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The Inquisition


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
You can run.

Yet you cannot hide.

+The Grand Inquisition of the Church of Altera+

~Forever vigilant in the persecution of Heresy and squashing of Heretics~

The Old Law said:
Remove the tongue that lies, remove the eyes that have seen the corruption of Heresy and the hands that have done it's work. Only then shall the heretic be burned and his ashes scattered to the Four Winds, their souls forever banished so as that he may not rise again to threaten our beloved.
The Inquisition has one commander;
The Grand Inquisitor.
The Grand Inquisitor, selected by the High Council {Click Here}- the mortal voices of the Gods Themselves- commands the Great defense against the unlawful unholy blemish that is the heresy upon the Pantheon. He may sit amongst the Exalted and speak the true word of what Heresy may be.
Only the Grand Inquisitor may give free pardon to a heretic criminal charged by the Inquisition.

With the support of the Divine Law, and the support of each Divinity shall the Inquisition begin.

Under the Grand Inquisitor stands his Marshall's.
These are his heirs, chosen by the Grand Inquisitor and the Grand Inquisitor alone. The Marshall's shall recruit, and train, Squires into Inquisitors. The Marshall's shall also give trial to accused Heretics- Including, but not limited to,
the Trial by Ordeal
(Burn them at the stake. If they do not burn, the Gods have given them pardon and they are not a heretic, and thus pardoned!),
the Trial by Jury
(In which they come before the Grand Inquisitor or a chosen stand-in, chosen by the Grand Inquisitor),
or Trial by Combat.

And thus the Inquisition shall Rise.

The High Priest of Old said:
Who are you to challenge the will of the Gods? A fool, that is who.
Among the esteemed duties of burning those who dare practice heresy upon the stake, the Inquisition takes upon the duties of teaching on what, exactly, Heresy is and instructing- as well as training- its Squires to become fully fledged Inquisitors.

The First Arbiter said:
Only those that can harden their hearts and with unwavering faith cut into the depths of corruption have the right to call themselves righteous
The Grand Inquisitor must be willing to remain OOCly peacable, as his character will often have to make bloody choices and hard decisions. He or She must be willing to OOCly communicate and coordinate with the Deities Coordinator, who is currently ( @Michcat ). They must also understand that if their character were to act against the interests of the Pantheon, there could be dire IC consequences!

Those both trialed and charged by the Inquisition have a chance to not be revived by the Sisterhood of Shalherana Mystics.
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
A registry of The Inquisition Leadership:

-Character Name - Rank - IGN-

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Lord of House Hawklight
People who worked hard on their own Churches being denied opportunities because these organisations are being made obsolete by another singular controlling entity despite there being no single authority in Altera?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
People who worked hard on their own Churches being denied opportunities because these Churches are organisations are being made obsolete by another singular controlling entity despite there being no single authority in Altera?
could always oppose it and see how it goes, would probably be rather interesting rp.


Lord of House Hawklight
Opposing it means fighting a force with staff gifted powers like non-revival, deity support etc, there's no point.


Lord of Altera
so the gods have united where the mortals have not.

... *shrugs*
I dont get it.
me, Im just trying to figure how much time Salheira would have to argue against the inquisition before she starts having the worst flashback of her life and never feels safe again.

ooc tho, Im hype.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
People who worked hard on their own Churches being denied opportunities because these organisations are being made obsolete by another singular controlling entity despite there being no single authority in Altera?
How, exactly, are they being denied? As long as the church follows one of the Pantheon, they should be fine. I hope you can understand that this is an integral part of the server put into place as an opportunity for character development and interesting roleplay, concurrent with the vision and t0ne of this roleplay community.

Opposing it means fighting a force with staff gifted powers like non-revival, deity support etc, there's no point.
I think you're confusing "Staff" with "Pantheon". The staff of Hollowworld do not, in any way shape or form, equal the In-Character presences of the Pantheon.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I was replying to what you said to Dracon and Val, that's all.
They are welcome to those opportunities. I was simply highlighting that if they do not take these opportunities, someone else will.

Its like a raffle contest has opened up. You can say "Oh, I won't participate!" and that is all well and good- simply do not be upset if you do not win the prize.


Non sum qualis eram
In my personal opinion that is unendorsed by anything else in general - we've put in a ton of work to give you a much more viable church structure than you had previous with an available potential means of directly accessing the gods as well as a roleplaying construct that would provide integrated, continuous Roleplay between the various church factions of each individual deity alongside exterior factions in a very well put together way.

@Valonyx , @DraconDarknight. It is my express opinion that you two remain stubborn individuals that relentlessly complain throughout any process even if it has been instituted directly for your own benefit. You are essentially squandering the chance to have whatever your church is be socketed in as the primary form of worship for your divine by rejecting the basic principles needed to OOCly bring a bunch of things together for roleplay. I consider it shortsighted and exemplary of your general refusal to just work with people to let things happen and instead your preferance to attempt to complain about things until they go your way, and you do poorly at being told no, even in the face of all logic, physics, and even rote facts about buoyancy.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
hell, Ignis even agrees with your whole "Angeli" thing... look at the "worship none but me"... I dunno what else I'm supposed to be doing to make this work and compromise so we can all have fun.


Lord of Altera
No one has been deemed "Exalted" yet. But in that situation, between Scardrac and Valonyx's hypothetical churches each of them will have equal opportunity for the position. Whoever makes it would be the go-to for the high priests of the other church, much like how Bishops go to the freakin' Pope.
If this is true pls forget what I posted earlier :p (think the same will go for @Valonyx )
I kinda read it like 'There will be one Pope in the grand church and all the other churches got to bow to them"

@Valonyx , @DraconDarknight. It is my express opinion that you two remain stubborn individuals that relentlessly complain throughout any process even if it has been instituted directly for your own benefit. You are essentially squandering the chance to have whatever your church is be socketed in as the primary form of worship for your divine by rejecting the basic principles needed to OOCly bring a bunch of things together for roleplay. I consider it shortsighted and exemplary of your general refusal to just work with people to let things happen and instead your preferance to attempt to complain about things until they go your way, and you do poorly at being told no, even in the face of all logic, physics, and even rote facts about buoyancy.
See above.
So yeah my mistake here no question.