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[Public Notice] The Kaiser claims the Imperial Marches


But who would lead the centralized government? That'd only start more issues imo
Anyone. Centralized government doesn't have to be corrupt. Doesn't have to be "be on my side or you're oppressed". Diplomatic roleplay is fun. Safe-space haven "politics don't exist here" settlements aren't too fun to roleplay out imo.


Yū Yi
Regarding this-
Think one of the huge things about the lack of war, is OOC distrust and conflicts, but also the huge amount of dedication and work a city takes.
Which basically builds a lack of trust and a really deep connection to the city, both of these factors working against interest for war - That is my theory.
The thing that has changed, that I can mention - Is something mentioned more often, and might by now be beating a dead horse, but the server lacks OOC community and it consists of circle jerks. War requires mutual trust, respect and maturity, but that is difficult to reach, when we are treating people outside the circle as strangers or simply not part of the "HW family", that once was.

That is just my penny


Yū Yi
Can I steal it please? The lack of a Thieves Guild is hurting my soul and I need some larceny in my life.
I'll give a penny for a dollar ;)

Btw - I just want to say that I am looking into your idea :D I am getting more and more interested in the idea


Lord of Altera
Regarding this-
Think one of the huge things about the lack of war, is OOC distrust and conflicts, but also the huge amount of dedication and work a city takes.
Which basically builds a lack of trust and a really deep connection to the city, both of these factors working against interest for war - That is my theory.
The thing that has changed, that I can mention - Is something mentioned more often, and might by now be beating a dead horse, but the server lacks OOC community and it consists of circle jerks. War requires mutual trust, respect and maturity, but that is difficult to reach, when we are treating people outside the circle as strangers or simply not part of the "HW family", that once was.

That is just my penny
There was never a "HW family" to begin with. Back in 2012 or whatever, the RP was a lot more spread out because people did whatever they wanted to. When 2013/2014 came around, groups already started up and people would keep to themselves far more. Granted, Port Silver existed in this time and a lot of RP was centralized here, and it worked, but most people would still simply RP within their groups. The server has always had these groups of people that stick to their circles, whether people noticed it in the past is another thing entirely.

The community used to be a lot friendlier, I'll say that much. Other than that however, the only things that have changed is the fact that the people within certain groups have changed, and the areas in which they choose to stay have changed.

Think back really hard and you'll realize that there were actually really secluded groups that would keep to themselves, and treat people as "strangers" as you state it.


Lord of Altera
can someone explain in like two sentences what's wrong and why. I came back and all of a sudden there are like five pages and idk what happened.
Anhald claimed some more territories. Some of the territories claimed were controversial and then people said Anhald shouldn't claim more land since they aren't that active. People also started talking about consent rules and such.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
cease and desist

actually no im gonna delete some posts for being pretty unhelpful - if you dudes wanna discuss ass kissery take it to a PM


I don't have any insight on the topic of inactivity because I am inactive myself. I won't pick a side. I just want the server more lively, active, and willing to engage in dynamic roleplay that challenges people's ability to maintain a constant in a roleplay. Sure, some people might be on the shit end of the stick, but how far can trivial roleplay involving drinking from mugs and engaging in small-talk carry a character, let alone a server of them? There has to be some impending force that allows a large portion of the server to engage in the same time space of roleplay. Again, I don't know what the majority role play format is. I'm using tavern small talk as an example.

Some of the best roleplaying experiences I've had come from either conflict, or interest in a large scale. Wars, diplomatic relations, roadmaps for empires or sprawling cities. Sure, lots of annoying role plays came from conflict, but it doesn't have to be that way. Annoying cheese roleplay involving party-pooping consent law abusers or OOC hate driven zealots are not a core part of conflict-driven events. They can be avoided and everyone involved would be thankful for it.

My point is that (FROM WHAT IVE GATHERED FROM CLAIMS) people should be open minded about what springs up in roleplay. A claim, for example, could POTENTIALLY be a start of something great, given the chance. If people would allow it, the faction who made the claim wouldn't have to make impossible standards of roleplay backing. Where is he going to get 30 or so people to roleplay as an invading force to "back" the claim. He's not, and with the state of the server now, he can't. So what I'm saying is: everyone should start small. Let claims be claims, and retaliation be exclusively in-game. Good things can come of it. They have before.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Consent rules haven't stopped violence from occurring. They haven't stopped characters from dying. We have, however, understood that some players have abused it to the 3rd degree. In this thread- I see this as an equivalent to a mad man raving he wants land, who has little structural backing for it unless he gets the players he vied for to return oocly and help build him up again. Cap is allowed to make outrageous claims IC. OOCly- If you can barely run a region or organization and /fund/ it, you can barely take it to war, Cap. OOCLY- Anhald has little backing in military structure to steam roll folks unless they took to strictly combat RP. We have a condition here on the Server, that if you want to War, there has to be justifiable cause and that neither region will be pressured to be in War right off the bat. You can blame consent rules, or you can actually talk to the players to see who's open for conflict. Hollowworld is a sandbox where it's not just one type of player that's playing. Everyone has to understand that. That's a fact. If you don't get along with folks OOCly, you won't get far- because if no one wants to RP conflict with you, then there's a problem with how you're doing things. Neither region will be forced to war. You folks need to understand that being a aggressive and rude to each other is not an excuse to steam roll other players in a PvP setting where you're allowed to grow and build freely. I'm quite sure there are players who are fine with losing, who are fine with taking loses, if they're not being treated like crap when they say "no". The reason threads explode like so is because there is a lack of communication before-hand. Consent is OOC consent to continue something you're taking away from another player in terms of maiming, death, or wanting to peg them down from power in their own regions. If you don't have it, you can't continue. /Talk/ to people, guys. Stop acting like the other party will refuse everything enough to be an ass to them.


