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Short Stories Thread

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Roleplay keeper
*deep sigh* Fine.. But I need to type it down somewhere else :/ And it's not THAT interesting a story, just something I did today. But I'll play with the words ^_^

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
The Robbery of Strom IV

"Phoenix, this is Talos Station. Please fire your repulsors and prepare for docking."​
"Acknowledged, Talos Station."​
Bjorn leaned back into his seat as the Phoenix settled onto the docking pad with a bump. Laughing, he patted the old ship fondly.​
"We made it old girl. Just got some business to take care of before we leave. Rest and save your strength."​
"Talking to the Phoenix again Capt'? Makes a girl wonder If she's being cheated on."​
Bjorn smiled as he swivelled his chair to face his copilot and lover, River Tam.​
"Oh, didn't have to see that. You know I only have feelings for you, River."​
River laughed, then punched Bjorn playfully in the chest.​
"Come on. We have a job to pull. Dora and Frank are in the cargo bay working on the Stinger...and I'm sure Doc is around here somewhere."​
Bjorn rubbed his hands together, a glint in his eyes.​
"Brilliant. Lets go do something criminal and criminally insane."​
. . .​
"Sir, may I see your invitation please?"​
The maitre de accepted the card and passed it back to Bjorn with a warm smile.​
"Ah, Sir Roland, how very nice for you to honor us with your presence at the gala...and your beautiful companion is?"​
River offered her arm to Bjorn and cast a condescending glance on the serverman.​
"The Countess Roland. I have no more time for little men like you, some of my companions are here."​
The maitre de bowed, then Bjorn and River swept past down the glittering hall.​
"You know, the Countess Roland is a total tik, you know that?"​
"Shh, not so loud. We're supposed to be sophisticated. Sophisticated people don't swear in Icelandic."​
"Oh come on. Could'nt we have impersonated someone else at least?"​
Bjorn shushed River as they walked into the ballroom. About 50 men and women in the latest fashions talked and danced with each other under the transparisteel chandelier. Bjorn glanced at each of them, searching for their target.​
"There he is."​
River turned and looked at the man in question. Regal, with graying hair and a sharp white suit, the Governor of Strom IV stood engaged in conversation with a group of foreign aristocrats. Though advancing in years, he was animated by the conversation, and exuded the sense of a man in control of his life and all those under his rule. River exhaled suddenly in nervousness, then steeled herself and began to walk towards the Governor. Bjorn caught her arm and whispered into her ear before she went.​
"Remember, we need his actual eye-scan and thumb-print; sythflesh won't decieve the scanners. Do what you have to...just try not to kill him, ok?"​
"Alright sweetie, I'll be gentle with the old man."​
River smiled as she again walked towards the Governor, her lipstick red as blood under the lights.​
. . .​
"Helviti, Dora, keep your mind on the controls!"​
"Sorry Frank! The winds up here are pretty strong!"​
Dora grimaced as another gust of wind rocked the Stinger. She glanced up at Frank strapped to the top of the ship, then returned her gaze to the objective. Strom Tower, 945 meters tall, the tallest building in the sector. Home to a dozen of the most powerful weapon manufacturing companies in the galaxy, protected by a state of the art security system and guarded by a private army....and they were going to rob it.​
"Remind me again why Bjorn picked Strom Tower?"​
"Because he has a death wish?"​
Doc Collins crawled into the cockpit beside Dora, squinting his one eye out the window.​
"Really though, imagine if we pull this off. We'll be the first thieves in the galaxy to get away with a hit on Strom Tower in the history of the universe."​
Dora grunted as she fought the controls, angling the Stinger into a steep dive to avoid detection.​
"Lovely. Tell you what, if we survive this we can talk about all that. Right now, I'm trying to get us there without being detected, all the while being horny enough to scream."​
"Uhhh....I'm sorry, I'll leave."​
Dora snorted with laughter, then grimaced as she had to fly around a rock spur. Straightening the ship out, she turned to Doc.​
"Oh please, as if you could turn anyone on. Better not ask as to why I am...anyways, you need to get out there to help Frank."​
Doc nodded, then crawled out of the cockpit to the hatch.​
. . .​
"Excuse me, Governor Tarkin?"​
Tarkin turned smoothly, raising his eyebrows at the beautiful young woman smiling at him.​
"And who might you be my dear. I should say I don't recognize you, but I think that if I had ever met one as lovely as you I would know you on sight."​
River laughed, then presented her ring in a formal gesture.​
"Countess Roland. Me and my husband are here on holiday from Garidos, and I can't wait to see more of your planet milord."​
The Governor laughed, then handed River a glass of champagne.​
"Ah, you flatter me. And where is this husband you speak of."​
River attempted a look of faraway discontent, thickening her voice.​
"Probably drinking himself into a stupor again. I so wish that it were not this makes me look bad. I don't even have someone to dance with at these events anymore..."​
Tarkin smiled warmly, then presented River his arm.​
"Well then dear, I'm sure we will have to remedy that immediatly."​
River laughed and took the profered arm, walking out onto the floor. Looking over Tarkin's shoulder, she gave a thumbs up symbol to Bjorn, who simply looked annoyed.​
To be continued.​
Ok, I'm done writing for now. I have to ask Living ghost if I can write part 2...oh, and a cookie to the person who can name the 2 references in the story.​


Retired Staff
I want part two! River Tam is from Firefly, and I'm not sure if it's deliberate but Governor Tarkin is from Star Wars :D

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Trust kelp to do two stories in one :D
Apart from the river tam reference, the two stories were loosely linked to firefly episodes anyway...
And kelp, you can finish the stories, just make sure you finish them, I don't want any cliffhangers!

