Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Thure Hardanger: Assassin Ringleader


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Another poster is pinned
To write such accusations without evidence, and to believe such items without a single name defending it,
is to build a foundation on quicksand and believe it would stand even for a minute.

If anything is to happen to Thure Von Hardanger based on these spineless accusations, twice will be the judgement struck on Lana Wake, Aislin Tek'ton, Lucian Moonstone, Elaxana Moonstone, Kublai Kulligar and more...

The symbol of an arachnid, climbing an endless stairway is drawn on said poster.

The plot thickens....!


friendly neighborhood inquisitor
Retired Staff
A poster is left wherever this set of posters are, adding to the poster conga line.
Regarding the accusations against Thure von Hardanger, I have found that he is INNOCENT of the detailed crimes. In my time as a worshipper of Synnove, I would never defend a person I have not personally seen, spoken to, and utilized my Halberd, Luminescence, and its powers to question Lord Hardanger. It is in these questions that I have found him innocent. Should anyone have issue with my findings, you are free to send a letter to the city of Thorne, that we may discuss it in person or over letter.

Podric Flanders,
Blessed of