cease and desist

actually no im gonna delete some posts for being pretty unhelpful - if you dudes wanna discuss ass kissery take it to a PM
I don't know what comments you meant, I didn't read them as I was making my post on my phone. If they were truly unhelpful, shame on them, but if they were "rudely expressed opinions", would it not be valuable to cease the argument before it turns toxic, but leave the expression of emotion and opinion for input on the inevitable discussion on how to improve quality of play later on?


Lord of Altera
no one on HW consents because everyone is afraid of loss
Well this isn't 100% true. I've seen some pretty bs fights where if it weren't for consent, some of those bs fights would end in well... bs.


Lord of Altera
Consent rules haven't stopped violence from occurring. They haven't stopped characters from dying. We have, however, understood that some players have abused it to the 3rd degree. In this thread- I see this as an equivalent to a mad man raving he wants land, who has little structural backing for it unless he gets the players he vied for to return oocly and help build him up again. Cap is allowed to make outrageous claims IC. OOCly- If you can barely run a region or organization and /fund/ it, you can barely take it to war, Cap.

OOCLY- Anhald has little backing in military structure to steam roll folks unless they took to strictly combat RP. We have a condition here on the Server, that if you want to War, there has to be justifiable cause and that neither region will be pressured to be in War right off the bat. You can blame consent rules, or you can actually talk to the players to see who's open for conflict.

Hollowworld is a sandbox where it's not just one type of player that's playing. Everyone has to understand that. That's a fact. If you don't get along with folks OOCly, you won't get far- because if no one wants to RP conflict with you, then there's a problem with how you're doing things. Neither region will be forced to war. You folks need to understand that being a aggressive and rude to each other is not an excuse to steam roll other players in a PvP setting where you're allowed to grow and build freely.

I'm quite sure there are players who are fine with losing, who are fine with taking loses, if they're not being treated like crap when they say "no". The reason threads explode like so is because there is a lack of communication before-hand. Consent is OOC consent to continue something you're taking away from another player in terms of maiming, death, or wanting to peg them down from power in their own regions. If you don't have it, you can't continue. /Talk/ to people, guys. Stop acting like the other party will refuse everything enough to be an ass to them.
does it say anywhere in my post i want war on the people who have regions in that area


Events Staff
Very Sweet
I don't know what comments you meant, I didn't read them as I was making my post on my phone. If they were truly unhelpful, shame on them, but if they were "rudely expressed opinions", would it not be valuable to cease the argument before it turns toxic, but leave the expression of emotion and opinion for input on the inevitable discussion on how to improve quality of play later on?
Nah it was shitposting and comments about ass kissing and the definition of ass kissing. And some comments on 'you've brought nothing to the table'. It was just unhelpful, unpleasant, and not to topic. No worries. :p


Consent rules haven't stopped violence from occurring.
so you're saying nothing is going to change and the fact that we've had 0 success in 3 months of trying is just our fault

that's all i needed to know lmao

for a post that's about talking to people you sure point fingers a lot


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
so you're saying nothing is going to change and the fact that we've had 0 success in 3 months of trying is just our fault

that's all i needed to know lmao

for a post that's about talking to people you sure point fingers a lot
We know something needs to fix regarding consent, but steamrolling won't be the answer. Discussion has not been for naught.

does it say anywhere in my post i want war on the people who have regions in that area
6 pages led to a lot confusion on this thread and I'm making it clear to everyone worrying about what potential comes from someone claiming a big chunk of land who has military to back it up if there was effort.


We know something needs to fix regarding consent, but steamrolling won't be the answer. Discussion has not been for naught.

6 pages led to a lot confusion on this thread and I'm making it clear to everyone worrying about what potential comes from someone claiming a big chunk of land who has military to back it up if there was effort.
Again, on no side. What would suffice for a substantial "military"? What constitutes that? Besides "being on", as it is an issue for many nowadays.


Lord of Altera
We know something needs to fix regarding consent, but steamrolling won't be the answer. Discussion has not been for naught.

6 pages led to a lot confusion on this thread and I'm making it clear to everyone worrying about what potential comes from someone claiming a big chunk of land who has military to back it up if there was effort.
if you read my post you'd know that it says i have no intentions to mess with people who already have regions there, mostly because i genuinely didn't know there were so many. only duskholm is marked on the dynmap and it has nothing built. cukie is the only one who's made an effort to RP out a solution to the problem so far though.