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Short Stories Thread

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Lord of Altera
Alright! Challenge accepted! :3

I can't say that I remember exactly how it happened.
And what I can remember is a faint mix of blurs, smeared and stained by my own uncertain hold on reality.
I remember her screaming for help.
The asphalt against my cheek was oddly warm in the moonless night, perhaps it was the smoke-like fog that hung in the air as if it were suspended by strings to some preverbal ceiling.
Laura, I called out.
I screamed into the wall of fog that surrounded me, propping myself up and staggering to my feet.
To my left, a car was left unattended to. It was a deep blue, one of those egg-shaped 'environmentally friendly' piles of excrement that you'd always hear about in the commercials.
From what I've seen in the past few days, I didn't have time to knock on the window to ask for help nicely.
With a braced elbow, shards of glass came cascading from the side of the useless machine.
As I feverishly reached for the lock, I couldn't help but peer into the thing, to preemptively examine my spoils.
A first-aid kit, bangages, epinephrine, ibuprofen. Anything you'd expect, really.
Then there was the duffel bag.
The black, ominous sack of spoils that I couldn't help but feel good about.
Then I heard my name, again.
It was her voice, screaming, nearly pleading.
I had not time for the duffel bag, Instead I charged headfirst into the fog.
She's dead, you know. I thought to myself.
No, no she can't be. Another voice argued.
I've got to hurry.
Not even twenty feet from the car, a supermarket came into fruition.
Just another mom & pop tiny concrete and glass structure in the endless abyss. It might as well have been an oasis to a man dying of thirst.
One of the front windows was already burst open, it's lower shards still wet with the sticky crimson substance we've all been taught is bad.
Just past it, Laura frantically ran through the isles of bread and fruit.
She called out my name again just as her eyes met mine.
Her pursuers didn't seem to take a liking to the screams much.
These two actually made me chuckle a bit, It was odd to find a few who were still mostly in tact, but I swear, these two were reciting their vows when the thing hit.
We were unlucky enough to have a bride who didn't want a long dress.
though her gasping and gurgling mouth, pale skin, and glazed white eyes somehow took away any humor I saw in that in nearly an instant.
The man looked like some wanna-be elvis, white frilly suit and all, though his left arm hung like a rag-doll. I'd imagine his humerus was shattered.
And just like that, my devious smile was back.
About this time, Laura had already lead limp-armed elvis back up the candy-isle.
The bride in white, her eyes were intently focused on me.
I silently chuckled to myself.
What? do you want a kiss?
She apparently took offense to that.
They lunge, they always lunge.
With a side-step, it's always easy to get them off balance.
I saw the bride fall to the ground, face first, stumbling about and struggling to even prop herself up on her arms.
Now, people can talk about stomping one of these things out nice and easy.
It's about as easy as trying to crush a coconut, Not a simple feat.
Sure, I smashed, stomped, put my foot down, whatever you want to call it.
About the time the red pool reached my second foot, and she continued gargling, I realized this wasn't going to work.
That's also about the time I felt elvis' limp arm reach around my neck.
My only reaction was to rush backwards, forcing the guy on his back.
His ragdoll arm fell to the floor beside us, I didn't miss a beat getting face to face with the thing.
Punch after punch, I saw the creature go from elvis to steve buscemi.
One final punch to the bridge of his nose, and at least the thing stopped moving.
With a final sigh of relief, I couldn't help but feel as if I'd won.
Then I remembered the bride I'd left with half a face.
I turned, to see her only feet from me.
I prepared for the worst.
My eyes closed in peaceful acceptance.
Goodbye, I thought.
I did my best.
With a clang and a thud, I opened my eyes to see the creature in the white dress motionless, with a trashcan where her head used to be.
Laura stood opposite the gruesome scene, panting and gasping for air.
After a simple embrace, we gathered as many cans as we could fit into eachother's backpacks, and made for the window.
Then I remembered, the duffel bag.
We passed by the same egg-shaped car, and I'd ripped the black bag from the passenger seat.
Both of or faces lit up in a smile from the contents.
We're going to be okay, I thought.
Though, back then, I didn't know what lingered in the fog, waiting.

Wrote this in half an hour, Probably pretty terrible >.>
Anyways, here's a cat.


Adorable according to Michcat
Time for Valcust's scores! Technical merit is there but is hampered by the use of cliches. 8/10 Effect on reader is good but as Ghost said is brought down by the confusing style. 5/10 All three terms were used but seemed to be an afterthought. 17/20 Sum total of 32/40. Minus one point for each spelling error brings it to an adjusted score of 29. All in all it was a good work that can really use some tweaks in the flow. Make it clear what setting you're in and who is doing what. This will take your writing from good to great!

