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Short Stories Thread

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The Arbiter of the Gods
Oh, so apparently I've been told that my Stories thread is useless since there is one right here...
*runs of crying*
I'll close that one and post them here though :p


The Arbiter of the Gods
The Offer

City. Flourishing and beautiful, as if created by the Gods themselves. Walls of marble and hardest of stones, this city is yet to see a war. Loud. Extremely loud.
Four raiders, as if made of darkness. The only thing to greet them is the grass that quickly dies beneath their horses' feet. The sun hides, as if just by their very glances it tries run in sheer terror. Darkness falls upon the city, night arrives.
The Horsemen stop all at once, creating a perfectly straight line, one that even the greatest generals during best of parades would be jealous of.
Silence that isn't even stopped by the city below the riders, as if even the sound is too scared to get near them...
Suddenly, the pale green horse gently shakes its head. The rider on the Black Horse speaks, with an awkward voice, as if never used to speaking.
"The city.... It is larger... We must destroy it... Destroy the whole world... We could starve them out.... That would fill their hearts with slow pain"
The horseman to his right, one on an armoured red horse, himself wearing armour of darkness takes the voice.
"They will destroy themselves.. I predict wars, and one is coming now, faster then all could expect," the other horsemen turn their heads, all covered by some headgear, to him, "yes... A great war that these lands have never seen before..."
The owner of the White Horse shrugs slowly, as if all movements are unnatural to him.
"What if war leaves survivors? A Great Plague can follow a great war... Yes.... That would work... That would destroy them."
"Be silent," suddenly the last of horsemen, riding a pale green horse, speaks, "we cannot do that. They are like a disease themselves... There must be another way..."
"What do you suggest?" all of their heads now turn towards the horseman who holds a huge scythe, his face covered by a hood.
"Maybe our sister... Maybe She could help.."
"Sister? You mean Her? She is not even near our power..."
"She is not, but She does have determination and anger... It may seem like a living creature thing, but it may be what we need".
The others whisper for a moment.
"Then it is agreed, we shall use the Metacreature, the experiment which destroyed its own world... We shall use the Grief".
The raiders turn their horses, and go back disappearing into the distance. People fell gravely ill that night. People starved to death and killed each other for the simplest of things...

Silence broken only by the sounds of lava slowly flowing out of walls.
Silence nearly so deep that the sound of screams and chains, far away, cannot be heard...
However, certain ear can hear them. It detects every single movement. It detected that one too...
Air suddenly heats up. A normal Human would not detect it... But She does....
4 figures appear. She can clearly make them out in the darkness. A man wearing what appears to be a crown and holding a bow. A man, holding all but a weighing scale and a mask. A man, wearing a full plate armour that appears to be made of darkness... She cannot help but think that her own armour is not that dark. And the last... man. He wears robes and a hood. Despite being able to see in the dark, she cannot see his face. He is holding a scythe. She know who they are. They are the End.
"You are now are sister," speaks the masked man, "we are here to make an offer".
"So you are too weak to destroy Altera yourself?" she laughs out "Then what kind of End are you?"
"We are the End of all, including you. However, an end needs some sort of a drive wheel, if you must," the knight answers.
She laughs loudly "And you expect me to be that wheel? I have better things to do".
At the same instance, the chains she is attached to the wall rattle. She sighs, and can hear a quiet chuckle from the crowned man.
"We can leave you to it, or give you the powers you cannot imagine," the 'crown' says.
"All right! What is it you want me to do?!"
"Destroy them. We shall give you the powers."
"How am I supposed to get out?!"
"That is up to you.."
They fade. All at once, as suddenly as they appeared. Silence fills the caves once again...


The Arbiter of the Gods
The Noble Man

This is actually a story of how Polo became a Lord of Hawklights.

