Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Vanilla WoW] Nostalrius Server


Lord of Altera
The reason I'd lock the thread is because people are getting their jimmies unnecessarily rustled. I have no idea what the legality of this is or isn't, but we're not culpable if the latter... I don't believe. But for the love of god, can you please stop jumping down people's throats for everything, Pad?

Perhaps when Antilogy returns he can provide a bit more insight, but until then, just let people enjoy things, yeah?
I didn't mean to do so, I only wanted to say that this may cause issues with the staff due to it's legal grey area. I'm not jumping down anyone's throat or judging, I am merely stating the fact that if the staff don't want private servers advertized than the thread probably shouldn't stay up. I couldn't know if this was allowed or not due to the lack of any similar thread existing.

I don't believe I have been aggressive, and I severely apologize to anyone who feels I was jumping down your throat, that is definitely not my intention. I am happy to have people enjoy things, in fact I never suggested people should or shouldn't do/enjoy this at all. I just stated it's not the most strictly legal thing to do, and staff might not like that. I apologize to everyone i've come across as aggressive towards, and I hold no ill will in any shape or form to anybody discussing this.


Lord of Altera
I didn't mean to do so, I only wanted to say that this may cause issues with the staff due to it's legal grey area. I'm not jumping down anyone's throat or judging, I am merely stating the fact that if the staff don't want private servers advertized than the thread probably shouldn't stay up. I couldn't know if this was allowed or not due to the lack of any similar thread existing.

I don't believe I have been aggressive, and I severely apologize to anyone who feels I was jumping down your throat, that is definitely not my intention. I am happy to have people enjoy things, in fact I never suggested people should or shouldn't do/enjoy this at all. I just stated it's not the most strictly legal thing to do, and staff might not like that. I apologize to everyone i've come across as aggressive towards, and I hold no ill will in any shape or form to anybody discussing this.
You didnt come across as agressive at all brochacho, I know you just want to help keep things clean :)


Non sum qualis eram
I think I read something on this...

No, it's not really legit to emulate a WoW private server. No, I don't really think that's a cool thing to do. As someone that wants to work in game development that's kind of against my principles.

On it being a thread on our forums? Well, we don't condone the private server. It's like Skype being liable if you set it up over them? Of course not. If we recieved a takedown we'd obviously take it down.

Now that we're aware of it I'm not sure if we have to take it down or not. I certainly don't support it.

...Oh lord, I'm going to actually go have to read more for this. Curse yee.


Lord of Altera
Server Outreach
Made an account, character name is Messenoire, account name is CatalysTftw


Lord of Altera
@Axex -Migabu
@Ced -Cedative
@Anithola -Maknooze
@angryboy -Elazar
@Catalyst -Messenoire
@Raindes -Yearcia

So that people know who to add and somesuch :I

[6/10] for enough players to create a guild.

Also, I'm offering free cloth armor and gear enchantments to anyone from HW :heart:
(Some recipes may require materials)
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
New character for the list: Malfuriel
If anyone else are running a low level night elf give me a call, and I'll come heal ya :I


Lord of Altera
I did play there once. Level 60 Prot Warrior, pretty well-geared. Unfortunately I barely have time for that server anymore, as pretty much everything takes so long in vanilla, and I don't have time for such. A shame.

I must say, I was surprised to find a thread about it here on Hollowworld.