On a side note I will disqualify myself from the contest to avoid bias.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Time for Valcust's scores! Technical merit is there but is hampered by the use of cliches. 8/10 Effect on reader is good but as Ghost said is brought down by the confusing style. 5/10 All three terms were used but seemed to be an afterthought. 17/20 Sum total of 32/40. Minus one point for each spelling error brings it to an adjusted score of 29. All in all it was a good work that can really use some tweaks in the flow. Make it clear what setting you're in and who is doing what. This will take your writing from good to great!

On a side note I will disqualify myself from the contest to avoid bias.
Psst, valcust, I give it 40/40 because I'm not like this 'Simon Cowell' over here
Just kidding kk, I didn't even know there was a scoring system


Adorable according to Michcat
Psst, valcust, I give it 40/40 because I'm not like this 'Simon Cowell' over here
Just kidding kk, I didn't even know there was a scoring system
Well I did put alot of thought into it and the delay was because of the depth that I went into. It runs off a deduction system, starting with a perfect score and reducing for each error. I have nearly thirty deductive traits in total and the spelling error penalty. That's just a little more insight into how it works.


Lord of Altera
Once upon a time, there was a guy called Backstay. He ate a cake, and dissapeared. And he lived until he died. Happy ending!

The end.


Adorable according to Michcat
Backstay yours is SO wrong. Let me count the ways. 1: It's barely a paragraph. 2: What happened to him between his disappearance and death? 3: It's the most boring second of text I've ever read.


Lord of Altera
Disreguarding the challenge, makin' a new story because I'm bored and may or may not be inspired at this moment >.>
I've not yet written a story about my actual RP character, so, erm, here goes nothing, I suppose..

In the end, I can't help but wonder what everything could've been like.

The squiggles and curls on the parchment before Sajek have some meaning, though his face does not show it.
Alone, in his room, he removes most of the clothing that had clung to his fur for the larger portion of the day.
With a flop, he is now staring directly into the planks above his bed. The endless linear pattern used to calm his nerves, but now it seems he's no need to calm anything.
In this empty space, he can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of Nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
With a simple twist of his neck, he can clearly see the pitter patter of raindrops spackling his window.
In this moment, he can't help but think of his life as it stands.
The love of his life, gone. Miles away, separated by a sea or two.
Even if she were in graspable distance, she'd never so much as look at him again.
Not after what he did to Jakal..
The Nakam curled himself to sit on the edge of his bed, sighing in the darkness.
His attention now turn to the door directly before him. It led to a hallway, one that had only one other door connected to it; the door that went to Her room.
The new one, the one's who's shown him nothing but kindness for the entirety of their time together.
The very name brought a light grin to his face.
Sure she's..None too bright. Perhaps he would go so far as to outrightly call her daft, but she means well in everything she does.
Sajek smiles at the notion. How he wishes he were trying to sound romantic, but somehow, even when her blade was through the neck of a cow, she still had that glint in her eye that said "I'm going to make people happy with what I'm doing."
And Sajek knew that look in a person's eye, it wasn't one of question or wonder..
Determination doesn't even describe it well.
Just that, somehow, she knew for a fact that everything she did was making someone happy.
The smile that overcame Sajek's face then swept away in an instant.
He remembers when he had that look.
That feeling of "No matter how badly this may turn out, I will still make someone happy."
The Nakam walked to his wall-sized window, and let out a sigh large enough to fog his vision.
He wishes he could get that feeling back.
Somehow, even with this Cafe idea of his, which started as a complete scam..Somehow, it doesn't feel as if it's enough.
Sajek's tea doesn't make people happy.
If anything, his cafe is a place for others to share their stories of misfortune.
A literal mecca of pity.
Perhaps he offered them a shoulder to cry on, Sajek thought.
Perhaps that's enough to feel...justified.
"Hey." A voice called out from behind him.
One so soothingly familiar, it nearly stung his ears with shame.
"Come on, you need some sleep, Sejeki.." The voice continued.
With a slight chuckle, Sajek turned back to his empty room, shifted into his bed, and pulled the covers around his shoulders.
As his eyes became heavier, Sajek swore he could've felt the familiar embrace of a love he once knew.
"You know I'll always love you, Sajek.." The voice stung his very soul, it pried onward with it's sweet allure and dug it's claws into his heart.
Sajek simply smiled, trying to laugh.
"Heh, Zalia.." Sajek's tears could not batter their way past his composure, though they still stained his pillow.
The voice shooshed him, and pulled it's embrace around him closer.
And, for a moment, Sajek felt happy. Not just smiling, or laughing, but genuinely right with the world.
All until the booming crash of thunder shook him from his near-slumber dream.
The Nakam continuously stared at the window, at the tiny droplets shimmering in any ambient light that happened to drift by.
With a sigh, the Nakam drifted off to sleep.
Alone, in a dark room with a voice he once knew.
Only to awake the next morning, hoping that his own story was not already over.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Valcust said:
Disreguarding the challenge, makin' a new story because I'm bored and may or may not be inspired at this moment >.>
I've not yet written a story about my actual RP character, so, erm, here goes nothing, I suppose..

