Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Quotes Said By Your Chars That Stuck With You


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
too many memorable characters

Lets go from order of activity, this time:

Sylvisi: "Oh, at least it can't get any worse!" (Said at least four times)
Schels: "m' ain't no wise man, not too smart nor. Bu' I'll try, I'll try ... fa' you."
Elsendir: "Ma'am, Excellence is not an act. It is a habit."
Leminth: "... For I serve the people, the people of Altera."
Revremie: "See, look, see! They left, but when is play - pretend they didn't... not alone no more..." (goddamn RP friends shenaniganering off)
Remil: "Its like watching a kicked puppy. She practically IS a kicked puppy."
Eminu: "Does not waits until iron hot is. Make hot by striking!"
Lathan: "go away"
Tzemik: "... I .. I c.. will h.. help as m.. many p.. people I c.. can. A.. A... Always- And n.. nothing w.. will stop th.. that."


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
"They surpassed us. They discovered secrets of the universe which we, in our infinite arrogance, had long since stopped looking for. And now we are the forgotten."

Legion: You don't know what its like living without even a single instant alone.
Detloc: Are you afraid he'll change you?
Legion: I'm more afraid I'll change him.

Lord Draiden: "And if you don't like it... well... just try and take it from me."

[Name Redacted] "Why, this is your subconscious, Legion. *Gestures at the room* Notice how all the bookshelves are empty?"

Legion: "Until the end of my days, I shall bear the Gray Mantle, its power, its responsibility, and its weight."
King Lars: "... what made you chose to say the oath that way?"
Legion: "It seemed appropriate."
King Ducati: "He does not know what hes done..."
King Steel: "You've just doomed yourself to a very, very long life."
Legion: "All the better. Against Grief? I'll need every second."


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
"There is no black... nor white... Simply grey."
"You are... irrelevant."
-Torturous Quotes of Grey-
"Who are you?"
"Life is cruel... and I shall free you from it."
And a favorite of mine, making Legion think Einthe was dead.
"She is... gone." *lightning blast-- poof*


Lord of Altera
"To take ones money is to take ones life, but the opposite will never be the same"

"I've seen men gut themselves, slash themselves and burn themselves to death, all in the name of honour"

"By trusting no one and accepting nothing you will never live to see the end, by trusting some and accepting more, you can live to see the end"


The rosiest of forests.
"Oh, yes- Just look at my fabulous behind."
( Times with Roxy... long story.)
"I'll gut you with a carrot!"
"Forever isn't always that long a time, for some.."
"Am I still the sweetest thing?"
"Don't leave me.."

-Cali S-H-E

"I do not like eye contact... You can read them like books."
"This way to the library-"
"I'm sorry if I disappointed you, Father.."

-Amire Lindholm of Dormus.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Doctor Josef Mandovi:
"Everyone will outlive the qualities that justify their existence."
"True intelligence is the true lack of emotion. A head must be organized to think, and not cluttered with the chaos that is the empathy we are capable of."
"The evil in life justifies the need for the good."
"Simplicity and complexity are equals when it comes to practicality. Like good and evil we all need them both, the trick is finding a balance that is practical."
"No one is entitled to life. It is a privilege to defend, not a right to rely upon."
I get a real "Josef Goebbels" vibe from your character...



Lord of Altera
"Appearance is just.. a mere illusion."
"Don't trust your own very eyes, they are easily tricked."
"Just how I like purple, red will look good on you."
"The person who's got your back is best positioned to stab you."


Legend of Altera
"A drunk Nakat, skeletons and a man with no arms... Anyone -else- got some irons to throw into the fire?"
"Every man, woman and child is important. You deserve to die as much as the next man but I wont give you the satisfaction"


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Lathan: "go away"
Quote, rinse, repeat.

"Harateth smiles upon me, Moor-elf! Could you say the same?" moments before being beheaded by @MaelstromPuddle

"Patience is a virtue"
*meditates* "Old man." whenever Dav'id Engem walked past him

"You are too kind, and that will get you killed"


Lord of Altera
"Chaos... is the only true answer"
"If I die i'll mourn myself~"
"... I loved you.. mother... and you cast me aside"
"Long after you die... I will look over your graves, you foul humans and I will salt them, nothing will become of your foul corpses and your death-land will remain barren... I will spit on your grave, Skye"


Yū Yi
"Who are you to decide what others are?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't care what you say or do to me, but if you dare speak bad or do anything bad to my friends or my daughter I will make your life a living hell!"

"This is not justice... How can it be justice if it feels so wrong?"

And just for all of you guys
