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Quotes Said By Your Chars That Stuck With You


Lord of Altera
wait what
Oh, Darko just sees her as the mother he never had. The only mother he knew as a child was a wench who abused him. Once he found Sallana, he fell in love with her, not romantically, but as a mother. Sometimes he really sees himself as her son. He chooses to believe that rather than he was never meant to be special.


Lord of Altera
"We must inkify the nootnoot as soon as possible!"
-Maloki's way of saying, "We need to nip it in the bud!"


Lord of Altera
me and @BrianAT16 got some sweet quotes in B)

Melosa: He will not use me. He careeees
Salheira: he is Jishrim. there is no care. perhaps like a red-spiller cares for a weapon. you wish be a weapon?
Melosa: I like weapons so much, why not become one?
Salheira: because a weapon is not alive. is a tool. a tool of cruelty. tools are always used.

Melosa: ..Because no one does. They abandon me and never looked for me /once/ which is true!
Salheira: I did.
Salheira: when think you need it.
Salheira: but are not child, am not your mother. can not hope control you.
Salheira: can only ask you come home when sun goes down.

Salheira: are afraid like animal.
think can only live alone.
to trust any other is folly.
Melosa: *She doesn't respond, her eyes looking down*
Salheira: ... because your mother died.
father never there.
all around you wish either harm or use...
and you have no home.
Melosa: *She nods a bit*


Lord of Altera
Dorothy- "Have you no love, for your own blood?"

She spoke to Raven, in concern for his relationship with his son, Calcifer.



Lord of Altera
*Tybalt goes back to the random Dragon priest who's still kneeling just before the steps to the tower, after two days of traveling through an icy wasteland*

"Why do you choose to stay out here and not go to the warmth"

"I have not the strength"

"Then let me lend you some of mine"

*fireman carries him up the crag, the cold sapping his strength and legs burning inside as they carry the mans burden.

Would meet his father and return his gaze before collapsing on the stairs*

(No he doesn't know they are heretics... If so he might of possibly booted hem off the mountain...)


Lord of Altera
*Vlad goes over to the counter, his scandalous cloak swaying behind him.*

Draxos: You..
Vlad: Ye?
Draxos: Cloak.. why?
Vlad: ..Stuff.
Draxos: ..what stuff?
Vlad: 'Aw no, stuck in dis dome! look at me, oi'm a queen of the northern folk!'
'dun worry, muh princess, muh soul fer you!'

Vlad; Ehh, drama. worth it, though, I feel better than Sallana's god damn lover. Aye, well, Many a folk think tis' a horrible, painful curse. Like we be bloody dying and stuff. Just provin' ye wrong, it's really cool t'become mad. Brings much spice t'yer lives, kids.


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
".. Numbers do not matter when you heal lives. I can't say anything on your past, nor can I heal such. But I can here for you. You have found a place where you are welcome, and where you are safe."