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{Peaceful} Eresse - Sorrowlands Settlement

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The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Here comes the, would you call it fun? I guess peril.


Legend of Altera
*couhgt cought* totally not born after another safe refuge at sorrows Fort Saviour... but men... we didn't go to the new sorrows! x3... and we weren't a town... and we were pretty huehuehue.


Lord of Altera
Yeah, we're on sorrows 3 now.
Eresse was founded during sorrows 2 . . . p sure I had the thread started then... meebee i didn't...


Lord of Altera
You can add my name to the list if you want, but I haven't built a home yet. Also, do you put chibis in the portraits section or just pictures?


Lord of Altera
Rumors of peaceful oasis deep in the Sorrowlands are on the rise.
They say there is a path that lights the way. . .
They say . . . it is called...
Beautiful, Tranquil, Serene

For those seeking solitude.
For those seeking refuge.
For those seeking peace.
For those seeking tranquility.

Settlement Name:

Raindes, Somnastra

Head west to the end of the beach, where you will find torches.
Ride a boat south, then follow the light.

Current Wealth:
Very Little Money

Daily Tax Rate/Rent/Anything Related to Money:

Major Tenets:
No harm shall be done to any of Her creatures, while on Eressian property.
Monetary wealth shall be donated to those in need.
Items crafted from Rare-Alteran-Gems shall be donated to those in need.
All are welcomed into Eresse, until they have broken any of the aforementioned tenets.

Minor Tenets:
Consumption of alcoholic beverages is strongly encouraged.
Excavation shall only start in naturally occurring caves, all excavation must have ample headroom.
Homes are to be built in treetops, damaging the tree as minimally as possible.
Animal husbandry shall occur so Her glory may spread across the lands.
Join all Eressian adventure parties possible!

Eressian Adventures:
Adventure 1
Adventure 2
Adventure 3
Adventure 4
Adventure 5
Adventure 6

(kinda outdated...should be updated eventually)
The canopies of tall jungle trees are grown particularly large to allow the leaves closer to the trunk to be pruned away.
In these pruned canopies can be found the homes of Eresse.
These homes are furnished with minimalist wooden furniture.
Special care is taken with each and every canopy home so as not to overcrowd the tree or canopy.
Typically only one resident or family will reside in a canopy.
Should the canopy need to be expanded, the resident will assist the tree in growing larger and more lush, thus allowing more room in the canopy.
Great efforts are made to keep the land and foliage as intact as possible.

Situated between two rivers and bordered heavily by snowy fields, Eresse enjoys a cool climate year round.
Residents are typically advised to dress in several layers so that heat may be retained.

Residents of Eresse eat a varied diet of meats, grains, vegetables, and fruits.
These are often grown or gathered in the wildlands of the Sorrows.
Efforts are currently underway to convert several canopy tops into usable farmland, these efforts are slow-going.

One of the most common past times in Eress is stargazing.
While the Immortal Kings and Queens can be viewed from anywhere...
The treetop observatories in Eresss offer a vast, clear view of the night sky.
These observatories are open to the public - anyone whom is respectful is welcomed.

There are no monetary costs for the canopy-homes of Eresse.
However, reverent worship of the patron gods Sallana, Shalherana, and Hareth is required.
Abusing the land or vegetation can result in immediate banishment from Eresse.

Ni'p - An alcoholic beverage made by fermenting wakel rinds in a cool dark place. The taste is both sweet and bitter at the same time. It's alcoholic percentage can vary but is usually around 23%.


Members of Eresse:
Raindes ( @mucusBONES ) (ign mucusBONES)
Samara ( @Delta_61251 ) (ign Delta_61251)
Taiulia ( @Frnchie ) ( ign I forgot! >_< )
Somnastra ( @Somnastra ) (ign Somnastra )
Mheagan ( @TurtlePrada ) (ign TurtlePrada )
Suiko ( @Suiko ) (ign _Sui )
Tybalt ( @Tybalt ) (ign humpfries...something )
Athryl ( @IceandFire ) (ign icefire120 )
Maximus ( @Jaypate ) ( ign Jaypate)
Meridian Longlimbs ( @Ratchat620 ) (ign ratchat620 )

A painting of the "family" (to be expanded as members get portraits):
my portrait!
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