And so I jumped. And again. At that point I could feel the pain not only going through my legs, but also through my spine, dull, and in my chest, sharp, as if needles were being shot at me.
Jumped again. This is getting ridiculous, I thought to myself. I have seen, and have done, many things in my life. Latest one was a miner for a town of Digitus Dei. I was loyal to it. I think I always will be...
Another jump. A month ago a man approached me as I left the mine. That man was definitely some Lord. He wore white robes but walked very proudly, gold shining as sun's rays bounced off his clothing. By the Gods, I thought to myself then. I should have ran, ran as fast as I could. Nobles wanting peasants is never a good thing, I had more than enough opportunities to learn that... You should never trust them
However, I didn't run. I bowed. Now to think of it, that was the worst mistake I have ever done.
The ground finally levelled. Out of breath, I turned to look at the sharp rocks I left behind me. There was a path, apparently. But using a path was the worst thing I could have done... In this case, anyway. The sun was setting. I gathered wood and some water, lit a fire, boiled the water and threw some dried meat to cook.
I forgot that man's name again... By Korigon's fire, I forgot it. What am I doing out here anyway?
"There is a certain person I need you to rescue, Polo" he said. I wasn't even surprised that he knew my name. I was probably the most popular peasant in Altera. I do too much not to be. However, I was never the one for fighting, despite being skilful enough at it.
"Who are you, M'lord, and who is that person that needs saving?" I replied. That was foolish... Should have ran. Instead of running around whole of Altera, all it would take is about a minute... Now it's too late.
"I am Lord Axex, of the Order of the Fallen Radiant," he replied. Funny that, I remembered his name through something as random as that. "And the person I need you to rescue is my dear friend. You need no more details about him, except that he is the only prisoner of the bandits."
"Sorry M'lord. The bandits M'lord? Where?"
"Do not pretend to be a fool. I have heard some good reports off my friend in Digitus. You will go to the Sorrowlands, Far South of the Northern Kingdoms," that man was getting on my nerves. Axex... How cynical. Some Order... Orders are never a good thing. Ever. I should have ran... "Bandit camp lead by a bandit known as Strongarm. Dwarf."
And so I am here. Somewhere in the Sorrows. Sorrows are swarmed with those parasites bandits. I heard that expeditions to the East have started just because of the surplus of the things in the wild lands.

The next day I set off again, wearing my simple linen coat and a hood. The weather finally cleared a little... About time.
I needed new shoes. Hopefully the Axex man will give me enough money for some shoes... And a weapon. All I have is an unbalanced short sword, with the counterweight size of an apple. I always dreamt of a Bastard sword. Hand and a half beauties. I held one for about ten minutes before the Dwarven Blacksmith noticed me swinging it around. It was a poetry. The reward better be good.

After a further week, I have managed to find the bandits. Throughout that time I made myself a bow and some arrows. The bow was very badly made, it would be a miracle if it actually penetrated thinnest of leather armours, let alone skin.
I sat on a tree above their fire and waited until they all fell asleep. All except one. There were 23 of them, including their leader. Only some man, no older then me, stayed behind on watch. I took aim and shot.
The shot penetrated his throat, sounds of the young bandit choking on his own blood could be heard from here. From here, but not from the tents full of drunken bandits.
I came off the tree and inspected the dead bandit. That was a beautiful shot. Right through the throat into the artery on the other side. Miracle.
The bandit was around same height as me and war a thick tunic, probably stolen from some sort of armour. I put the tunic on and took his rusty broadsword, surely better then my dagger.
I went inside the first of 3 tents, killed them all. One by one... I went inside the second. The last one of them yelled.
I cursed and finished him off but it was too late, people from the last tent jumped out, as if waiting for a signal. I ran outside and got into fighting position. They were all clearly inexperienced, and ran into me one by one. Cut to the throat, spin and jab at the stomach of another opponent. One tried to get me from behind, I used both my hands to stab him in the face, as I brought the weapon for a swing from above of the next one.
I stood in the centre of 3 bodies, the one with cut going through his face unconscious, I could see his chest rise. There were 3 more people left, one of them was the Dwarf by the name of Strongarm. The two other men jumped on me from two different sides. I ducked down from a cut and cut opposer to the right in the stomach, bandit's guts falling out.
The other one tried to trick me, by first driving a jab to the face then quickly reversing into the chest. I knew he was going to do that. I looked into his eyes, and eyes can never lie.
I swung about as he tried to stab me in the chest and cut the back of his head. He fell to the ground.
The Dwarf took out his axe. A huge thing, nearly as tall as Strongarm himself. He swung it from above. I knew I could not match his strength, so I spun out of the way. He pulled his axe out of the ground and swung it again, this time to the left. I ducked and jabbed the short man in the chest.
He fell to the ground with blood coming out of his chest, mouth and nose. Smell of urine filled the air.
I came close to the cage, completely out of breath. I opened the cage and found a single man... weird looking man...
He turned, wielding a beautiful hand and handed sword. A masterpiece. He turned, screamed so loudly that I could have sworn my wears were gone... and disappeared...

