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What to put here


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
In this section, everything involving Religious Organization should be kept for a clean and concise source of information.
This will range from the Inquisition Threads to groups of Worshippers. My threads will only details the persons "in charge" and the structure of things like the Inquisition and Exalted- Everything else is up to you guys! Lets make it great, shall we?

Feel free to post any Organization thread involving Priest/Priestesses or followers of the Pantheon. I expect the High Council/Exalted members to use this section to organize their followings :D
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Lord of Altera
like what?
It all depends on what is going to be posted. We do not even abide by the existence of anything else in the ''God'' domain other then Lord Ignis or the Angeli, you know.
I am going to watch this develop before making anything, however, as I am quite pleased with pretty much any new spicing on the steak that is Altera.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
It all depends on what is going to be posted. We do not even abide by the existence of anything else other then Lord Ignis or the Angeli, you know.
I am going to watch this develop before making anything, however, as I am quite pleased with pretty much any new spicing on the steak that is Altera.
Nothing wrong with that? :D AFAIk you should be fine bro :heart:


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Hm...I guess most of Silverwatch worships Asgar, but he's not a "God" yet, he counted?
Theres a thread titled "The Pantheon"

it'll have a list of all pantheon members, and from there folks can do this! :D

"Is it in the list?"
Yes = Not Heretical
No = Heresy


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
Not really an organization, but Thiil follows Silas' words. Most in the city follow his words, and I can tell you that my character Athryl has been praying to Silas day in and out. I don't know, probably isn't useful, but yeah.


Lord of Altera
Question...if we had lore about this..."Asgar" and a certain number of people legitlly worshiped him, followed him, etc, could he possibly be considered a "God"? Or maybe a God like Vermella?


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Question...if we had lore about this..."Asgar" and a certain number of people legitlly worshiped him, followed him, etc, could he possibly be considered a "God"? Or maybe a God like Vermella?
Theres a thread titled "The Pantheon"

it'll have a list of all pantheon members, and from there folks can do this! :D

"Is it in the list?"
Yes = Not Heretical
No = Heresy


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Theres a thread titled "The Pantheon"

it'll have
it WILL have that list- Soon. I'm working on just proofreading and formatting now, but for every question I have to answer the longer it'll take to update...