Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Marriage of Epikplayer and Frankieba5


Loyal Servant of Altera
Wrayh if I ever see you post anything like that ever again I'll look into having your forum privelleges removed. Its a PG 13 server for crying out loud! That post was disguisting, insulting to any homosexual players we may have out there and at the very least useless spam.
Oh my....... I must apologize I didn't even consider this.... I am very sorry to anyone that my post may have offended. I did mean it in joking way but I can obviously see that it could be offensive to those who are homosexual... I am not a Homophobe, I have gay friends.. I don't even use the word gay... The post was immature, I can clearly see that now.. At the time I guess I thought it would be funny. I am truly sorry that I posted it.. Thank you for removing it. I apologize greatly to anyone who was offended by my post. If I must, I will take a punishment... It was stupid for me to post something so reckless.. I didn't even think it through. It was from this Medieval paper I had to write in school about torture methods and who got them... Like I said before... I will take any punishment... I am truly sorry for that disgusting post.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Apology accepted................ -le sigh -
Your watching the Tourist by the yogscast! :D Hahahaha! "What a long hall way... -le sigh-"

Also, if it did actually have effect on you.. I posted a more direct apology to anyone who saw it in General Discussion.


Lord of Altera
Epik! I wanna do something! You said you needed someone to build? I'll do it! Oh, and whats GSLT? I've seen GLBTQ but not GSLT...


Lord of Altera
Epik! I wanna do something! You said you needed someone to build? I'll do it! Oh, and whats GSLT? I've seen GLBTQ but not GSLT...
(it's a west coast us thing)
And we need a place to have a reception, cake, plenty of room, etc.


Lord of Altera
Also, do you guys have any specific games you want? I was thinking some light music, a cake eating contest and maybe a dance off.

And as to which bestman I'm toatally NOT going to kill. It's Darkwolf, 'cause we're best buds ;)


Legend of Altera
if you can give me a time i can be the greeter i just need know a time well my timezone is 10+ GMT becuase im in Australia/Victoria