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Fallout 4


Lord of Altera
right, decided to wait to get fallout 4 until I get a hard drive since i'm running out of memory XP In the meantime im getting the anthology pack with a mini-nuke game holder, since fallout 4 isn't going to be unavailable any time soon, plus I get to experience the early days of Fallout that I never knew since I started on 3
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Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Ok, thoughts with no spoilers so far: i only got to play about 40 minutes before going to bed (since I have work). The game looks MUCH nicer than the original E3 videos. The scenery is gorgeous. However the people look a little floaty and their mouths aren't perfectly synced when they talk. I'm still of the opinion, thus far, that a 9 Int build is best due to the fact that now there's no level cap. Some thing that bothered me, as a PC user, was the basic layout of the default controls. Melee is M1, but power attack is L Alt. that's a little annoying, but at least I can change it. Actually, I had to look up the controls since it only really tells you about half of them, and half of them too late. The chat wheel is ok, but you inevitably have no way of truly knowing what you're going to be saying. However, I found I like the voiced protagonist and the story is fairly good and convincing in its reason for pushing the protagonist into motion. I may add more later. As for now, it's work time... and many many hours til my next game session.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
My pip-boy is at my apartment.
I am in a lecture.

God help me.


Got about 10 hours on it already, spent about 5 of those base building. It's better than I expected, already found some new power armour on my travels, got myself a fat man.
The base building is awesome but I hope people find a way to add more objects and also placing walls at 90 degree angles to eachother doesn't work unless you use an awkward work around which makes it hard to build even a simple house. Lip syncing isn't great but the facial expressions are awesome. Some pathing is a bit of but eh, it's a Bethesda game. The power armour is really useful but not overpowered, it's not just a gimmick.
Food is actually useful now, especially if you cook it, heals a lot of health. The weapon handling and combat in general is a lot smoother than other Fallout/Elder scrolls games. The map doesn't feel that huge, but I guess the sprint feature makes it faster to travel and there are a lot of huge open buildings and factories to make up for it. Weapon and armour upgrades are cool and now there's a reason to take absolutely everything. Desk fans are great for screw.
The leveling was a bit confusing at first and you no longer upgrade individual skills which I'm not sure how I feel about. It's OK though, overall an amazing experience so far.


Lord of Altera
I may not have fallout 4...but I have a mini nuke with fallouts 1,2,3 goty, new vegas goty, and tactics...4 shall take its place with them in two weeks time....


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
I'm several hours into it now and it certainly lived up to expectations. The combat system is sleek and efficient and actually feels like a FPS but with all the elements of the RPG franchise we know and love. Like @Spark said, the building element of the game was a pleasant surprise. I didn't think I'd be able to finally turn my loot hoarding into something so rewarding. The animations are vastly improved as is the AI on the NPCs. They added a feature from other RPG's where followers will now need reviving with a stimpak and they will judge you based on your conversation choices.

All in all, a brilliant game.


Dark Council Elite
View attachment 69404

Eight and a half hours in, and I'm only level 12.

This game, holy shit, it's so good. I'm easy to impress, but everything is so smooth and fun and balanced. It feels like post apocalyptic society, and the concept of towns is crazy fun. The building is incredible too! Absolutely, good god, I've not even gotten the major hang of things yet and I've spent several hours on it, quite fun. I feel like my major focus is going to be centered around Sanctuary Hills.


Lord of Altera
I've never played a Fallout game before, but I jumped on the hype train regardless and bought Fallout 4 yesterday. Do you guys have any tips / advice that will improve my experience playing the game or save me some frustration? :I