding of the Stars in Minecraft.


King ForumStalker
In game name: Itzzaboy
Age: 17
Country/State: UK
RP name: Itzza Winterborn
What do you want to teach? Alteran Religion
Why would this class be a good addition to the University? It'd be great for people to start learning about the Alteran Gods, especially the ones that nobody seems to know about.
What experience do you have in this skill? I am well versed on both the Gods of Altera and general server lore.


The original mute
Ingamename: matyio
Age: 17
Country: uk
Rp name: Xenai Yoai
What do you want to teach?: nothing I wish to keep the library well versed in the books of music.
What experience do you have in this skill: in game I am one of the best musicians rp wise, irk I am a grade five practical and theory passer. While I cannot literally write the music in the books I can write how a piece would go.

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
In game name: Asirel_Luik
Age: Not really known
Country/State: United States
RP name: Azsoai Luik
What do you want to teach? Potions
Why would this class be a good addition to the University? So that people could know how to defend themselves, buff up their team, or cause damage.
What experience do you have in this skill? Is over 10 boxes of potions, multiple types, splash and non splash any sort of experience? >_>

((Hold onto this profile, and don't quite use it yet. Depending on how the RP goes soon? I may or may not be a good guy. XD))


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
In game name: Legion9191
Country/State: US
RP name: Legion
What do you want to teach? Redstone circuitry and/or combat and/or gray magic
Why would this class be a good addition to the University? Well redstone circuitry is a valuable skill, and few people have lots of skill with minimizing things. Combat would teach the people of altera to defend themselves from vigilante groups *cough* and gray magic would be an interesting topic and would give a new perspective on magic in altera.
What experience do you have in this skill? Quite a lot, i spent a lot of time on the tekkit server, in which using redstone i set a operating system for my nuclear reactor, i helped bettymorlock build a basic 8-bit redstone counter in the 1.8 server, but my best skill in redstone is my minimalization. Im very good at making circuits small. In combat, i am an excellent pvper, with a very good record in the ctf arena. If you dont believe, then lets go duel some time:cool:
And in gray magic, well this is rp, but my character specializes in gray magic, which is somewhere between white and dark, so its not good but its not evil either.


Lord of Altera
In game name: epikplayer

Age: 17

Country/State: US

RP name: Epikus de la Cruza

What do you want to teach? Pirating 101

Why would this class be a good addition to the University? It would train people how to fight like a pirate, while learning about customs, and how to live life like a boss. Two things that are required for this class are sword fighting, and don't bring your own sword.

What experience do you have in this skill? I've been a Pirate all my rp life and I love to show people that we're not always mean, it's just that stereotypes have put us down.


Lord of Altera
In game name: NinjaTangerine
Age: 15
Country/State: Lincolnshire, UK
RP name: General Hrothgar SharpPick I
What do you want to teach? Dwarven Combat (A Very more skillful art), Mining Skills and Dangers, Army Commandeering.
Why would this class be a good addition to the University? Ae'd bring all the ale ter the Staff Room!
What experience do you have in this skill?
Dwarven Combat: I'm General of the Dwarven Army. I've killed several well known 'pvp'ers' before.
Mining Skills: Dedicated miner, got a hefty set of diamonds ;)
Army Commandeering: Well, i'm General of an Army, so I know how and what to do with my men ;)


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
In game name: JstarGames
Age: 16
Country/State: England
RP name: Kuthian
What do you want to teach? All the types of Magic
Why would this class be a good addition to the University? We need a replacement for Uthrandir and I will do my best to give the Young generation a education in magic
What experience do you have in this skill? I used to teach at Uthrandir making my skill better than average I guess and I would know what to teach and would be would be honored to teach once more.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
In game name: mariomluigifish
Demon: around 80 Human: 32
Country/State: UK, England
RP name: Taor Raorensen Hawklight
What do you want to teach? I specialize in alchemy, I was Ari Torke's (karasu1996) apprentice and then went on to teach Alchemy at Uthrandir. I could also teach religion, as I am a priest of Harateth. I also know some information on races of people, and spiritual places. I know very little about Elementals.. but I could teach that...and a bit of science...possibly... but I specialise in Alchemy, and know every potion off by heart. I could also add in as the University's librarian if need be.
Why would this class be a good addition to the University? Well, alchemy is a fundemental part of most scociety, and it can be used as a very strong offense or defence and you will be supprised at how little people know about it. As for religion, races and spiritual places, they are not that much fundemental subjects as alchemy, but can proove useful. I think only people who have studdied these subjects (religion, races and spiritual places) know about them, and I think it would be good for people to know a little more about the server lore.

What experience do you have in this skill?
Like stated above, I know every potion recipie by heart, and studied under the eyes of Ari Torke. I have read every book in Uthrandir's library, too.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Firstly Tang, its army commanding.
Army commandeering is when you confiscate someone elses army XD
And, i think it would be ideal if you and i co-taught that class.


Lord of Altera
In game name: Karasu1996
Age: 19
RP name: Ari Torke/ Kytaf Linrouxs
What do you want to teach? Anything that relates to Uthrandir's old classes, may it be Alchemy, to magick, or more.
Why would this class be a good addition to the University? hey, I've got nothing! :D Im just glad to be able to teach again.
What experience do you have in this skill? I was the Alchemy teacher and Headmaster of Uthrandir, I was pretty well known for my skill in teaching.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Should some of the Teachers from Uthrandir form a Group of us? Like Me, Kara, Mario etc to teach magic? Or any Magic related teachers


Lord of Altera
In game name: xRoXx
Age: 13
Country/State: Iceland
RP name: Duergur of House Yearnen
What do you want to teach? How to fight off a drunk AKA me ;)
Why would this class be a good addition to the University? Could make for some fun RP and of course the Drunk Proffessor that is a Dwarf Shaman Noble.
What experience do you have in this skill? I am a dwarf. Nuff said.
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