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Cyberpunk 2077 Thread

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
>be me
>pre-ordered Cyberpunk 2077 for PS4
>should be arriving today
>wake up at 1pm because lazy af
>check porch
>no game
>go toilet
>sat on the loo
>hear van
>get excited beyond my wildest dreams
>earlier I can install Cyberpunk with my god awful wifi, earlier I can play
>dreaming of making Lana in the character menu
>not going to google anything, go in blind
>explore night city
>flush the toilet (and clean, not a savage)
>rush downstairs
>see the red van driving away
>rush into porch
>see package
>it looks game sized
>open it up
>its not a game, its a charger
>look on front, not even for me, its for my nan
>eat sausage roll and make a Cyberpunk 2077 Thread on Hollowworld forums to pass the time until we actually obtain the game and post things about it here


Retired Staff
Apparently it's actively promoting transphobic views, it engages the cyberpunk aesthetic without the inherent themes of it, and it's a completely broken mess despite the abuses of crunch.

And like, how funny is it that a cyberpunk game that involved a corporation abusing its employees doesn't use the cyberpunk themes of corporate abuses.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
>be me
>made this thread yesterday
>excited to play
>game never arrives on the 10th, the day Amazon told me
>that is OK
>says it will be delivered today
>get email around 5:30pm
>rush downstairs
>check neighbours
>check neighbours neighbour
>call up Amazon
>nice lady says it has been delivered
>I say no
>she says investigation will commence and she will call back on the 15th

>where is my game


Retired Staff
Hey uh not to burst your bubble but you don't want to play it on PS4. People are noting 15 FPS and 720p resolution. Mountains of bugs and terrible performance on last-gen consoles. I would try to refund it given the news about how unplayable it is.


Lord of Altera
Hey uh not to burst your bubble but you don't want to play it on PS4. People are noting 15 FPS and 720p resolution. Mountains of bugs and terrible performance on last-gen consoles. I would try to refund it given the news about how unplayable it is.
I’m pretty sure they’re going to start patching up the issues relatively soon and were simply trying to delay the game no longer, I know PC isn’t looking too bad in terms of fps and glitches.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Hey uh not to burst your bubble but you don't want to play it on PS4. People are noting 15 FPS and 720p resolution. Mountains of bugs and terrible performance on last-gen consoles. I would try to refund it given the news about how unplayable it is.
I spent about a year and a half playing Fallout 76 as an avid player.

I do not mind bugs =) And as for FPS drops... I play Minecraft on the lowest possible render distance.
Certainly, I welcome the warning. However, it seems to me all the complaints come from those who have the money to afford such top quality computers where they expect things to run flawlessly. I do not.


Bird, Knows What's Good
Retired Staff
pretty fun game but everyone and their grandma is salty about it rn so the internet is a danger zone for it

I like


Lord of Altera
99% of issues have been fixed already people are just being salty to be salty it seems. They even chewed out their board in a meeting for making them launch so early and despite refunds handed out they are still selling millions of copies.

I love it great game even with the bugs I hardly even notice them as I don’t dup or hoard things to break the game. And looking foward to multiplayers


Lord of Altera
For this play threw I choose corpo path and start as well built heavily into stealth and cyber hacking.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
A good friend of mine took pity on me and gave me Cyberpunk 2077 as a Christmas gift.

My V, evidently as close to Lana as I could get her to look, is a bit of a revolver/pistol and stealth hybrid. I find combat very clunky, which is OK because there is more story than combat. This game has, in the small part I have played (I only just got out of the prologue, getting distracted at every turn), has made me cry attending Jackie's funeral (I do not feel bad spoiling this, he literally died in the trailer).
The characters, the world-- it all feels so... new to me. I like this new feeling. Its very overwhelming.

I adore Johnny Silverhand, thus during a side-quest investigating a place he used to play at, I bought this insanely stupidly priced t-shirt armour for 5300 eurodollars as you can see my Lana V wearing now.

This seems like a very long and slow game. Thankfully I have not encountered any crashes yet on my PS4, only the occasional bug with missing models, slow rendering and people appearing from thin air then t-posing out the scene. I am loving it, honestly.
Nothing has made my PS4 experience unplayable as of yet.

Very important question though, what lifepath did/will you choose
I chose Corpo too! it just seemed so themeatic. I wished to immerse myself in this new reality from the deep end. Corpo certainly gave me that experience.


Lord of Altera
A good friend of mine took pity on me and gave me Cyberpunk 2077 as a Christmas gift.

My V, evidently as close to Lana as I could get her to look, is a bit of a revolver/pistol and stealth hybrid. I find combat very clunky, which is OK because there is more story than combat. This game has, in the small part I have played (I only just got out of the prologue, getting distracted at every turn), has made me cry attending Jackie's funeral (I do not feel bad spoiling this, he literally died in the trailer).
The characters, the world-- it all feels so... new to me. I like this new feeling. Its very overwhelming.

I adore Johnny Silverhand, thus during a side-quest investigating a place he used to play at, I bought this insanely stupidly priced t-shirt armour for 5300 eurodollars as you can see my Lana V wearing now.

This seems like a very long and slow game. Thankfully I have not encountered any crashes yet on my PS4, only the occasional bug with missing models, slow rendering and people appearing from thin air then t-posing out the scene. I am loving it, honestly.
Nothing has made my PS4 experience unplayable as of yet.

I chose Corpo too! it just seemed so themeatic. I wished to immerse myself in this new reality from the deep end. Corpo certainly gave me that experience.
Oh yeah they have patched it so much at this point a lot of the original issues people were having and could not wait to be fixed are gone now so enjoy ^^


Lord of Altera
I chose Corpo too! it just seemed so themeatic. I wished to immerse myself in this new reality from the deep end. Corpo certainly gave me that experience.
I agreed, I also cried at Jackie's funeral, kind of wished he was a love interest too though. I'm trying to find Kerry/Male love interest

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
I adore the fashion in this game-- if you can get the right outfit together without ever going to a clothing vendor like me, that is