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Red and Gold

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Lord of Altera
As you walk through town you see a group of people standing near the town wall, they seem rather panicked and you decide to have a look. In the group you ask what's going on:
"Hey, you, what's all this fuss about?"
The man answers, slightly panicked:
"These pampflets were found all over Altera, I heard they had one in Stormhold aswell."
A woman interrupts:
"There was also one in Protaras, and another one was found in Cutthroat..."
"Don't forget about the one in Timbervale, and I heard they nailed one to Pevensey's gate aswell..."
"Nether, they even nailed one to the doors of the Golden Crusade Headquarters I've heard!"
As the mass of people starts to shout more names of towns, some important, some less important, you make your way to the pamphlet itself.

The pamphlet is a piece of paper with some text written on it in some sort of red ink, it however still seems wet. You decide to stroke your finger past it and taste what the substance is. As quickly as your finger entered your mouth the substance exited it. You spit on the ground, tempted, for one moment, to mention that this isn't ink, this is blood, but you decide against it, for it'd only cause more chaos around you. The pamphlet says the following:

"A call to arms!
Yes, that is what we call for, not against any nation, nor against any race, but against an order of religious freaks! As you may have noticed, the abomination called Golden Crusade has been terrorising the lands, and yet it still grows.
Too long already, we say, has their presence defiled this world!
That is why we, The magnificent Cult of The Bloody Lord Kilrox, bring to you, this call of arms. Let it be known that the cult has decided that a purging is needed, Kilrox demands their blood! Kilrox demands their heads, their intestines, their skin and their hearts, and he demands them to be seperated from eachother!
We call on you, silent worshippers of Kilrox, join us in this battle!
We call on you, Demons, Greylings and Earthspawn, for you are sure to be next, join us in this battle!
We call on you, worshippers of Jishrim and Skraag, for you are as much a threat to them as we are, join us in this battle!
We call on you, any evil entity, join us in this battle against the Golden Plague!
And you, citizens of Altera, let it be known that joining this abomination that call themselves a crusade is an offence against Kilrox and it will be punished only by death!
Which side will you choose, red or gold...
~The Cult of Kilrox~"
Just as you finished reading, a town guard walks up and rips off the pamphlet. Horrified the mob starts screaming as they see the hole that was hidden behind the pamphlet. A seperated head stares at you from a hastily removed part of the wall, in his forehead carved "GB" and above that a bloodstained, yet clearly visible golden helmet.​


Lord of Altera
*A few hours later, the grand master of The Golden Crusade orders a major gathering in front of the headquarters*
As the crowd starts to thicken, A mighty warrior dressed in a golden armor, followed by an handful group of advisers, walks out of the balcony's shadow, an holy book in hand.

''Citizens of the free world, elves, dwarves, humans! All listen my call, for this Evil must not remain! I call upon house August, house Hawklight, and all the true defenders of Justice! Stand strong, Golden Crusaders! For our morale never fades! If the Crusade cannot fulfill its righteous goal, then who will defend YOU, free people? We must have victory, not only the Crusade, but all the fighters of Good! Call upon Harateth's hand, for he helps those that believe in him! All evil must be stopped!''

*As commander Magnus continues to talk, the doors opened on darkness. Shortly after, two Crusaders got out the castle with a man, or at least something that once looked like a man. The wretch could barely remain on his legs. His body was greatly burnt and his mount was covered by a filthy rag.*

''We had to torture this corrupted cultist. The Crusade must fight violence by violence! Unfortunately, he didn't know much about his masters. Let this be a warning to the enemies of the Golden Crusade.''

*A priest came, and gave a holy prayer to the man. Then, the two crusaders tied him tight to a huge bonfire nearby*

''Fire will purge the evil from him, and hopefully he will rejoin Harateth in the next world. Burn the Heretic!''

*Magnus turns and walks away, deep sorrow could be seen on his face.*


Lord of Altera
Good Alteran gods that's a violent little piece of advertisement!
(Nice job though)
Not quite sure which side I should join... I'm kind of allergic to gold now, and my evil side beckons..


Lord of Altera

The jester cackles with delight as it reads the notice, its daggers and bells clanking with excitement as it starts to murmur to itself.
"Jishrim friends with these..."
It grins darkly as it moves the hat on its head before walking towards the abandoned head. Smiling as it pulls out a piece of paper and then a quill, dipping the quill in the blood as it starts to scribble onto the paper.
"10,9,19,8,18,9,13 8,5,12,16 25,17,21 , 19,5,14,4 1 18,1,22,5,14 20,15 13,5 1,20 20,8,5 20,5,14,2o 3,26,13,16
A1 "
The jester cackles as it pulls the jaws of the head open and slides the note onto the tongue. It smiles as it flicks two daggers out and starts to juggle them, walking towards the tent camp to entertain some people.


