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Things to come


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
An important note: The Divine Law refers to Heretics. Inter-Pantheon conflict is just fine; for as long as you worship a member of the Pantheon and not a heretical god you are in the safe zone.


Lord of Altera
Mich, would Ignis still be part of the pantheon or is the whole "we cant you out" thing still in effect?


Lord of Altera
An important note: The Divine Law refers to Heretics. Inter-Pantheon conflict is just fine; for as long as you worship a member of the Pantheon and not a heretical god you are in the safe zone.
*now curious about the heresy state of Vermella*


Lord of Altera
Actually.. we have been using the term "Heretic" wrong..

Heretic, noun, someone who practices religious heresy. Heresy is belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious.. Or common belief. to lavoyard, anyone who says Ignis is not the King of Gods, or calls Ignis, god of the moon ( wild example ) would be heresy. This would be inter-religious fighting.

However, the word we want to use, is Heathen, someone who would not worship the pantheon. Such like, the differences of Muslim, and Christianity, or as a better example, the Native American beliefs verses the European belief.


Dead Man Walking
Those who seek the magical arts shall be excommunicated from the ranks of the Pantheon, shall be excommunicated by the Noble divines of the Pantheon. For they may never hold any rank nor position within the Grand Church of Altera. They may not be provided with boons nor have any calls heeded.
:confused:, uuuuuh. Hmmmm, It was my understanding that magic was gifted as a boon from the Gods to begin with. Is this just old Fitz lore that has since been re-worked?


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
How long before we know of all of this IC?
Actually.. we have been using the term "Heretic" wrong..

Heretic, noun, someone who practices religious heresy. Heresy is belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious.. Or common belief. to lavoyard, anyone who says Ignis is not the King of Gods, or calls Ignis, god of the moon ( wild example ) would be heresy. This would be inter-religious fighting.

However, the word we want to use, is Heathen, someone who would not worship the pantheon. Such like, the differences of Muslim, and Christianity, or as a better example, the Native American beliefs verses the European belief.
:confused:, uuuuuh. Hmmmm, It was my understanding that magic was gifted as a boon from the Gods to begin with. Is this just old Fitz lore that has since been re-worked?
Going to be an FAQ, though everything will make a lot more sense once it is ALL released.


Lord of Altera
I think one of the demi-gods already got identified in the last campaign.
Almost forgot about it since it didn't look like foreshadowing back then >>

And no no speculation here not saying names or what was the foreshadowing in my opinion in OOC. If you want to know ask my char RP - that is if you can spring his grey cells without metaing the demigod stuffz ;)


Lord of Altera
Dude you would not BELIEVE the foreshadowing.
I got a lot of things out of the campaign I admittedly already forgot by now.
So yeah not the first time I have a 'Oh I've heard about that already' moments. :p

At least the person I suspect to be the demi god is very unlikely to OP around with it so thats a relief already, although the God behind him makes me worried for entirely different reasons >>


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
An important note: The Divine Law refers to Heretics. Inter-Pantheon conflict is just fine; for as long as you worship a member of the Pantheon and not a heretical god you are in the safe zone.
Does shoreless count as hersey?


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them

Btw: @Michcat did I revive this stuff by player loving it?