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Herald Master Alchemist [I Brewed Everything]

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
All potions made

Lana brews all the potions

Last updated: 17th January 2024

It is done!
Every potion has been made!

Happy new year, welcome to 2310!
edit: boy that didn't age well, I guess
I started this in early January 2023!

This year, Lana desires to master the magical science of alchemy.
She will do this by brewing, hopefully, every known salve, elixir, powder and bomb.

They will be made in order of difficulty, as listed on the
alchemy lore page.


Bruise Salve
Cold Remedium
Crimsonwort Essence
Fever Remedium
Forever-Bloom Balm
Glaeswyrt Poison
Hangover Remedium
Infection Prevention Salve
Aging Cream
Draught of Dreaming
Fumbling Fizz
Healing Salve I
Mercurialis Poison
Nostrum of Infertility
Oneiric Tincture
Purging Heat
Aconitine Poison
Air of Acrimony
Alchemist's Acid I
Belladonna Poison
Elixir of Agility

Healing Salve II
Hydrophobic Oil
Poison Remedium
Regeneration Salve I
Scotopic Elixir
Phantom Touch
Poppy Milk Tonic

Alchemist's Acid II
Banishing Powder
Broken Bone Salve
Cicuta Poison
Elixir of Strength
Encasement Powder
Greyling Poison
Invisibility Oil
Neverlie Ink
Regeneration Salve II
Scent of Undeath
Water Breath
Alchemist's Acid III
Alchemical Fire
Healing Salve III
Magical Nullification Gas
Vengeful Essence
Sterling Blossom

New Custom Potions:
Elixir of Echoes
Abyssal Anathema
Fiendish Whisper
Starlit Ink
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I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

(( It was on the list, for completionist sakes. I will only post this once, but I will need to craft this at least once for every item. ))

Blessday, 2nd of Snowdown, 2310

The most vital component of all alchemy. More potent and powerful than the Netherwart precursor, the wort possesses abilities untapped unless combined masterfully with other essences. The state of half liquid, half gas-- essence-- a difficult and time-consuming process to reach ultimantium. Nobody seems to question the potential heresy or side-effects of ingesting literal evolved flora from the Nether. Some even claim the Gods allowed Crimsonwort to come to be, despite its surgency around the same time as other magical flora and geology during Goddess Magic's accension. That says much of common mortal tolerance when it benefits them, to which alchemy absolutely has its benefits... and it all starts with Crimsonwort.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Wake, you've got an infinite source of energy and inspiration inside of you. You always have big projects that you see through to completion. Never lose that!

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

Townsday, 3rd of Snowdown, 2310,

Black Bryony is a common vine found in temperature regions, especially around my own doorstep. Unfortunately for my son who is allured by the red berries we have lovingly attempted to teach him to avoid, they are a minor toxin, creating minor symptoms that bother the subject. Its hidden effect in alchemy is not hidden within the berries, but the vine's own root- as in near all things, the source of the problem is always more potent. When this root is condensed down to a fine powder and turned into essence, the combined crimsonwort allows the creation of Bitterbile: a very effective medical poison that empties the contents of the patients digestive tract. Ironically, being an ideal solution to eating the red berries Aster so upsettingly ate, despite what we taught him. Hopefully his black lips and sudden consumption of near the entire kitchen will teach him the error of his ways.

RagingLunacy Astalgon

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

Bruise Salve
Thronesday, 4th of Snowdown, 2310,

By the time that Crimsonwort came to be, I had already been taught much from Asero Crow about the manipulation of Netherwart and the potions thereforth. It was a grueling and difficult process, yet the benefit of which was the fact I have never found the Bruise Salve to be worthy of making before. To me, it had been a waste of the rare and expensive Crimsonwort Essence, as I could always make something more intermediate and effective, the Healing Salves. This was the first time I ever have made one, crushing the calendula daisy into fine paste and mixing it. It was oddly relaxing, although I fear for a novice alchemist prospecting, the process would have been far less relaxing. Thanks, Asero.

Manakamana - Thank you for selling me the Essence to make this one

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

Cold Remedium
Sunderday, 5th of Snowdown, 2310,

Simple and yet highly effective as a potion. Nobody is immune from the common cold. It is rampant and ever changing as an illness. Throughout regions, it alters itself to never fade nor die. Whilst ginger is easy to work with and this potion is remarkably rudimentary to create, the common town alchemist will never cease creating Cold Remedium. It is remarkable to me how the most simplest of things often are the solutions.