I went all that way! All of it! You cannot imagine my anger. When I saw the "Lord" once again, still staying at Digitus Dei, I pinned him to the wall, and shouted out many curses.
He laughed and said "You are now part of the order. You have saved the demon I cannot live without, therefore you have saved me. You can also become part of my family, the House of Hawklight. Welcome, Hawklight Brother!"
I was amazed.. I could not say a word. Later that day, during the evening, I was knighted and became a Lord. Lord Polo Hawklight.

Those Nobles... You should never trust them... It may end up badly... or it may end up well. However, if you trust them once, you may become a chess piece.


Adorable according to Michcat
Wow, Polo. Just wow. Both of your works posted here are very good. You did well to pull me into the world you created for your characters. I felt as though I was standing there watching from the sidelines. Yet somehow your first lost a bit of punch near the middle. Upon closer examination I see that your use of adjectives and adverbs went up at that point. While grammatically sound, they don't make for very exciting reading. Stick with as many nouns and, more importantly, verbs as possible and you'll grip the reader from beginning to end.

Your second was gritty, in the mud, dirty fighting, and revealed every gory detail. While that might be great for a screenplay, it's even better for a written piece. You left just enough to the imagination to make the reader feel like a part of the action, while still giving the description required to really drive the feeling home. It took my mind for a ride and strapped me in to the climax. The slight drop in the action at the d'enouement left the story feeling like it was complete. This was stellar, absolutely stellar.

My advice is merely to get published! Keep writing and you might just have a bestseller on your hands!


The Arbiter of the Gods
Yeah, the first one got a little boring to write too. I didn't write in a while and I forgot some of what I had planned in my head for months (Both of those stories were planned out in my head to the nearest detail... Crazy o.o)
I'll gladly use some of your advice, and thank you for the feedback!

(Also, both take place in Altera! :p)


Adorable according to Michcat
Yeah, the first one got a little boring to write too. I didn't write in a while and I forgot some of what I had planned in my head for months (Both of those stories were planned out in my head to the nearest detail... Crazy o.o)
I'll gladly use some of your advice, and thank you for the feedback!

(Also, both take place in Altera! :p)
Can't wait to read it!


The original mute
Since I don't have enough time or ideas, to write my character backstory right now there is a possibility that I will write some stuff for here.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
matyio said:
Since I don't have enough time or ideas, to write my character backstory right now there is a possibility that I will write some stuff for here.
So many new people = so many new stories!!
And it doesn't have to be a masterpiece!


Retired Staff

You get the call; another one has gone missing. God, not another bloody one, you think to yourself. How do they do it? Just walk out the door? Haven’t they heard of locks? Jesus…

She was getting treatment, apparently. Needs help; she’s going through another psychotic episode. She’s taken off before, but this time she left a list, a plan. The nurses are worried; it’s a pretty detailed, and that’s not normal for her. They don’t think she’s going to come back.

You tell the boys, and jump in the van to go look for her. She’s on foot with no money, and it’s late; there’s no one on the streets anymore, so you think she’d stand out, but she’s not there. No one is; there’s nothing there but the rain. Check the nearby bridges, but no one’s there either.

You’re doing pointless circles, same streets, same emptiness. Hang on, has she got a phone? Call the nurse; she does, and they just received a text message from her.


Might as well try the number though. She’ll probably hang up, probably won’t even answ- “Hello? Hello, can you hear me? Mate, don’t hang up…”

Twenty minutes. That’s how long you’re on the phone to her for. Twenty minutes of listening to enraged, suicidal insanity and a scared little girl, all rolled into one. Twenty minutes of babbling and screaming and incomprehensible nonsense, of threats and despair and of pure hopelessness. You try everything; counselling, coaxing, bribing; everything you can think of. Finally, finally, she gives you a suburb.

