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Fallout 4


Lord of Altera
twenty six hours in im level twenty seven I have built up two towns and have trade going between them both. My charisma is unmatched and im stealthy. Got my good old sniper rifle,shotgun machete combo for when i get low on ammo.

I have explored the entire north west and am working on the middle north and working east, I ahve jsut joined the BOS and have collected 38 fusion cores, so i have gone away from sniping into a in your face beat you down with my power armor 45-e series machete killing machine.

I am loving it nothing can stand before me muhahahah

and the perfect song for me continuing



Lord of Altera
I've never played a Fallout game before, but I jumped on the hype train regardless and bought Fallout 4 yesterday. Do you guys have any tips / advice that will improve my experience playing the game or save me some frustration? :I
Take time to really look from time to time.


Lord of Altera
26 hours and you've done all that?
Wow, Ive been prating about.
in my... 30+ hours, Ive been just wandering about... and dying.

So I'll say this.
  • Gun play, oh sweet gun play. most weapons have some nice impact and the addition of grenades and melee is very welcome. It actually feels like and FPS without numbers getting in the way.
  • The AI... well, lets just say that the folks who did the AI need a raise. Enemies take cover, use grenades, sneak about and try to suppress you, And thats just the humans. Supermutants seem not to care about cover as they lumber about, but know when making a b-line towards you wont get very far, then a fair number of high explosives and dogs are thrown to push you out of cover. The feral Ghouls don't give a damn, and it is terrifying when a full pack don't even slow down as they run over half a dozen mines. Everything seems to know when it has the upper hand and when to try and get it.
  • Weapons are largely balanced... well, I was still using a pipe rifle that I picked up at hour 3 with 1 modification. most are balanced my variety, style or ammo... don't know if their is the OP energy weapons that were in fallout 3 but time will tell.
  • Animations are far better than I expected. But I think that many people don't pick up on the subtle animations, not all of the details are in the face, such as people in power armor almost fight to move their arms and often pull their heads each time they speak... details lost on a lot of people, but I will admit that the lip-sync is... special.
  • The dialogue... of boy.. All I can say is that it knocks it out the park (lol) and always pick the sarcastic options, you will not be disappointed.
  • everything has a story to tell, If you know where to look.
  • Everything screams immersion... just go into the Glowing sea and not feel a little on edge.
  • legendary enemies spice things up a bit
  • The game doesn't judge you with everyone romance-able even after other romances... how did I find this out? *Bos power armor and press hat thrown about outside the bedroom* Looked it up.
But~ their are niggles that I have. Such as...
  • While the Feral Ghouls are on the right side of terrifying, the 'sane' one just look like some one just got happy with a blowtorch... come on, they are supposed to look rotten and off.
  • The settlement building is late game yet it pushes it on you from the word go... I don't have this many resources or perks to do half the things I need.
  • Cant create or mess around with ammo... I miss that from New Vegas
  • I don't like the UI. The important stuff (HP) is too far away from the center to just glance at, and you have no other indicator of your heath, one second your fine and then your dead to a mole rat... just preference.
  • errr... Performance... but this is the creation engine so optimization isn't that great...
  • Little bit of bullet sponging...
  • Ok so I'm nit-picking.... errmm... the romance is anti-climatic, guess we have to wait for mods for that one... hey, what did I say about immersion.
  • Oh, No enclave and the mutants aren't explained, at least not yet... AND WHAT HAPPENS TO LY- oh, I've said to much... but will get back to that.

And I I had to chose a song? well...


24 hours on current save and I'm nearing the end of the main questline, not on the BoS side (no spoilerino materino), I've got 13 people in sanctuary, 8 people in starlight drive in and 3 other settlements with 6 people. All connected with supply routes. 7 sets of power armour, just working on painting them all different colours (1.5 sets of T45, 6 sets of T60 and a custom made chestplate).


Lord of Altera
I feel like I know what happens in this game simply by hearing non spoiler commentaries of it


One thing I wish the added is an anti-minutemen, for example at the start of the game you should be able to join the raiders in killing the minutemen, although I'd hope for a faction thats not the raiders. And then be able to have a slaver settlement and stuff. Evil stuff. The minutemen give great quests for base building and settlement stuff, but they're so goody-goody it's almost cringey.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
He did put it in a spoiler tag which you opened of your own free will...
It's not like he put the ending in explicit detail in all caps.



Dark Council Elite

In other news, I found a ship captain's hat. A nice little white one. Then I lost it like an asshole.

I wasn't happy, but then I started finding enough fusion cores to actually use my power armor and hoboy the Brotherhood of Steel are fun.


Does anyone know if you can paint your power armour but not with the preset ones? (BoS, vault tec, etc) because someone at work thinks you can find paint can type things and use them.
Also, I hope someone mods an institution paint for power armour, I don't know why it's not in the game already.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Does anyone know if you can paint your power armour but not with the preset ones? (BoS, vault tec, etc) because someone at work thinks you can find paint can type things and use them.
Also, I hope someone mods an institution paint for power armour, I don't know why it's not in the game already.
There's magazines or something hidden in the wasteland that have paint jobs for the power armor but I think that's it


There's magazines or something hidden in the wasteland that have paint jobs for the power armor but I think that's it
That's a shame, but I'm sure someone will mod some nice stuff like that.

I've heard of the magazines, one of my friends got a hot rod pattern but that's all I've heard about them. Hopefully there's a fair amount of them out there.

Tattoos are cool too, if I can work out how to get them on.

Also I'm going to try and unlock all the achievements, since I've been lacking a goal since completing the main quest.
I also hope there's more stuff for the minutemen as I've gotten quite far with them but I'm not sure if they're going to keep giving me actual quests.


Lord of Altera
jsut found my first pieces of x-01 enclave power armor baby heck yeah


Lord of Altera
There are also survival tips magazines or something like that. They basicly give you permanent perks. For instance I get double meat from creatures, and also have 5% extra crit damage or something like that :I


Lord of Altera
Favorite moment so far:

A shootout in an old vault, me and my companion vs 6 mobsters while this played on the classic radio:

Flying bodyparts have never been more majestetic.


I'm finding the perk "tree" really hard to deal with. Sometimes it takes me ages to find the perk I'm looking for and other times I come across a perk I've never seen before and thought "that would have been useful 20 levels ago". It looks good and all, it's just a tad annoying to use.