LuxTop - Thank you for selling ne the Essence to make this one.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

Fever Remedium
Waterday, 6th of Snowdown, 2310,

Chamomile tea is my favourite drink. Doctor Cyrus Lavender, one of my oldest friends from a few years ago (which is some lifetimes ago for many) used to give all his patients the drink, stating it would calm nerves. Of course, he used to drink it amongst friends too, often making it for me whilst I was a student in Frostwarts around that big table I brought to Evenfall. Daeron Eldrin-Hawklight also did a lecture briefly on it, stating that it lightens blonde hair, thus why my hair is now a different colour since I started drinking it.
That is why making chamomile essence brings me sorrow. Such a waste of a good drink.

Not much to say about Fever Remedium. It does everything it says in the title, with expected side-effects of tiredness that otherwise would come with the fever's symptoms. In theory, such a basic and wonderful potion would even lessen the effects of Ashen Blight or Skraag's Touch without curing it due to their arcane nature. Thankfully, it also tastes nice; somehow the chamomile essence when mixed with Crimsonwort essence makes... vanilla.


I forgot who I bought this essence from a few days ago. Sorry. But thank you kind stranger, sorry I forgot your username!

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

Forever-Bloom Balm
Fireday, 7th of Snowdown, 2310,

Very familiar with this one. Effectively killing flora by applying alchemical stasis; eternity in a singular pose or health, akin to taxidermy though less extreme. To keep a rose within my hair, this has been the norm until replaced by a Corrupted beauty that, by itself, eternally wilts. Both Withered Rose and Crimsonwort share Netherish origins, which should be concerning... yet it is not.

LuxTop - Thank you for selling me the Crimsonwort Essence

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

Glaeswyrt Poison
Godsend, 8th of Snowdown, 2310,

Glaeswyrt. Near all poisons alchemy can produce is somehow easily identible, with this being no exception. Clear crystal-like pieces that do not disolve in water. They could not pass off as ice, it would be fortunate if anyone was tricked into eating one who is not a child. When consumed, copying the method of the raw Glaeswyrt flower, it causes paralysis for up to five minutes- whereas the raw component only does so for a minute, boosted if boiled in a tea.
I discovered this property the hard way back when all these flora were 'new,' back living in the Palace of Linistel. It was unfortunate to be found completely numb and in stasis for a brief moment, though there was no other method of testing what the plant's properties were unless feeding it to my pets, which was out of the question.

LuxTop - thank you again for another Crimsonwort Essence.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
(( 9th was spent making Crimsonwort Essence ))

Hangover Remedium
Townsday, 10th of Snowdown, 2310,

Strangely, Atfax Essence and by extension the Hangover Remedium has no bearing on the Atfax grass itself. I find this extremely odd how a thick foilage used for hunters coats and cloaks which masks scents somehow turns into a strong pink powder that produces an appealing pink liquid that smells of flowers. Even the grass itself does not smell anything akin to a flower. Even more strange is the fact the Remedium works via skin absorption as well as consumption.

Of all the untold mysteries of the Realm, the colour pink from Atfax grass is certainly one of them.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
(( 11th was spent making Crimsonwort ))

Infection Prevention Salve,
Sunderday, 12th of Snowdown, 2310,

This is another example of a salve I would never normally waste Crimsonwort Essence on. In theory, the disinfectant salve destroys any chance of infection and illness contaminating a wound. However, this can be achieved the same via simply using the base ingridient raw; the Prickly Ash Root steeped in alcohol. This can be done with a larger amount without wasting the rare and expensive Crimsonwort. Furthermore, Formists such as myself learn a spell very early on in our magehoods that allow the same effect using little more than our essentia. To put further damper on this poor item, it must be applied to a bandage. This is upsetting because the Healing Salves also must be, to which mixing salves on a singular bandage is not recommended. It might be helpful for burns that never heal, but again, Formistry and Blessed exist.

In short: I do not plan on making another one of these in my life, at least not whilst I have the disinfection liquid.


I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
(( We are now on Apprentice cooldowns! ))

Aging Cream
Waterday, 13th of Snowdown, 2310,

Great Burnet is a wonderful flower. It staunches bleeding like nothing else. A surprise to me that its alchemical property then has nothing to do with that fact. Instead, its Essence and otherworldly combination seems to allow for a playful cream that allows one to give the visage of being aged and elderly-- at least for an hour. Whomever discovered this (I bet it was Asero) must have been very surprised and a tad horrified.

Thank you Jase for the Crimsonwort!