It’s the next suburb over; five minutes and you’re there. She’s still on the line, but she won’t tell you where she is exactly, won’t come out. But she tells you what she can see, even if it is buried in riddles, and you piece it together, head into an empty car park behind some shops, and that’s her! There! You tell the boys you’ll go alone; you don’t want to spook her. Already you can hear her on the phone; “I have to go, they’re here, they’re coming for me!”

You jump out, waving the phone “No, it’s ok mate; it’s me, from the phone? See? It’s ok; I just want to help you…”

She pauses, head tilted to the side. You take a couple of steps toward her, and then stop. It’s the first time you’ve eyes like that, and you’ll never forget it as long as you live. Pure insanity.

There’s blood flowing down from a cut on her head. You ask her about it, and she looks confused. She touches her head, sees the blood, and smiles as she tells you she did it to herself. You see the hidden shard of glass flow from her sleeve into her hand. You take a step back…

She’s getting upset now, and you’ve got eyes for nothing but that bit of glass. Must be at least half a foot long. Check your belt. You know the boys have got your back if anything happens, but you’re not even 10 metres away from her, and she won’t put it down.

She’s telling you she doesn’t want to hurt you. So… what if she puts the glass down? Then she can’t hurt you, right? She doesn’t have to throw it away, just put it at her feet. If she wants to pick it up again, she can, and you promise you’re not going to come any closer.

You can see her thinking about it, see her mind ticking over. Eventually, the glass drops to the ground, and you start breathing properly again.

She starts talking to you then, tells you what she’s going through, and what happened to her to make her this way, and you don’t know if it’s real or the psychosis talking, but you’re not going to sleep properly for a week, because this is far, far worse than any horror story you’ve ever heard.

She doesn’t want to go back to the hospital. She’s decided she wants to go home to her parents, which sounds nice but it isn’t. Not if they really did what she’s saying they did. You explain to her that she has to go back, to get help, but she’s having none of it and it’s not her talking when she asks; how is she going to kill everyone if she goes back to hospital?

She’s not listening to you anymore, and she’s walking off, and you didn’t want it to come to this, thought you could talk her around but now you’ve got no choice. The boys are out of the van and you’re grabbing her and she’s fighting you and screaming and howling and no, no there’s nothing in her pockets, no more glass for her to hurt herself with, and you get her to the van and haul her in and shut the door.

It’s a 10 minute drive to the hospital, and you can see her in the back, curled up in a little ball, sobbing the whole way there. The boys tell you that you did a good job, and it breaks your bloody heart.


The Arbiter of the Gods
If They're with us, who's with them?

