Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Vanilla WoW] Nostalrius Server


Lord of Altera
Reading over what I just wrote, id agree. But the truth is that I'm having more fun playing this free, 10 year old content, than the current retail version. Definitly worth a try. Also, the more people we can draw into this thing, the better guild we'll have :I


Lord of Altera
Server Outreach
Never played WoW but this has gotten my interest


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
If you wanna all play together, pop your character names in this thread and I'll add it to the list in the main post. When we can, we'll make a guild!


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Ugh fine, I'll download it later ;-;
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
I dont believe creating a guild requires a particularly big initial investment. If we can gather (5?) players later maybe we can get it up and running?


Lord of Altera
I'm actually a bit dubious on if this thread should be a thing, playing on private servers is pirating for MMOs. By playing one you're downloading stolen/illicit software protected by copyright and being a accessory to pirating which is against the law. I'm not making a statement on morality, however I believe Hollow World and it's forums do not approve of illegal actions being encouraged or advertized.


Lord of Altera
As far I know hosting or playing on a private server is not strictly illegal. However making a direct profit from said server IS.


Lord of Altera
Making money from it is definitely illegal, and I think that would qualify for piracy? But as far as I can tell, these guys appear to be using a modified version of the game? That breaks EULA, since you're not allowed to play modified versions of the code.
At least in Norway I /think/ you are allowed to modify and release other people's work, as long as you give credit where it is due, and clarify that it is modified. Obviously its natural to assume that this is different in America. Also I've read that its very difficult for Blizzard to actually take many of these private servers down, mainly because they are located on completely different continents, outside of the law's reach.


Lord of Altera
I will need to look this up, but I don't think that "I'm in a different country" cuts it for contract-breaking.
I didn't mean that being in another country would disarm the entire situation. Just that if someone set up a private WoW server in say, Taiwan, its very difficult for an American company to actually shut it down.


Lord of Altera
Those who wish to play on the server do, those who think its wrong do not. The staff makes the decision if they want to shut down the thread and not us, so this is getting rather pointless.
Besides, all this legal talk is rustling my jimmies :I


Lord of Altera
Padragin, you can download the game for free anyways. You can actually play it for free to a certain extent (what is it, level 20 cap?). So saying "you're emulating to play it for free" doesn't really count for anything anyways.

Perhaps calling some staff in here to settle the dispute might be worthwhile then? @Somnastra care to clear this up?
Those who wish to play on the server do, those who think its wrong do not. The staff makes the decision if they want to shut down the thread and not us, so this is getting rather pointless.
Besides, all this legal talk is rustling my jimmies :I
That was my intention with my post, i'm not saying it's morally wrong or right, not all laws are right after all, but using a private server is avoiding the subscription fee on the game, which makes it illegal to do so. It's downloading software that has been modified from what your files actually have, or files that were stolen from blizzard themselves.

Obviously I don't think anyone in this thread thinks private servers are wrong, but if this thread stays is up to staff due to legality issues.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
The reason I'd lock the thread is because people are getting their jimmies unnecessarily rustled. I have no idea what the legality of this is or isn't, but we're not culpable if the latter... I don't believe. But for the love of god, can you please stop jumping down people's throats for everything, Pad?

Perhaps when Antilogy returns he can provide a bit more insight, but until then, just let people enjoy things, yeah?