In the end, I can't help but wonder what everything would've been like.

The squiggles and curls on the parchment before Sajek have some meaning, though his face does not show it.
Alone, in his room, he removes most of the clothing that had clung to his fur for the larger portion of the day.
With a flop, he is now staring directly into the planks above his bed. The endless linear pattern used to calm his nerves, but now it seems he's no need to calm anything.
In this empty space, he can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of Nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
With a simple twist of his neck, he can clearly see the pitter patter of raindrops spackling his window.
In this moment, he can't help but think of his life as it stands.
The love of his life, gone. Miles away, separated by a sea or two.
Even if she were in graspable distance, she'd never so much as look at him again.
Not after what he did to Jakal..
The Nakam curled himself to sit on the edge of his bed, sighing in the darkness.
His attention now turn to the door directly before him. It led to a hallway, one that had only one other door connected to it; the door that went to Her room.
The new one, the one's who's shown him nothing but kindness for the entirety of their time together.
The very name brought a light grin to his face.
Sure she's..None too bright. Perhaps he would go so far as to outrightly call her daft, but she means well in everything she does.
Sajek smiles at the notion. How he wishes he were trying to sound romantic, but somehow, even when her blade was through the neck of a cow, she still had that glint in her eye that said "I'm going to make people happy with what I'm doing."
And Sajek knew that look in a person's eye, it wasn't one of question or wonder..
Determination doesn't even describe it well.
Just that, somehow, she knew for a fact that everything she did was making someone happy.
The smile that overcame Sajek's face then swept away in an instant.
He remembers when he had that look.
That feeling of "No matter how badly this may turn out, I will still make someone happy."
The Nakam walked to his wall-sized window, and let out a sigh large enough to fog his vision.
He wishes he could get that feeling back.
Somehow, even with this Cafe idea of his, which started as a complete scam..Somehow, it doesn't feel as if it's enough.
Sajek's tea doesn't make people happy.
If anything, his cafe is a place for others to share their stories of misfortune.
A literal mecca of pity.
Perhaps he offered them a shoulder to cry on, Sajek thought.
Perhaps that's enough to feel...justified.
"Hey." A voice called out from behind him.
One so soothingly familiar, it nearly stung his ears with shame.
"Come on, you need some sleep, Sejeki.." The voice continued.
With a slight chuckle, Sajek turned back to his empty room, shifted into his bed, and pulled the covers around his shoulders.
As his eyes became heavier, Sajek swore he could've felt the familiar embrace of a love he once knew.
"You know I'll always love you, Sajek.." The voice stung his very soul, it pried onward with it's sweet allure and dug it's claws into his heart.
Sajek simply smiled, trying to laugh.
"Heh, Zalia.." Sajek's tears could not batter their way past his composure, though they still stained his pillow.
The voice shooshed him, and pulled it's embrace around him closer.
And, for a moment, Sajek felt happy. Not just smiling, or laughing, but genuinely right with the world.
All until the booming crash of thunder shook him from his near-slumber dream.
The Nakam continuously stared at the window, at the tiny droplets shimmering in any ambient light that happened to drift by.
With a sigh, the Nakam drifted off to sleep.
Alone, in a dark room with a voice he once knew.
Only to awake the next morning, hoping that his own story was not already over.
Is this a part of your backstory?


