Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Things to come


Lord of Altera
well looks like someone's already 3/4s of the way to being an Exalted.
*goes looking for an heir*
*diogenes mode activate*


Dead Man Walking
There was in the old cathedral.
Did it just say, "Necromancy" with little other explanation?

Edit: ICly, Dummy would need more clarification on if the subjects of the necromancy had it done to them against their will, or if their bodies were used against their will if the bodies were soulless/mindless. This kind of necromancy Dummy calls "Perverse Puppetry", and he doesn't like it one bit. For the longest time, he has assumed that the undead in the Sorrows were not Skraag's work, but he has been planning to ask for clarification on the subject when they next meet.
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Lord of Altera
well thank god the Vermellans stopped being heretics!

I think he only heretic group left is scardrac's satan worshippers....
god, those guys are in for a wild ride

Salheira would /not/ be cool with this, just saying.
she has had bad experiences with inquisitions


Lord of Altera
Those both trialed and charged by the Inquisition have a chance to not be revived by the Sisterhood of Shalherana Mystics.
I have high hopes for this organization, and trust me I still think this will all turn out great. Though this part might worry some people, I know you know what your doing, but some others might not.
the Lyserium refuses to consider this Inquisition legitimate.
The High Church of Hierax agrees, and likes to extend this opinion in regards to the high council.
Could you please elaborate on some of the reasons you do not consider this Inquisition Legitimate? I am honestly very curious about this.
Erm . . . You kid . . . Right
No, they aren't, they have extreme power and control on many organizations because of their affiliation with all of the gods. Thus they probably have the ability/chance to try and stop revivals.
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Lord of Altera
I am very excited for this organization. I actually think I'm going to be dedicating my main character to this, since it looks like a ton of fun.
I am excited as well, this looks like something that will be extremely fun to RP out, and something I wish I could be a part of. Though I am still glad it's around, and I think my friends and fellow RPer's will enjoy it to!~


Lord of Altera
Okay. I'll give what would be your opportunities to folks who'll actually appreciate them :p
*Slowly raises hand, then using his other raises @gaby's*

On a serious note, I like how outgoing and active you are on this Michcat, this sounds like something not only the players but the staff can enjoy, be busy with, and work together on. All I can say is, keep up the good work HollowWorld!