Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Quotes Said By Your Chars That Stuck With You


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
"One day I will drown them all with my own hands"

It was a fun solo-RP


Lord of Altera
Salheira: <Fae: Vermella, I do not ask this lightly....>
Salheira: <but... I think I am outnumbered.>

jishypoo: <Fae: Don't! >

(context: Salheira was trying to summon Vermella.)
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Lord of Altera
Carlotta: All that pain... For nothing...

Serora: *sees Damon get shot* . . . *O.O*

Nephele: <Elvish: Silly pantheon, Shoreless better~>


Lord of Altera
"Speed and Youthfulness"

"Wisdom and experience"

*he takes his sword away from Thorius heart and Thorius retracts his blade from Tybalts Temple. Smiling confidently he holds his hand out to shake his hand*

"Rhett, remember, we are not friends" *refuses to shake his hand*

*Smirks* "and remember, I'm still an Arsehole" *winks*

*would turn from him laughing heartily patting the kings shoulder as he exits the ring*



Lord of Altera
Server Outreach
To Tybalt: "So many memories of pain. Don't be me, an old man with a mind more filled with memory than it is of hope. Raise that child right, put down your bow."
@Tybalt The feels I had with that line though

[edited in the rest]


Lord of Altera
"Its raining, that's bad to some but good to me. "

Katie Athword is a huge Pluviophile same as I am in IRL
She loves rain cause it waters her crops and reminds her of her hometown when the chickens danced in the rain.

But IRL rain has made me feel calm, and relaxes me.
I feel more at peace when it storms.
I guess I can relate so much to this quote because sometimes what can be dull and gloomy to another can benefit us as a person in a way
that gives us something back in return.​


Lord of Altera
To Tybalt: "So many memories of pain. Don't be me, an old man with a mind more filled with memory than it is of hope. Raise that child right, put down your bow."
@Tybalt The feels I had with that line though

[edited in the rest]
Yeah, it had a pretty good effect too.


Lord of Altera
"You know your ears, little one? They're pointed, aren't they? That, that is a gift. We are gifted. People will envy us, many will say we are cursed, but our true blessing above the rest is time. We have all of three hundred years of youth to make something amazing out of our lives." ~Nwalme Fuvur.
Who was this said to? .... it sounds so cute


Lord of Altera
" If you so much as cough in my direction, I'll cut off your nose and smash your face into a pile of salt " - Isabella, after noticing a sick man near her a few hours after she was cured of the plague
hehehehehe I remember this one...


Lord of Altera
Azoth: "Well, I shall let you find a place together. I fear I'm needed in Golden Bay again."

Nwalme: ".. Mn, hmn- ah so soooon?~" He has a playfully /Heartbroken/ tone, as he continues "But we /never/ speak anymore, Little Duck..~"

"Unfortunately, I did not plan to stay, but I'm sure I can find some more time for you Nwalme" He takes on the tone as well

Lord Phoenix: Chuckles beneath his mask, the sound hollow

"I know darling, but life calls~" He grins after saying this

"Another time then, Azoth.~"