We were standing on a hill, with great height advantage. Advantage that could not be used properly. Our main foot spearhead was the Dwarven Army. Humans got the cavalry. I was sitting on my warhorse, a beautiful breed, that, despite being heavy, could carry a fully armoured man along with all the equipment that man may have needed for weeks. The lance was getting heavy too, and I could hardly move myself in my armour. The full armour was so heavy and complicated it took 3 people to put it on. I, being trained well enough, could walk, and even run in it, for some time, but I cannot imagine fighting without a horse. My great helm was heated up greatly inside. I could feel even my eyelids sweat. I pulled the helmet off and wiped my face with a cloth.
At that same moment, the general ran in front of us. Most of us thought we don't need a general. We were all of noble birth, and could take the battle on ourselves, without the Dwarves... That's what most of us thought. I didn't.
3,000 Dwarves and 750 Horses, seemingly greatest army of Northern Kingdoms. However, we lacked good ranged support. We only had 400 Mercenary archers and crossbowmen, far insufficient, especially looking at the enemy we faced.
"Those Elves and traitors to Human Race shall never see the sun rise once again!" the general shouted. He was a young and ambitious man. Too young and too ambitious. "We will send those sons of Kilrox to Nether, where they belong! The Gods are with us!!"
We remained silent. Unlike the Dwarves and mercs, we were disciplined, we knew that silence is far more terrifying than screaming.
First arrows fired into the air. We were the most powerful house, in front of us were the second, third and fourth most powerful. Interesting. Elven arrows whizzed into the Dwarves, who would lead the attack on the right flank, as we would spread into the left. The left flank was a forest of pikes. They knew perfectly well about our plans.
Low pitched shouts and screams of Dwarves echoed across the plains in front of us. Our own archers took positions and fired. Almost no arrow reached far enough, and of those that did, hardly any managed to do any damage.
We were certain that the enemy had no cavalry themselves, due to the fact that we never seen any horses and our intelligence never said anything about them. We were therefore confident that Dwarves, who generally were useless at riding and were incapable of fighting horsemen, would do just fine against Elven Archers and some warriors with pikes and longswords.
Suddenly the drummers started hitting the drums once again. No other warning had to be given to the bloodthirsty Dwarves, who instantly started running down the hill, tripping up and screaming.
"Gentlemen! Let the sport begin!" the general shouted and laughed, putting his helmet back on. We started riding down the hill slowly. 750 Horsemen, all in beautiful armour, passed on from generations.
At about 300 Metres from the main enemy line we sped up. All at once, with one single order. Another order was then given; "Charge!"
All at once, we widened our lines, lowered our lances and charged in. The line was of two horses thick, and stretched for a huge distance.
We saw the archers slowly backing up and pikemen taking their place. Most pikes were cheap enough to be unable to penetrate our Plate armours. However, pikemen aimed at the horses, which were not as well armoured as we were.
Screams of people and sounds of dying horses replaced the sounds of dying Dwarves further away. Just in the fist charge, we must have lost about 200 men. However, the rest got through, including me.
I had to drop my lance as it was unable to stab further, 4 people already stuck to it. I dropped it and pulled out my Morgernstern, a beautiful mace that I swung about, dodging or blocking countless hits with my shield. Each knight stood like a mountain on the field of green, brown and grey. Like a mountain they held fast.
Counter-attack lead by a man with brown hair and beard, and a beautiful plate armour, stopped our momentum for a long while. We were unable to push further, as his glowing sword cut our men one by one. We needed infantry support. At this point remaining 200 Dwarves came in to help. That got us some speed in pushing, but not for long.
More horses could have been heard outside of battle, to the right. Further away then the Dwarves. It was a trap! Having a height advantage, with a quick glance my heart sunk. The forest started moving, as if it was already spring. At least 400 Horsemen jumped out of the forest, chasing each other to the doomed Dwarves, who were caught by surprise. Another 50 rode the other way, to the hill where our King's men were residing. The King himself was somewhere amongst the fighters, but his banner was nowhere to be seen.
We retreated. We had to. The Dwarves were obliterated, at least 2000 dead. Our Horses lost at least 400. That was a great blow to Nobility of Altera. My armour was dented everywhere, to the point I was uncertain whether it would open. I had to pull my Great Helmet off, because I could no longer see through it.
Suddenly, the 50 horses that everyone thought were going to get the King's Men turned sharply, and went full force into our retreating knights. They killed my best friend, Lord Maxons, by the banner of a mystical sword of Dawnbringer. Lance went through the hole in his helmet.
Chaos, chaos everywhere. I no longer knew who I was killing. I no longer knew whether the king was alive. I even forgot my name. All I could feel is my morgernstern flying out of my hand, and me automatically pulling out my sword. I could feel my sword hitting the enemy, but nothing aside from that. I didn't think about swinging, it was all automatic... And it wasn't enough.
I was caught and tortured. I heard the King made it out alive, along with 43 knights and around 400 Dwarves. I told them everything. No man can withstand tortures. That day, the Gods were not on our side, if they exist at all. I no longer believe they were ever with us, though our house was the greatest one...

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Readij said:
Thankyou. I haven't written in years, and wasn't sure if I should; wasn't sure if I could write anything decent... so thanks ;)
Well then that's great to hear!

Should I do another one, because the last one I did was to 'get the ball rolling' for other people to do stories, and now there are so many brilliant writers that I don't think the ball will ever stop now