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The Inquisition


Lord of Altera
hell, Ignis even agrees with your whole "Angeli" thing... look at the "worship none but me"... I dunno what else I'm supposed to be doing to make this work and compromise so we can all have fun.

In my personal opinion that is unendorsed by anything else in general - we've put in a ton of work to give you a much more viable church structure than you had previous with an available potential means of directly accessing the gods as well as a roleplaying construct that would provide integrated, continuous Roleplay between the various church factions of each individual deity alongside exterior factions in a very well put together way.

@Valonyx , @DraconDarknight. It is my express opinion that you two remain stubborn individuals that relentlessly complain throughout any process even if it has been instituted directly for your own benefit. You are essentially squandering the chance to have whatever your church is be socketed in as the primary form of worship for your divine by rejecting the basic principles needed to OOCly bring a bunch of things together for roleplay. I consider it shortsighted and exemplary of your general refusal to just work with people to let things happen and instead your preferance to attempt to complain about things until they go your way, and you do poorly at being told no, even in the face of all logic, physics, and even rote facts about buoyancy.
Honestly, I don't specifically wish to break off of the Inquisition, leading one of the four branches of the Lyserium, I literally took no part in the decision, which is rather annoying in itself, and I dislike how none of the rest of Lavoyard can choose, or even input, because that's how it feels right now.


Lord of Altera
sniped by Nael and Mich, but...

Edit: spoilered because angry negative, nobody wants read tht
in my personal opinion, I tried to have a multigod inquisition like weeks ago, just to give my character conflict.
as far as I could tell, everyone wanted it, but nothing happened.

Valonyx started the whole sun-worshipping movement to bring forth an inquisition. everyone immediately opposed the sun-worshipping inquisition.
you guys have been clamoring for a unified government and a unified church, but as soon as one comes along, you're going to complain.

your gods have spoken. this is the word of every divine anyone in Altera follows, except for Shoreless and some dead Kilrox! even Jishrim has cosigned to this!
the Divine Law is a compromise! I bet you a million bucks Ignis agrees with her followers on the sun being the only form of worship. hell, its in her doctrine! the only reason the divine law doesn't acknowledge Ignis' wish for ultimate power is because the other gods were clearly upset about that.
she won't ask the Lavoyard to change their ways.

you act like this will stop you from doing what you do. it wont. the Divine Law is a compromise, a sort of uber-church that all churches can fall under, and keep their old ways, so long as they follow /that/ list of gods. (now that I think of it, its kind of like how the US government works, with the checks-and-balances between federal and state government)
I know nothing of the church of Hierax, but if I know anything, Salheira has more right to complain about this new order than Thorius does.

because Thorius wanted this to hunt down the heathen unlawful heresy. Salheira didn't.


You've yeed your last haw
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sniped by Nael and Mich, but...

Edit: spoilered because angry negative, nobody wants read tht
in my personal opinion, I tried to have a multigod inquisition like weeks ago, just to give my character conflict.
as far as I could tell, everyone wanted it, but nothing happened.

Valonyx started the whole sun-worshipping movement to bring forth an inquisition. everyone immediately opposed the sun-worshipping inquisition.
you guys have been clamoring for a unified government and a unified church, but as soon as one comes along, you're going to complain.

your gods have spoken. this is the word of every divine anyone in Altera follows, except for Shoreless and some dead Kilrox! even Jishrim has cosigned to this!
the Divine Law is a compromise! I bet you a million bucks Ignis agrees with her followers on the sun being the only form of worship. hell, its in her doctrine! the only reason the divine law doesn't acknowledge Ignis' wish for ultimate power is because the other gods were clearly upset about that.
she won't ask the Lavoyard to change their ways.

you act like this will stop you from doing what you do. it wont. the Divine Law is a compromise, a sort of uber-church that all churches can fall under, and keep their old ways, so long as they follow /that/ list of gods. (now that I think of it, its kind of like how the US government works, with the checks-and-balances between federal and state government)
I know nothing of the church of Hierax, but if I know anything, Salheira has more right to complain about this new order than Thorius does.

because Thorius wanted this to hunt down the heathen unlawful heresy. Salheira didn't.
Well put, *Lannis seal of approval.*

every divine anyone in Altera follows, except for Shoreless



Lord of Altera
sniped by Nael and Mich, but...
My point is moot and was a misunderstanding. I took it like 'One High priest in the Grand Churchs who is chosen by the gods and thus their words law all over the world'
So yes that one was clearly a case of Dracon's bad. - I can openly admit that


Retired Staff
Y'know, you can still do your own Church thing. It just won't have the direct ear of the god in question like the god-sponsored one does.


