Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Damphyr


Sparkly purple member of the team
Is kara a real character too? Will she be making an appearance soon?
And... wait... you think wolves stink too?
Sparkly, sparkly sir Damien. :p


Lord of Altera
There is no sparkling.... And alaIla no she's not real or alive for that matter... But that's next chapter


Lord of Altera
Chapter 5

That day... her final day we knew we were being followed... but could not find what it was... We came to a village were we fed... we were at our strongest but still.. we were no match for them.

20 of them came running.. galloping out of the forrest surrounding the village.. they were so fast.... i didn't think anything was as nearly as fast as me..

They quickly surrounded us the wolves... and then what appeared to be the leader of the pack "morphed" into a human.. was a beast of a human easily over 7 ft...

He then went on to tell me how he knew what we were.... what we had been doing for many years...

He then went on to tell me how the "pack" works... You see not all wolves are actually humans... only the select alphamales are born human and the others breed within their "pack". The wolves are not the good guys in this situation as one may think when reading this journal no... they hate all magical creatures.. things that are not normal... so they see it fit to kill anything not human or wolf...

I then asked him inquistively "why are you telling me this? "

"Thought i'd let you know before you both die" it replied...

Kara moved close to me... I tried to reassure her that everything would be allright but i truly did not know if it would be..

As the alphamale morphed again i knew that the battle was about to begin...

I remember the whole fight clearly...

As the alpha wolf raised up on to 2 paws and howled i allowed my natural instincts to take control...

5 of them foolishly rushed straight in and i easily avoided all their "snaps and bites" whilst easily dismantiling (don't know if i spelt that right) their assorted limbs.

As we managed to fight them back when we would kill one another would come it was almost a never ending cycle.. the battle lasted for many hours till we both grew tired and i now knew we were not going to win.

Eventually the aphamale stepped down from where it stood watching the battle and all of the other wolves dispersed... I dare not write truly what happened for even thinking of it hurts but to cut a long story short he ripped her to pieces in front of me and all i could do was run away...

But from then on i knew i would have my vengence...


Lord of Altera
i was on a bit ago
and im usually on alot more, but i ahve no internet on my house computor which runs minecraft 20x better + with optifine beats this laptop :/ ill be on if your on just say the word


Lord of Altera
Chapter 6

I stumbled into the house that the mage called home.. i have long lost his name.. but he was skilled in the way of all magiks.

I told him of what had happened.. about the wolves and Kara.. but i did not notice as our children stood their in the corner of the room... looks of horror on their face as they fell to the ground.. crying.. all i could do was approach them and kneel with them.. and cry...

After they had eventually fallen asleep i told the mage of my plans and what i required him to do...

Many a year ago.. when i'd first met Kara he told me of a sword.. that belonged to my father.. The Blade of Azerath it was called.. He told me that mere contact with the blade could twist the insides of whoever its master wished.. and he knew how to get it... A temple long forgotten the blade was hidden and i had retrieved it but it was of great power so i had the mage seal it away.. but now i needed it.

After many a day the mage finally brought to me as i sat with my children the sword..

It had a aura around it of a hellish red.. with marks of an ancient tounge across its hilt...

I stood up and held the blade firmly in my right hand.. I knew what needed be done now...

As i said farewell to the children the mage brought to me one more thing.. a spear made of pure silver.. Created to slay the beasts... "bleesed with the purests of magiks" he said to me as i left....

If any one that is good at making skins would be able to make on for my character thatd be awesome???


Lord of Altera
Chapter 7

This chapter will be written mostly in the third person to describe the battle...

The rain pelted down heavily across his chest.. Lightning lit up the sky around him... The Thunder roared like a behemoth.

They rested as it stormed around them.. the wolves thinking nothing was out of shape...

As the lightning lit up the sky the silloughette (don't think thats right) of the man set on revenge was seen as clear as daylight.. but none noticed this.. they thought nothing was out of place...

As the sword was unsheathed a hellish roar was heard across the valley below.. now they heard.. and now they saw... and now they died...

As three of the creatures galloped across the valley towards him.. metres away they came to a stop and began to float in the air as he pointed the sword towards him... as the lightning once more flashed you could see a face that was no mere mortal's... eyes as red as sun... burning with an internal hatred he then twisted the sword and hellish roars of pain were heard before they imploded... covering the ground in a mess of organs and blood...

But now he began to bleed... the sword draining his very life... his soul... now not only did the creatures blood soak the ground but now did his.

For many hours the battle insued (not sure if thats right either)... his blood now seemed to soak the field more then his enemies... but still no sign of the alpha... then all of a sudden.. almost as if his heart had been ripped out.. he knew were the alpha was now....

He ran... and ran... and ran till he finally came to what was once the mages house in ruins... fire trickling off the roof... where he now saw the alpha male standing with his children in a hand each... As he threw them into the air it they fell back towards the ground he tore them apart.. limb form limb... right in front of the man.... This was a sight that was to scar him for the rest of his days.. but he would have his vegenance