Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Finished] A Wedding! (date set)


Retired Staff
It’s true! A wedding!

After living together for a couple of weeks and being happy building together, Kvothe August and Mara are getting married.

(RP’ing is new for the both of us, I tried it a few times, so this will be a whole new experience).

A date has been set (if bode does not change his schedule), the ceremony will take place on Saturday, November 3rd.
The ceremony will start around 9pm (GMT+1), so I hope most people will be able to attend.

The location will be in the hidden church of Heaven's Reach.
For all those who will attend:

To get to the location of the ceremony, do as follows:
- Go to Heaven's Reach (it's the big ship with yellow-white sails in Port Silver).
- When in Heaven's Reach go right, you'll find stables there. Take the one to 'Farms'
- From the farms, a path is marked with fences with a torch on it, follow these marks, you will go up a hill and get close to a statue, if you do, you followed the right path.
- Go down into the cathedral, find yourself a decent spot (first row to the right is reserved).

The ceremony shall be lead by Neorey August, who, as mayor of Heaven's Reach, shall bind us in our marriage.

After the ceremony, we'll host a party, also in Heaven's Reach, to celebrate our marriage.

Food and drinks will be supplied, as well as cake.

Everybody is welcome to attend. No signing up required!

Kvothe & Mara


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
*starts writing*

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..."
"No... not original..."

*tears paper apart*

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
*goes straight through*
Sometimes I think I should go around shouting I'm half ghost before people try to hurt my non-existent face :D