Lord of Altera
New story, because I can't connect to the new IP >.>

I never asked for this.
My own reflection seems like a stranger to me. After years of promising myself not to look in the mirror, I find myself staring at my own image. The matted fur, the scar running from above my empty eye socket to my artificial cleft lip.
But my eye, my good one, that's what I find most haunting. It hasn't changed at all.
My world's crumbling around me, half the time I have trouble telling what's real and what's part of my mind's sick game of twisting shapes and forms to torment me.
But my eye, still as vibrant green as ever.
Should I be as happy as I am, just because my eye still looks the way I remember?
"Mute, countdown in five minuets." The gruff voice calls from behind me, followed by the rusted creaking of a door so rattled with rust, you'd get tetanus just from brushing it with your elbow.
My moment with my reflection is over, and I'm pulled back into this public restroom with the putrid smell.
The room's painted an old, faded blue. The dim, buzzing light overhead doesn't help much. Beneath my feet, what's left of the tile is a grainy, pukey green.
This damp and murky reality would normally bring me down to my knees in depression.
But with a final glance at my one, beautiful eye, I honestly feel kind of pretty.
Just before I can smile, a knock from the tetanus farm rings through the bathroom again.
"Two minuets." The gruff voice nearly demands me to be ready.
In my left hand I clutched my face. My new one, the one I made all by myself.
I was proud of it, actually. Not many people could string together such a mass of LED's and self-molded plastic to make a mask like this. Strapping it around my biological face, I felt like myself again. The me everyone knew, the one that felt real.
And with a flick of the side, my new face came to life.
Of course, a classic cat face emoticon made of LED's made me seem innocent amongst anyone who didn't know me.
Walking out of the putrid stink of the restroom, a small crowd of perhaps fifty people is waiting for me outside.
They cheer, they root for me as the neon lights of the city barely cast a shadow of light on their drunken and stung-out smiles.
I've never been proud of the life I have.
I race for a living, nothing legal, either.
The pay's good, amazing, actually.
But still, I'm an outlaw. A stray cat.
It's kept me from making friends for as long as I can remember. Well, except one.
I still remember meeting him, in my fourth day in the real world.
I had no face. Just the one I never look at anymore.
For the first two days, I rented a motel room. Nothing fancy, or even very livable. But it was a place to sleep.
My third night, I ran out of money.
I still remember just walking. Trying to keep my mind off of sleep.
Just walk, I told myself. Pretend you're on your way to a restaurant, that should help.
Apparently, it didn't.
I found myself being shooken awake on a park bench.
But the man shaking me awake wasn't angry, or even the least bit upset.
He was the first person I saw who seemed to genuinely care about me.
We got to talking, well, he did, at least. I had to settle for my usual nods and such.
Eventually, He brought me to his apartment. I lived with him for a good couple years, after I found a job at some coffee shop just down the street.
Everything would've been fine, had Vex not come back.
The blaring drunken roar of the crowd hits me once more, and I'm reminded that I'm behind the wheel of my own racer.
Sitting next to me, Vex boots up his little HUD system, and plugs into the dashboard.
"Alright. We're going to win this one, Kevra, don't be scared. Just ease up on the throttle around the turns, we'll be fine." He continued his usual pre-race speech, though it never gave me much confidence.
I'd known Vex for as long as I could remember.
He taught me how to wire together machines from the discarded kitchen utensils back at the orphanage.
He sat by my side whenever I needed a good cry after a long day with Xavier. He always did push me too hard.
But, I owe my piloting skills to Xavier nonetheless, and I probably owed him something.
Oh, am I still racing?
Checking the speedometer, I'm going about one twenty.
Yep. Racing.
Truth be told, I never really paid attention when I was behind the wheel, in the cockpit, whatever the situation was. I just kind of went with the motions and came out the victor.
Beside me, Vex was calling out technical jargon. I mean, I understood it all, I just had more important things on my mind.
Like, where do cake lolipops come from? Bakeries or candy shops?
I'm still wrapping my head around that one.
I still remember the day I re-met Vex.
He was standing on the street corner, almost looking like he was expecting me.
With a smile on his face, He told me that he bought me a new car.
It was a nice one, too. Black.
He drove me around, showed me a few of his friends, and set me up a few races.
Long story short, Sam had to bail me out of jail the next morning.
It was a slow decent of loneliness and avoiding each other after that.
Well, I avoided him. Sam worked at a lawyer's office, I knew if I continued with racing, I couldn't be seen with him. Vex told me to leave him, well, not that Sam and I were together. I mean, we kissed once, I think. And he always seemed to be a bit fond of me. But I can't say I ever considered us a couple.
Though part of me wishes that I'd stayed in on my last day.
I left my phone on the kitchen table, and wrote him a note that I'd be gone to work for the day.
Three years later, and I still haven't gone back.
Vex removes his little eye piece, and looks to me with a smile stretched across his face.
"See? I told you!" He cheered me on, turning my face to the window.
Just outside I saw yet another crowd, their faces were an odd combination of wonder and awe as they looked just ahead of my racer.
Slowly, I stepped out, and looked onto what I could only assume were a few fighter jets.
To the extent of my knowledge, there wasn't an airbase nearby.
At least not an allied one.
Vex placed a hand on my shoulder before uttering a single word.
Seconds later, the echoes of explosions in the distance are coupled only by the screams of the people around me.
I never asked to be in the middle of a war.
Vex tells me I'm ready for this, tells me that Xavier trained me for this exact reason.
"It's all part of the story." He says.
Everything I do is part of the story, for him.
I hope he's right. I hope I am strong enough for this. I hope I can help people. And I hope I don't run away again.