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
The Robbery of Strom IV

"Frank, get your arse ready!"
Dora slowed the Stinger down to a crawl as they neared the eastern docking pad of Strom Tower. On the roof, Frank stood up, and with the help of Doc, released the latch that held him to the ship. He balanced precariously, crouching down to minimize his air friction.
"Only got one shot at this..."
As the ship passed under the docking pad, Frank leaped from the ship, flailing wildly. He caught a cooling tube and held on for dear life as the Stinger passed under him. Grimacing in pain and triumph, he began to slowly climb up to the surface of the docking pad until he collapsed from exertion on the rim. Doc watched Frank reach the top with grim satisfaction, then headed back into the cockpit.
"Frank is on the docking pad. Did they pick up the ship?"
"Luckily, no. The security didn't think about placing sensors on the underside of the docking pad...wonder how the helviti Bjorn got that tidbit of info."
Doc laughed, then began to assemble his gun.
"Better not ask. Come on, we need to book it back to the gala to pick up River and Bjorn...hopefully they got the old man by now or we're dead fish."

. . .

"My, governor, I never suspected you were such a spirited dancer."
River laughed as the band ended its song on a high note. The governor smiled back, then offered her his hand.
"One must know how to dance if one is to succeed in politics. It is all a great game, yes? But I digress...Countess Roland, would you be so kind as to accompany me back to my quarters? I have a suprise for you."
"Oh my, a suprise? You shouldn't have. What is it?"
"It is a suprise my dear. Telling you would defeat the purpose of it."
River laughed, then took to proffered hand. The two walked regally to the elevator, riding it up to the 11th floor. They strolled down the lavish halls, passing between the paintings hung on the walls. Arriving at Tarkin's room, he opened the door with his key and gestured inside.
"Please, do come inside. I trust my quarters will be adequate?"
"Oh yes, thank you. Please, do you have a bathroom I can use?"
"Why yes, its right over there....don't be too long my dear."
River nodded politely, then exited to the bathroom. She noticed the wine and rose petals in the bedroom on her way past and snorted.
"If I get it my way, you won't be getting into my pants old man."
Stopping inside the bathroom, she took a package out of her purse and unwrapped it. Inside, a syringe filled with a clear liquid was sitting. Every now and then the liquid would bubble ominously.
" we go."
Hiding the syringe in her hand and throwing the package away, River walked back to Tarkin. His face lit up when he saw her, and he stepped forward. River shushed him before he could speak, came close and kissed him. He accepted it full-heartedly, not even noticing when River stabbed him in the neck with the syringe. Tarkin collapsed, instantly asleep, and River put the syringe back in her purse. At that moment there came a knocking at the door, startling River. She grabbed the knife hidden in her dress and was about to throw it when Bjorn opened the door.
"Oh, sorry. Am I interrupting anything, or should I come back in 10 should be done screwing him by then."
"Bjorn! I wasn't going to have sex with the guy! Help me move him, you oaf!"
Bjorn laughed, then grabbed the upper section of the Governor and began carrying the happily sleeping man to the window.

. . .

"Doc, get to the hatch!"
Dora roared under a tree on the grounds of the Governor's mansion. In the distance, she could see the spotlights at the front advertising the gala, and smirked a little in satisfaction. For all their apparent wisdom, the Govenor's inner circle were going to get a rude suprise tonight. She guided the Stinger a meter under the third window on the west wall, which was directly under Tarkins quarters.
"What took you so long?"
Bjorn laughed as he dropped Tarkin into the arms of Doc, then he leaped onto the ship himself. Dora followed, closing the hatch behins her. The 5 of them crowded into the small space in the Stinger, gripping the sides as Dora pulled a 360 degree turn back towards Strom Tower.
"If Frank is as good a slicer as he says he is, the docking pad to the vault should be available to land without the authorities noticing. Frank shut down the cameras, so we'll have access to the vault door without trouble...then we use the old man to get in and grab the prize."
Bjorn grunted, then began to pull on a combat suit.
"I know the plans Dora. Can you fly this thing any faster, we've got a schedule we're on."
Dora chuckled, then rammed the throttle to max. The passengers were pressed into their seats as the Stinger broke the sound barrier.
"Fast enough for you chief?"


Adorable according to Michcat
Dude, that was stellar! Literally in some instances! Leaving enough to the imagination to let the reader feel special, yet still giving a gentle nudge when needed. This was a delight to read and I wait with bated breath for part two!

One tiny gripe. I am not fond of the use of cliches and that "red as blood" bit is so overused it severely lessened the impact of the description. I personally would have gone "red as heat itself" but that is just me. Other than that I found Trouble Kelp's story to be severely enjoyable. Thank you for your work and thank you for reading my review!

EDIT: Right as I posted, Troublekelp posted part two, so I'll be reading that one as well.


Adorable according to Michcat
Adding to my prior post: Keep up the good work! My advice is to find a publisher and start making money off your raw talent! I have NO idea where you live or how to get started, but you've got more than enough skill to write a bestseller or two.

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Oh come on, it's really not that good. It's too choppy, I use to many stereotypical phrases, I hop around alot. I leave important bits out and contradict my own words half a dozen times within a single post. Plus, I misspell a bunch of stuff. I just went back through and corrected about 30 mistakes.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
I have challenged kk to a mind duel, meaning I am challenging him to a write off of sorts. Yet I can't think of something as a challenge, so anyone got any ideas?

P.S. The ideas that help me win get the most praise