Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Cool cartoony minecraft guy


Did you right click the little picture or open it up to full size then save it? What file type is the picture?


Roleplay keeper
*fangirly scream* Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih!!!!
Oh my gaawk, mesa so cute, but am I whistleing or humming? :D And thank you!! Thankyouthankyou so much :)


Lord of Altera
Ari, standing like Kytaf <- my pic reading a book or casting a wind spell (wind is his favorite element) maybe both.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
MrLightyy is my IG name :)

Can I be smashing somthing or breaking somthing or killing somebody you know the stuff us Earthspawn (orcs) do on a daily basis