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

Draught of Dreaming
Godsend, 15th of Snowdown, 2310,

If there ever was an alchemical experience I would describe as pleasant, it would be the Draught of Dreaming. I dislike this name. It is a dull noun for something I can only describe as a fantastical experience- allowing oneself to actively dream with certainty throughout a whole sleep the potion also aids. Not only this, but it provides a sleep so light, it can hardly be used for anything nerfarious. I have slept under the influence of this potion a few times in my life, to which were akin to minature holidays. One can only dream through what they have seen... and I have seen a lot in my life.

Thanks Jase for the Crimsonwort!

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

Fumbling Fizz
Townsday, 17th of Snowdown, 2310,

Fumbling Fizz is, if anything, an appealing looking potion one puts on their shelf. It never stops bubbling and smells (like most potions) much better than it tastes. Unfortunately, it is akin to a poison, making one simply dizzy for up to five minutes where someone cannot really work like a normal person, tripping over themselves or unable to hold things properly. Should this have been a bomb and not ingestion, it would be helpful in a combat sense, but its not. The temporary effect would be brilliant if you can convince a foe to drink the obvious bubbling alchemical yellow.

Ironically, the base ingredient in this regard can be turned into poisonous milk which is far more fatal as a poison than the alchemical output.

I'll stop tagging you. Thanks Jase for the Crimsonwort! I've been buying up yours and LuxTop 's Essences off AH and marketplace. Its been bankrupting me a little bit, but thats alchemy for you.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
(( last 3 days I was crafting an anchor arcana and a reward statue, sorry ))

Healing Salve I,
Godsend, 22nd of Snowdown, 2310,

I remember discovering Bloodvine for the first time in New Riseport. At the time, it was alarming to find blood-like sap that even Vyre could live on, as usually such flora have dubious origins with Qlippoth, Nid Arach, Skraag, you name it. Thankfully in the last few years, its become common practice to use such an amazing sap. We have a tree here in Evenfall that specifically grows Bloodvine on it within the greenhouse, as otherwise we would have to constantly import them from tropical regions, which would be a pain.

The first healing salve out of three is the base of greater healing salves, yet still helpful within itself for minor wounds when no Valtae or Formist is around. It achieves the same effects as the greater salves on a smaller scale. There is little to write about it here; its simplistically helpful.

(( Thank you Jase and Luxtop for constantly selling Essence on AH and Market. I have enough now for the next month, I reckon! ))

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

Mercurialis Poison,
Townsday, 24th of Snowdown, 2310,

Who could you possibly poison unwittingly with this? It smells so horrific, the entire alchemy lab had to be purified. It even looks like a poison.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

Nostrum of Infertility,
Sunderday, 26th of Snowdown, 2310,

If I had to guess as to why Livewood's Essence has this abnormal effect upon the female body to allow fertility in barren wombs, I would state it the resiliance of the plant itself. Livewood seemingly grows in the worst conditions where other flora would never bloom. Within the deconstruction process, the mixture must contain potent life-allowing properties that, when mixed with Nether's boon, allows life certainty within biology.

I will have to test this theory later with Livewood on various flora and fungus, even outside of alchemy with my Formistry.
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I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

Oneiric Tincture,
Fireday, 28th of Snowdown, 2310,

Passionflower is one of my favourite, medically speaking. Digested alone as a raw flower, it knocks someone out. Saved Thryss's life doing this, as well as a number of patients before surgery. Combined with the Nether's essence and a bit of alcohol, it makes the opposite of the Draught of Dreaming. Nothing shall easily awaken those under this tincture. Not without metal drums, loud children or the daily horrific sounds of Storms Landing.

(( I fear I will be crafting a few Anchors in the next few days, so there may not be another potion posted for a week ))

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

Purging Heat.
Waterday, 3rd of Floodlock, 2310,

Mysantheum given by chance by Ruckus, the most unlikely soul whom I admire for his incredible life. A Nether flora, not found in Altera naturally unless invasive. From the red heated roots comes the alchemical property of internal boiling, to which is the mundane method of treating fevers, artificially allowing the effects of an uncomfortable sauna through a simple bottle of citrus-smelling liquid.

Honestly, if demon tribes were not so hostile, they could easily build a commercial empire from commerce like Tambry once did.

(( ZeroOrgan - Thank you for the Mysantheum :heart: ))

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff

Godsend, 5th of Floodlock, 2310,

A mushroom shaped like a rose. You would think I would love that.

Reverie pops up now and again as people try to sell it thinking it is illegal, yet there are very few locales that have laws against this addictive drug used to relive memories, albeit faulted to mortal imperfections. It may be helpful if the mind was focused on particular tasks, yet I doubt many are that keen of mind. Not to mention excessive use leads to memory loss. Since Ashen Bloom, raw, conjures hallucinations, I believe this is just a bad thing to brew in general.