Hate it, but it's a product of boredom, and I'm not exactly typing to appease anyone. Just nonsensical story-spitting-out-ness. Woo~!


King ForumStalker
The Captain looked over the trench wall to observe the enemy, an undead mass heading towards their location, except these ones were different. Before, the numerous zombies and skeletons wandered around rather aimlessly, causing trouble to only the weak and careless, now however, they formed ranks and used military strategem which, judging from the bodies of soldiers lying around, had been fairly successful.

As arrows splitered into the back wall of the trench, a young soldier, no older than 16, sprinted through the narrow corridor that had been the division's home for the past 3 months. Narrowly missing a fireball, he ducked down to speak with the Captain.

"They've taken the west side, and reports show that there are 3 further divisions behind this one. Groups C and F are falling back, while group R has been completely wiped out." The young man reported, breathing heavily.

The Captain observed the battle, then turned his attention to the small watch in his pocket.

"Still got 7 hours 'til sunrise, we can't hold out this long."

He sighed before the next comment, as if he really wished for anything but this.

"Tell everyone to pull back, Grief's won this one..."

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
The Captain looked over the trench wall to observe the enemy, an undead mass heading towards their location, except these ones were different. Before, the numerous zombies and skeletons wandered around rather aimlessly, causing trouble to only the weak and careless, now however, they formed ranks and used military strategem which, judging from the bodies of soldiers lying around, had been fairly successful.

As arrows splitered into the back wall of the trench, a young soldier, no older than 16, sprinted through the narrow corridor that had been the division's home for the past 3 months. Narrowly missing a fireball, he ducked down to speak with the Captain.

"They've taken the west side, and reports show that there are 3 further divisions behind this one. Groups C and F are falling back, while group R has been completely wiped out." The young man reported, breathing heavily.

The Captain observed the battle, then turned his attention to the small watch in his pocket.

"Still got 7 hours 'til sunrise, we can't hold out this long."

He sighed before the next comment, as if he really wished for anything but this.

"Tell everyone to pull back, Grief's won this one..."
Hopefully this will not come true!


Adorable according to Michcat
"How long?" asked Janice "How long have you been seeing him?"

"A couple of months." said Susan.

Janice was in total shock. The pair were old friends and now Janice's thoughts raged between anger at her husband and sorrow for Susan.

"If I had known Sean was married, I would never have even considered seeing him.." Susan said, looking down at her hands.

"It's okay. Thanks for being so honest with me." Said Janice.

With that Susan took her leave, allowing Janice to wait for her husband. At 8:30 PM Sean came home from work at his usual time. He shed his coat and put it on the rack, then proceeded down the hallway to shower. On the way there he ran into Janice leaning on the wall the way she usually greeted him when he came home. She was careful not to let on how disgusted she was with him. She was waiting for the right moment. That moment came about ten past nine.

Sean was laying on the couch nursing his sore back, half asleep, when he heard Janice calling. He immediately but slowly got up, walked into their bedroom and sat in an expensive horse pelt chair.

"What's up?" asked Sean, confident his cheating ways were still secret.

"I know what you've been doing." said Janice.

"Look, if it's about the neighbor's dog I can explain."

Janice cursed at him and said "It's not about the (expletive) dog! It's about you being a dirty, rotten cheater!"

All Sean could do is hang his head. He knew he was caught. He loved them both equally and was saddened that his first wife caught on. To him it was like being found out by the IRS. Not sorry he did it, just sorry he got caught. He began to stand. "Honey" he started to say.

"Don't give me any of that (very bad expletive)!" Janice interrupted.

The power of her voice practically knocked him back into his chair. "Look. Diane was just a one night stand. I was weak. I can not even begin to say how sorry I am."

"This marriage is over." said Janice. With that she walked out of the room, being sure to give Sean a good smack as she passed.

The End