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Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
I think people deserve rewards for doing something that other people can not do at a certain level. I also agree the money spent on the major sports stars should be given to those that deserve it but I don't feel strongly enough about it to do something about it. If, however, you do feel that strongly then protest, demonstrate, make your feelings known. Opinions are great, words are too but unless we have actions to back these words up there may as well not be any words said at all.

How the nether do you think that it makes a difference because it's a computer game? Gaming at such a level requires just as much, if not more skill than some of the major sports
out there.

Clearly I don't know how difficult LoL is then...
TMK its clicking WASD, 12345, mouse and looking at a screen..
But playing a computer game does not require more skill then playing majority of sports. Things like darts are easy, croquet, etc.
But it feels different about having a computer game as a sport...


Retired Staff
Except soccer players in Europe, they get paid per match they play in, and they get paid good (like 300k+/year)


Lord of Altera
Clearly I don't know how difficult LoL is then...
TMK its clicking WASD, 12345, mouse and looking at a screen..
But playing a computer game does not require more skill then playing majority of sports. Things like darts are easy, croquet, etc.
But it feels different about having a computer game as a sport...

There are over 32 million active league of legends players. In the pro scene there is about 80 players. Becoming top 80 out of 32 million requires an organized team and hard work ^^


The original mute
Mario I take it you've never played this sort of game. In fact there are a lot of games that require more skill to play than basic sports. Stuff like Starcraft has been a recognised e-sport for an age. And I don't think any of you have realised, this is only for the purpose of visas. Why does it matter? Well the us get to tax the prize money as earnings. So really there's nothing bad happening.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
But playing a computer game does not require more skill then playing majority of sports. Things like darts are easy,

Darts is a very difficult sport, clearly you don't play it at a professional level.

TMK its clicking WASD, 12345, mouse and looking at a screen..

Depending on your keybindings, you don't use A or S. it's QWERDF with 123456 as inventory spots, tactics and skill are required.

Don't judge something until you know it well enough to explain it.

Cycling sure as anything isn't easy, but to some people it's sight lot easier than remembering every single keybind command to Starcraft 2, learning the ins and outs of what each unit does etc. etc.

You seem to be jumping on the back of something without much of a reason to be there.



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Mario I take it you've never played this sort of game. In fact there are a lot of games that require more skill to play than basic sports. Stuff like Starcraft has been a recognised e-sport for an age. And I don't think any of you have realised, this is only for the purpose of visas. Why does it matter? Well the us get to tax the prize money as earnings. So really there's nothing bad happening.

I will give you my firstborn because of this. Matyio, it just so happens I'm a heterosexual male but I think I'm in love.



Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
I have never played LoL, as I said I don't particularly know anything about it, but I still think that as it is a computer game it should not be a sport.
There is something very very different between a sport and a computer game.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
I have never played LoL, as I said I don't particularly know anything about it

League of Legends is a MOBA. That stands for Massive Online Battle Arena. It's a 5v5 game and on the main map, Summoners Rift, each game lasts roughly 45 minutes although I've played games for 1 and a half hours. It doesn't have as steep of a learning curve compared to DoTA or HoN but the Skill cap is immensely high.

but I still think that as it is a computer game it should not be a sport.
Not only does every person who wants to play a game competitively completely disagree with you but any argument that you can put up has probably been suggested by the American government and then countered by the legal team at Riot.

There is something very very different between a sport and a computer game
In what sense?


Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
Because I feel that a sport should be something active, which needs exercise, not looking at a computer screen using keybinds etc.
I enjoy to play games competitively, that doesn't mean it has to be a sport. Sometimes we gamble money, and however gets the best score etc., gets the money. We sometimes also have tournaments. While I was in France on the journey there and back we had a massive tournament of 30 of us. The winner won 30 Euros, we donated 1 Euro each.
I know this is nothing compared to... 80 odd winning a few 100 thousand dollars or whatever, but playing a computer game doesn't feel the same as doing an active sport. I did karate for near 9 years, 2 years on a national level, it doesn't feel the same as playing Street Fighter, however that is quite different to LoL.
Are E-Sports different to sports (eg Tennis)... by this I mean would it be like:
a) Sports: Tennis, Basketball, League of Legends, Sailing, Karate, Judo, Football etc
b) E-Sports: League of Legends, <instert other e-sports here> and Sports: Tennis, Basketball etc.
If its option B, where League of Legends and Karate are different categories to eachother, then that's fine, I just can't see LoL being played at something such as the Olympics, but If there is a completely separate E-Olymics.
If that makes sense?


Retired Staff
Chess is a sport.

Hell, professional StarCraft players in Korea have the same fame as celebrities.


Lord of Altera
Chess is a sport.

Hell, professional StarCraft players in Korea have the same fame as celebrities.

I heard about some korean starcraft player who couldnt leave his house because of the girls following him everywhere he went. I guess its somewhat like being a football star in the west european countries :p