Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Things to come


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
As much as I like the expansion/changing of the Pantheon, I find myself uninterested in divine intervention. I also hope the demigod stuff doesn't just lead to special snowflakes. Political RP is what I hoped to see more of, although I know that's down to the players to do and doesn't really require staff involvement but getting a gentle push would be welcome. That's my opinion anyway.
We have an entire forum section for suggestions, and I personally would love to hear any ideas you have on how political RP can be supported :)

Heres a link! You can also make anonymous suggestions by logging out and posting in "The Big Suggestion Box"


Lord of Altera
On a brigther side @GregorWaldstein , the sheer fact that a Goddess attempted to reforge Harateth gives hope that its possible to bring the dead ones back somehow.

Also is it just me or did Rahas absorb some of Valor's and Harateth's figments?


Lord of Altera
You'll never get me to talk!
Next to my study books I mainly read detective mysteries, so what people don't say is generally more reliable to confirm things for me, than what they say as long as you don't know whether they have something to hide whatever their motive may be. ;)


Lord of Altera
I'm going over my notes as we speak for its properties >_>
Was moved to the high Cathedral in Winterguard for growth reasons(of course with earth :p ) btw, there was no way I could have build such a beautiful Shally tree in that small room in HR and I wasn't allowed to extend it :/
But I tthink Shally will feel much more content with her tree standing right in the middle surrounded by the shrines of her children anyway :)


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Not sure if this one is asked before: Why is ignis female, could Sallana not find all parts? *pun intended*


Lord of Altera
Would the swords & shield made from the material from Rahas' sword be considered divine artifacts?
I asked the samwe thing for the weapon shards I gathered, after the battle so the answer is most likely 'it will probably have returned to be normal metal' - That sword might be different though no idea :p


The Arbiter of the Gods
I was more concerned with the fact nobody informed me about this. But hell, who cares, I'm clearly not important enough.

If someone wanted my opinion, which I'm certain no one does, but hell, we're technically (or at least I could hope) live in something that resembles freedom of speech, this whole thing has been overcomplicated. I could elaborate, but again, I'm sure nobody cares.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
I was more concerned with the fact nobody informed me about this. But hell, who cares, I'm clearly not important enough.

If someone wanted my opinion, which I'm certain no one does, but hell, we're technically (or at least I could hope) live in something that resembles freedom of speech, this whole thing has been overcomplicated. I could elaborate, but again, I'm sure nobody cares.
I care for everybodyexcept people who are banned But you are here :D :);):eek::cool::rolleyes::heart::D:p


Lord of Altera
I'd hope it didn't just shift back into regular metal. That'd be pretty disappointing. :p
Well it was a one time use weapon to begin with.
Only telling you what I was told by Mich when asking about the shards I picked up.
And considering how the wepons kinda all broke chances of me getting rahas sword shards within the ones I picked up are pretty high.

But yeah i acan understand the feeling... I kidna wanted to forge the shards I picked up right after the battle into a new sword too :(