Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Cool cartoony minecraft guy


Lord of Altera
That Looks epic! Ooo...Imagine that with Photoshop...But seriously man, these are brilliant... If you have time at the end of everyone could you do another of Seth when he's in a rage with him jumping in the air and his Battleaxe in hand? That is, if you have time of course. But seriously, all of them I've seen so far have been brilliant man :D


Lord of Altera
Floop, you could be selling these for some serious rads...
I shouldn't have given you that idea...


Lord of Altera
Floop, you could be selling these for some serious rads...
I shouldn't have given you that idea...
I could.... but i dont really use radiants, ever :I and besides its really fun to make these, i enjoy myself while making them :D so no need!


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
There some way to get the avatar to put the picture as my avatar?... I either can't figure it out, or it's impossible...


blargtheawesome said:
There some way to get the avatar to put the picture as my avatar?... I either can't figure it out, or it's impossible...
Right click, save image/save as image. Save it to desktop or something, upload it the same as you did with the current one.

Not sure about mac