Lord of Altera
I see what you mean, and I'm pretty sure that these people who are complaining wouldn't be doing so if this was done when there was still a central government. I think they're just upset that now that they've done their own things again, they feel as though it's being ruined by this one central entity. Personally, I find that this is a cool new aspect which the churches should be embracing, not turning against. It's made by the Gods themselves, it should be treated as such ICly.
Mich already cleared that misunderstanding up, at least for hierax.
No one has been deemed "Exalted" yet. But in that situation, between Scardrac and Valonyx's hypothetical churches each of them will have equal opportunity for the position. Whoever makes it would be the go-to for the high priests of the other church, much like how Bishops go to the freakin' Pope.


Lord of Altera
Honestly, I don't specifically wish to break off of the Inquisition, leading one of the four branches of the Lyserium, I literally took no part in the decision, which is rather annoying in itself, and I dislike how none of the rest of Lavoyard can choose, or even input, because that's how it feels right now.
Keep in mind, staff have been working on this since before Valonyx even came back.

The Return Event... The return of the gods and this organization was planned well in advance


Lord of Altera
In my opinion, sure we should humor the mortals and go along with this.. High Church thing, however according to the divines, there is only Ignis, and his ( her? ) Angeli.

Post part II: Besides.. If this "Second" Inquisition doesn't work out, I am sure they can learn from what happened to the first one.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Keep in mind, staff have been working on this since before Valonyx even came back.

The Return Event... The return of the gods and this organization was planned well in advance
I'm glad someone pointed that out...

In my opinion, sure we should humor the mortals and go along with this.. High Church thing, however according to the divines, there is only Ignis, and his ( her? ) Angeli.

Post part II: Besides.. If this "Second" Inquisition doesn't work out, I am sure they can learn from what happened to the first one.
Hopefully you can take this in-character, not out of character. Or maybe I should just give up.


Lord of Altera
I'm glad someone pointed that out...

Hopefully you can take this in-character, not out of character. Or maybe I should just give up.
Sorry for how that sounded. oocly this is fantastic. I support centralizing everything. Rply, my character wants to watch how this plays out.

my previous statement was merely boasting of past achievements the player base had accomplished.

But yes @Michcat thank you for creating this!


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Go wet, go Shoreless Gaby, inquisition can't swim all the way to Kavdek


Lord of Altera
Another thing we should all consider is that there are always several ways to understand a piece of text (As seen before), no matter who writes it, while usually not intended by the author it is almost inevitable.

Take 'the sun burns down' for an example.
You could understand it as a phrase for it being very hot (which is there more common variant), but as well as a way of saying that the end of its life draws near. Both are legit interpretations.

Its a phenomena especially seen in law, which is why sometimes authentic interpretation is applied even centuries afterwards.
Edit: In case you don't know what an authentic interpretation is, its strictly said not an interpretation but the law givers (whoever that may be due to your countries constitution) telling you how to mandatory interpret it.
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Viktor was worshipping Shoreless before you did (by like, three hours or so but still)
dont need to tell me that.
:p oh silly I know *quickly goes to get his disguise clothing* But do you have this?


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Putting aside all the opinions that were discussed or rather more, yelled, I personally think this looks great. Hard word looks like it was put into this, and I'm sure we haven't yet seen the full fruits of that work. Maybe we'll be able to form more educated opinions one these new changes after the event that was planned plays out?


Lord of Altera
Wait a min... I've been looking for a way for Sulivan to die.... Well this will put a new spin on going down in flames.