Eric V

Legend of Altera
High within the towers of Pevensey Lord Takeshi sits, the paper in hand. Upon reading it over he shoos the messenger out of the room, with a final order to gather the royal families.

As he proceeds down the steps to his throne he comes across his guard captain, pulling him aside he whispers in his ear.

"Fire up the kilns, temper the swords, and test the strings of the bows, and for Skeira's sake tell that bloody fletcher to get off his ass and make me some more arrows."

With a nod his captain briskly walks off almost tripping as he looks back wondering what could have happened.

As Lord Takeshi arrives to his throne his minor distraction has lead the time for the noble families to be gathered before him, taking a seat, the diamonds glittering behind him his voices echoes within the halls.

"Soon blood will boil within the hearts of men. Swords will touch swords, Armor will crash against tempered point. The red and the gold are only destined to turn to us as their armies fail, their men drop dead, and they lose all hope. The are equal, in strength, in arms, and in support. Indeed they are even matched morally, for while the red lacks justice they have earned a sadistic nature, which decides their own justice, and while the gold is so pure it fails to see anything but itself, it has a just cause and that can lead many men into battle."

Standing up his green cape coming in a flourish around him

"The contracts will come, and we will decide the tide of war."

He then exits the room, lending no ear for debate, but hearing none has he exits, returning to his tower he can see the blacksmith and the fletchers, the armorer and the weapons master, outfitting, training, and furthering their stocks of war. Walking to a ravens cage, he ties a simple message to its legs, he then repeats the process two more times. To one he sends east, to his allies within House Arduin, the other he sends west to the heir of his kingdom, Oguk Pakgu. Both receive a single word "Amass". The third raven he releases east, pulling out his bow after, he waits until it sails over the barracks, he lets his arrow fly and the bird drops to the ground, a messenger picks it up and seeing who it is for quickly carries it away. The message promptly arrives in the hands of Huivn, second in command of all field forces, contained within the message are two simple phrases.

"Work them harder"

"The blade cares not for the cause"


The Arbiter of the Gods
While I personally don't really like the Gold Crusade (Sorry, nothing personal, I don't even know why I don't like you :/) I will not turn my sword against those with just opinions!


King ForumStalker
As the waters of Okeanos flow and gush over the lush lands, lapping around the cracked brick and broken stone, Itzza Oceana gazes upon the small, slightly waterlogged pamphlet that has somehow ended up in the river.

He reads and re-reads, shakes his head and swims upstream towards the Throne Room.


Lord of Altera
*After hearing the speech from the commander, Marcus heads towards the barracks of the Golden Crusade fort. He finds fellow members sharping then swords, fletching arrows and talking of the news. Marcus heads to his chest and pulls out his steel blade. Sharp and fine he held it at his waist and headed to the altar of Harateth. He kneeled down and laid he steel below the altar.* "Truth will prevail... Harateth, I come to you for your wisdom once again. You guided me on path to this order, I need your guidence on this new matter. Give me the sword that wields my strength. Give me the book that holds my wisdom, give hope to all. Truth will prevail..." *Marcus picks himself up and reaches for the hilt of his blade. He hears a door open behind him he turns to see...* (This can be anyone from the golden crusade)


Lord of Altera
*walks in wearing golden armor and wielding a diamond sword. magical enchantments light the blade*
"Well, well, well, it's about time we get to show those heretics what we're made of! Hail Harateth! Hail the Golden Crusade!"


Legend of Altera
*Walks in behind him wearing a cloth of gold overcoat, studded with emeralds, over a diamond encrusted set of armor, his helmet in his left hand, just above his diamond edged magic sword, sheathed in a ceremonial leather sheath with golden and emerald designs all along it. A pretty little bard girl follows in his wake, singing of the honorable deeds of the crusade, and how Andros' divinely inspired might will surely crush any foes which the crusade comes across. He seems to enjoy the song, but to everyone else it sounds a bit too aggrandizing.*
"Do you hear it? The drums of war are beating all around us! I was wondering which little conflict would come first, and I'm glad it is this one. I'd like to be a veteran for all the glorious struggles to come, and I'm sure you would too, so fight well and don't die!"
*He looks around the room, nodding approvingly at the warriors preparing for combat. The bard's song ends, and she stands looking pleased with herself.*
"Good work, Natasha. Feel free to stay here and join us in the mead-hall later."


Lord of Altera
*Marcus looks at the crusaders who walked in. He smiles and says* "I'll head to the commander, and see what our orders will be. I'll report back, once I've found out." *Marus, walked out of the altar room, and headed towards the commanders chambers*


Lord of Altera
*Hears of the commotion and starts to move his fleet upstream to reach the base.*
Ar mateys! Attack any scallywag's ya see!
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