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[Public Notice] The Kaiser claims the Imperial Marches

The Courier

Lord of Altera
we destroyed breakwater too and weren't salty when parts of it were destroyed by staff for the event without our consent lmao
rip my trees

should add that it wasn't just 'less than a week' it was two days before the battle

i had almost no prep time and less than half my people could get on and we still had an amazing fun RP until the OOC arguments at the end
It was perhaps one of the best RPs I've ever had on the server next to the Corruption Campaign which was also due to the extreme situations I gotten myself into. It's a damn shame that we can't have fun in RP because 'Wahh, I didn't win single-handedly against you!!' comes up constantly or 'Wahh, I lost the fight!!' gets in the way of everyone.

Consent rules, are truly, the death of any and every session of RP fun I've had. Never forget the 1v5 I was in where I couldn't kill any of them but they could still kill me and that was A-Okay by Staff at the time.


Bored Brit
It was perhaps one of the best RPs I've ever had on the server next to the Corruption Campaign which was also due to the extreme situations I gotten myself into. It's a damn shame that we can't have fun in RP because 'Wahh, I didn't win single-handedly against you!!' comes up constantly or 'Wahh, I lost the fight!!' gets in the way of everyone.

Consent rules, are truly, the death of any and every session of RP fun I've had. Never forget the 1v5 I was in where I couldn't kill any of them but they could still kill me and that was A-Okay by Staff at the time.
i got shot when leaving the battle; i consenteded and i was allowed to come stand in the cool kids keep. :^) get on my level

thank you courier for being a good nice person! : )


Lord of Altera
tfw you realize that consent kills more often then not and after nearly half a year finally understand anhalds reason for things


The Courier

Lord of Altera
i got shot when leaving the battle; i consenteded and i was allowed to come stand in the cool kids keep. :^) get on my level

thank you courier for being a good nice person! : )
I remember that, what a time. Shout out to the Caparii I roped into the war randomly as well. I forget your name, but it was a great time shooting flaming ballista bolts at the ship with you random Caparii.


I remember that, what a time. Shout out to the Caparii I roped into the war randomly as well. I forget your name, but it was a great time shooting flaming ballista bolts at the ship with you random Caparii.


Bored Brit
I remember that, what a time. Shout out to the Caparii I roped into the war randomly as well. I forget your name, but it was a great time shooting flaming ballista bolts at the ship with you random Caparii.
i guess that goat was flaming hot like a good curry

the caparii are learning their place in this world

The Courier

Lord of Altera
HELL YES! Although it was Shazak, that man was a hero, he wanted me to beat him up so he could say he was fighting for either side in case of capture and I recruited him to the cause in the midst of battle. God damn that was a fun ass time.


The Lurker
Retired Staff
This is something that I sent to Cap in a private convo, and he has asked me to post it here.


public notice means 'poster in public places' means it's IC lol
This is true. But not worth continuing the argument over, because I was wrong to focus on that for more fodder to my posts.

ok so i wasnt at the event last night where i made an important political announcement and lit an ignis bonfire and Elz won't be able to confirm that, gotcha
Yeah, I'll admit that I didn't know that. Like I said, I apologize that I said you don't even RP here. It's just that I don't see you often and I became too riled over seeing a kingdom claiming land, without the players of the kingdom, talking to the people who lived on the land beforehand.

already said i won't interact with any regions currently existing in the area, only future ones
But you also said "for now," which is why I've been on this tangent this whole time.

you're right that it's stupid, it's supposed to be a stupidly big imperialist land claim to provoke people. congratulations
they're talking to me now i dont see the problem
My point, why I'm trying to debate, is that people were not informed about this beforehand. You said that you're not able to back it up in-character, and that this is just your character being your character. But there's a degree of etiquette that comes along with making announcements saying that a kingdom owns land that other players have settled. I say "you" because you lead the faction and you're the one who posted it. I'm not trying to be a dick to you now (though I was before), but I'm just trying bring up concerns with whoever it is, may it be you, Anhald, your character, or whoever.

You want to be a bad guy and provoke people? Sure. That can be fun RP. But what I'm having issue with is the fact that this was posted and laying IC claim over regions that people paid for. When the map was made, either you or Rygan said to settle far away if you don't want to get conquered. People did just that, but now people on the entire other side of the continent are now put face to face with something they were trying to avoid. I don't like the current consent rules all the much, and if they were changed on an individual level, I'd have no problem. But I'd still put up a fuss and preach about consent when it comes to regions that people saved months, or a year for, being affected.

Am I being preachy? Yeah, maybe. But it feels like this is trying to provoke wars that small regions can't win. When someone wants to RP with you and get out of it IC, but find that their hands are tied, it smells of a "fight your way out or deal with it" scenario that allows you to bypass consent rules. And that's where my problem lies, because their regions they paid for are at stake.

Look. Do you and I agree on server politics? No. Was I an in the wrong for being directly antagonistic towards you? Yes. I am sorry for directing some of my argument to you personally earlier. I was too invested in the situation. But at the end of the day, what has me upset and arguing over something that doesn't affect me, is that there are some small new player regions affected in the claim, and several regions that aren't even marked on the map that are affected. A lot of people say that I'm part of the hugbox regime, and in some ways, I am. But I don't see this as hugbox issue, so much as IC sanctioned action that could potentially affect player purchased property. I can't take this IC because none of my characters really care or mind, so OOCly vocalizing my reservations on putting IC claim over regions, whether a backable claim or not, is the only avenue of debate that I have.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that asking, or at least talking OOCly before taking IC action, is just a decent thing to do. And I'm sorry that I went after you earlier. If you want to hate me, or mock me over it, that's fine. I kind of deserve it, after today. But I wanted to type this to tell you I'm sorry for approaching it poorly and to explain why I said what I did. If you still think I'm a terrible person, then so be it. But I am sorry for coming at you earlier, regardless.


Lord of Altera
if more then half of the regions that the imperium has laid claim to were inactive and as are the region owners within that claim-

I'm pretty sure they're in the right. Least the regions would get RP like they were made for.
(had to deal with this in the other respect)



I don't think you're Satan, I just think most of the community agrees with you and it makes me feel like there's no hope for there ever being conflict again unless we over work elz, who actually makes an effort to actually do something about it with events. It might just be that the server's grown even further in a direction that doesn't want the type of RP we enjoy.

I'm surprisingly not someone who wants consent fully removed. I just want staff to stop taking the side of the 'victim' of encounters every time. There's no give and take, there's no meeting in the middle. There's no attempts at trying to find a better system to benefit both sides, or to finish promised projects that may have done something to aid that. It sucks to see your entire faction leave over stuff you can't control and it sucks playing here for five years and no longer feeling wanted by the people running things.

The Courier

Lord of Altera
It's just weird leaving for a period time only to come back and see nothing has changed. As Rygan said, there's little I can do anymore on this server that is what I deem fun. There's no point in me having this military genius who lives and dies by the sword if I can't even swing it. It really feels like I'm forced to be something I don't want to be here which is call for me to keep increasing my inactivity. In hopes of making everyone who doesn't want war happy, you fucked everyone who actually wants war. There's been three major factions leaving over this aspect. Lavoyard, Marr, and now most of Anhald. This hugbox consent crap ain't gonna make them come back, at all.

We're killing ourselves here.


can someone explain in like two sentences what's wrong and why. I came back and all of a sudden there are like five pages and idk what happened.