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Things to come


Yū Yi
I don't even. Why are Ignis Synnove and Crusade both females? Doesn't make sense to me. Harateth was a guy prior to transformation/recreation. 2/3rds of Crusade was a guy as well.
I rest my point here.

Though I didn't know Ignis is a female.
A little funny!


Lord of Altera
Uh, not sure if that's necessarily true. I myself salvaged the whole blade, while the shards were taken by a few other people. The only people, to my knowledge, were myself, Scardrac, and Arken. (Unsure if Goldengem got anything, he might've though) Though I'm sure @Naelwyn has the official census of who actually got parts of the blade.
I went there too, and was only away shortly to go to the med tent where I was like 1 minute.

Either way it happened and it should be somewhere in their logs.

Also, it is my understanding that the weapons all exploded upon impact (only thing all of them had in common), its very unlikely that you got a full blade if several people were picking up shards.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
*is technically perm ban, but can appeal, still a perm though* so you dont like me then . . . ill take my . . . .. wait . . . what do i even do anyway ? XD
X-ray silly, but you arent forum banned, or being an anoying poop


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Let me love youuuuu.

Allow me leave to adore theeeeeeee.
nay, prithy thou~

Would the swords & shield made from the material from Rahas' sword be considered divine artifacts?
Nope. Completely normal, mainly because it got broken >_>

Not sure if this one is asked before: Why is ignis female, could Sallana not find all parts? *pun intended*
Ignis is referred to as both.

I don't even. Why are Ignis Synnove and Crusade both females? Doesn't make sense to me. Harateth was a guy prior to transformation/recreation. 2/3rds of Crusade was a guy as well.
Both Ignis and Crusade are referred to as both.

I asked the samwe thing for the weapon shards I gathered, after the battle so the answer is most likely 'it will probably have returned to be normal metal' - That sword might be different though no idea :p
Congratulations, you've picked up shards of free metal!

I'd hope it didn't just shift back into regular metal. That'd be pretty disappointing. :p
Its pretty disappointing you broke the fancy sword :rolleyes:

I was more concerned with the fact nobody informed me about this. But hell, who cares, I'm clearly not important enough.

If someone wanted my opinion, which I'm certain no one does, but hell, we're technically (or at least I could hope) live in something that resembles freedom of speech, this whole thing has been overcomplicated. I could elaborate, but again, I'm sure nobody cares.
I did post these warning threads and updated them. I'm sorry you weren't around during the release- But fear not! There are still large threads to be updated/posted :D
Were you thinking of some sort of personal contact to you, though? While I definitely think you're a lovely person, I unfortunately have to remain impartial in this process.

Well it was a one time use weapon to begin with.
Only telling you what I was told by Mich when asking about the shards I picked up.
And considering how the wepons kinda all broke chances of me getting rahas sword shards within the ones I picked up are pretty high.

But yeah i acan understand the feeling... I kidna wanted to forge the shards I picked up right after the battle into a new sword too :(
You totally can, it'd probably be not that good of a weapon due to the impurities in the metal (dirt, blood, battle-worn, etc).

I rest my point here.

Though I didn't know Ignis is a female.
A little funny!
Ignis is referred too as both :D

I actually have some steel from that sword aswell. Picked up after Naelwyn blew it up. Not all of it but a good enough to make a few nice things ;)
Congratulations, you have shards of (pretty normal) metal!

Uh, not sure if that's necessarily true. I myself salvaged the whole blade, while the shards were taken by a few other people. The only people, to my knowledge, were myself, Scardrac, and Arken. (Unsure if Goldengem got anything, he might've though) Though I'm sure @Naelwyn has the official census of who actually got parts of the blade.
Naelwyn should have a census, aye

*is technically perm ban, but can appeal, still a perm though* so you dont like me then . . . ill take my . . . .. wait . . . what do i even do anyway ? XD
X-ray silly, but you arent forum banned, or being an anoying poop
Wrong thread, bro :heart:
Take it somewhere else!


The Arbiter of the Gods
I did post these warning threads and updated them. I'm sorry you weren't around during the release- But fear not! There are still large threads to be updated/posted :D
Were you thinking of some sort of personal contact to you, though? While I definitely think you're a lovely person, I unfortunately have to remain impartial in this process.
No, but a mere tag on this thread would've made sense.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
No, but a mere tag on this thread would've made sense.
Sorry bro, I figured you were already watching this thread? Would you like me to write down your name so I can tag it next time anything gets released? ;_;
Sorry again... I generally don't see it as my responsibility to alert specific people, given how many people there are in this community.

Since it was broken by Naelwyn in order to attack Harateth or...? From when I received it from Naelwyn, I was told the blades/shield had certain properties.
Not really. Of course, they're a bit unique because they were forged in different conditions that can be found on Altera, but the end result is only minimally above-average as far as I am aware.
And they don't count as a divine artifact because it was all broken up. If I recall correctly, there was still half a sword there!


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Ah, well I suppose I was moreso asking whether or not it still has the specific properties that Naelwyn outlined after he forged the weapons/shield for me. It's understandable that it's not a divine artifact, considering it was disassembled.
Oh aye, that it does!


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
I was wondering, Demi-elemental babies?


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
May I assume that Ced's worship to Theodra continues as normal? As in, he does his usual stuff, like he's done for the past few years (but now with more snow), and receives no direct communication or response. Or would he suddenly find lightning bolts zapping him off the mountainside for being an apprentice? I know that excommunicated only means excluded from the high church and would assumedly include the lack of contact with their patron deity, but would he feel anything? Any sense of disapproval, etc, or would it feel like business as usual?

Man that's an unnecessarily long sentence.