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The Inquisition


Yū Yi
Those both trialed and charged by the Inquisition have a chance to not be revived by the Sisterhood of Shalherana Mystics.
What factors strengthen this chance?
Depends how the charge of heresy was put on them or anything?
I am interested to why it only says "chance" ^^

Time for Amethyst to not open her mouth to much.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
What factors strengthen this chance?
Depends how the charge of heresy was put on them or anything?
I am interested to why it only says "chance" ^^

Time for Amethyst to not open her mouth to much.
Those are things that are to be discovered and propagated IC :D

is this IC Knowledge?
I think that was already answered on the Q&A in this section, but correct me if I'm wrong ^^


Lord of Altera
In my personal opinion that is unendorsed by anything else in general - we've put in a ton of work to give you a much more viable church structure than you had previous with an available potential means of directly accessing the gods as well as a roleplaying construct that would provide integrated, continuous Roleplay between the various church factions of each individual deity alongside exterior factions in a very well put together way.

@Valonyx , @DraconDarknight. It is my express opinion that you two remain stubborn individuals that relentlessly complain throughout any process even if it has been instituted directly for your own benefit. You are essentially squandering the chance to have whatever your church is be socketed in as the primary form of worship for your divine by rejecting the basic principles needed to OOCly bring a bunch of things together for roleplay. I consider it shortsighted and exemplary of your general refusal to just work with people to let things happen and instead your preferance to attempt to complain about things until they go your way, and you do poorly at being told no, even in the face of all logic, physics, and even rote facts about buoyancy.
... I don't know what to say to that, Naelwyn.

I would like you to notice that first off, I did not ''Remain stubborn'' and as you so said ''relentlessly complain throughout any process'' in any freaking way. I am a player, and as so, I do not have the level of knowledge admins have access to, and I believe it is justified that I worry about the stability and future of our own projects throughout private-made chain of events or campaigns, yes? I will furthermore use this occasion to further my point that it's not at all about the greatness or quality of admin-made content, that I FULLY SUPPORTED AND CONSTANTLY PRAISED through several months and years of time of hollowworld, even if sometimes I disagreed, but its about the fact that the administration is doing a sadly much less good job at explaining things clearly, and what you expect clearly aswell. I am not a subtle person in real life, and when I see that you guys have made almost the same exact Inquisition then the one two Great Houses and a church worked to take down a year ago, please allow me to first of all get worried about it, then try to explain it more so I might consider it from another view? One of my main goals here is to support the survival and prosperity of hollowworld by attempting to help in any way, but I cannot help but notice how it can get offensive when some rightfully misunderstand and then get knocked back like that. Just tell me what you really want, and I will be happy to help...

You claim that I what? Constantly complain and generally refuse to just work with people? I stated multiple times over the weeks that I WANTED to work with people, but because I decided to make a slightly more historically-accurate and more grey nation then the usual, we get hit on and then it's stated we complain about things until they go our way? You want me to tell you why it might be seen this way? Because my members are scared. Scared of what? Scared of being killed by OP chars, scared of perma-dying because their fear makes them believe that the sisterhood won't revive them, and scared that Admins might try to remove them in powergamey ways. I honestly, and truly believe this cannot happen, because i have been on HW long enough to get to know most of you and that you're all beautiful and reasonable people, but most of them don't, and they come from another server, which I will not name, where admins have been known to powergame and screw lore up for their own benefits. I have been trying to get them to reason, but they still won't do a lot of actions in fear of you guys.

You said im shortsighted, and I kinda feel it's rather offensive, because i'm only trying to work with what I see, and what I see reminds me a lot of another old era and I can't help but feel threatened, mostly in RP, but a slight bit in OOC. I would like to now ask you, can you tell me all those times i went and fought what the lore team tried to organise? It is true I sometimes protest, but that's a right, no? Most of the time, I go with it in the end and everyone is great. Even now, I did not say anything against the high council, nothing agaisnt the exalted, and nothing against Ignis and the pantheon, even if it wasn't how i pictured it. I just went with it, and that's how it's supposed to be, and i understand that. But this is what i get for protesting agaisnt a copy of a dangerous group that had all powers and misused them a year ago, that was already taken down by the People in RP?

Rote facts about buoyancy? what do you mean?

Sorry if this is too long, please forgive me.
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Puppycat Herder
Staff member
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Lore Staff
Retired Owner
its about the fact that the administration is doing a sadly much less good job at explaining things clearly
Yo. What needs explaining?

I would like to take a lot of this elsewhere, as it's a bit derailing. There's a complaints section that could be used-


Lord of Altera
Yo. What needs explaining?

I would like to take a lot of this elsewhere, as it's a bit derailing. There's a complaints section that could be used-
I only meant that there's a small problem when it comes to unveiling stuff, It makes some people be scared of what could happen, hence some's reactions of denial at first, nothing else.

Just tell me if you want all of my posts in this thread removed.
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Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
I only meant that there's a small problem when it comes to unveiling stuff, It makes some people be scared of what could happen, hence some's reactions of denial at first, nothing else.

Just tell me if you want all of my posts in this thread removed.
Well, how else would you have us unveil/release stuff? We don't make secrets about it, and this particular bit has been in the works for quite a while. We had a build contest for the cathedral. There's been a thread about religious characters for ages. Just had to hammer out the details.

Unless you're referring to something else.


Lord of Altera
Well, how else would you have us unveil/release stuff? We don't make secrets about it, and this particular bit has been in the works for quite a while. We had a build contest for the cathedral. There's been a thread about religious characters for ages. Just had to hammer out the details.

Unless you're referring to something else.
Well it's only the thread posting but no content part, the only thing I can blame it for is getting the group i'm in on red alert for the duration of the wait, as short as it was, it almost got people to leave the group and others to go at eachother quite virulently on our private Skype. I understand that's not your concerns, but some of this is very... tactical, in our plannings. The situation has been calmed down now, no big deal out of it.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Well it's only the thread posting but no content part, the only thing I can blame it for is getting the group i'm in on red alert for the duration of the wait, as short as it was, it almost got people to leave the group and others to go at eachother quite virulently on our private Skype. I understand that's not your concerns, but some of this is very... tactical, in our plannings. The situation has been calmed down now, no big deal out of it.
I think if you look all the threads have been updated and filled out.
I'm sorry your group of friends are so volatile, but I really don't see how there could be any changes to our modus operandi that would not only solve your issue, but be beneficial.

Because of the state of my internet sometimes, if I had tried releasing all the threads at once I might have lost content and hours of formatting. Staggering them was a personal decision to keep things moving smoothly. If it isn't too much trouble, I think something that could help make this clearer is to count how many pages the entirety of the new content would take up (More pages then the Nakam lore, if you want somewhere to begin). Each of those was entered into the forums oddly spaced, with odd font, and lacking any italics/bolds/colours or formatting of any form because I transferred them from my GoogleDocs. I had to format each and every one of those releases, coupled with how I didn't want to lose content (And have to start all over again) by trying to post everything at the exact same time.

All in all, I can only give some advice I hope you find helpful. If the wait of ~2 days is too much for the patience of your group to handle, then I kindly recommend you take actions to focus group tactics more around tolerance and self-restraint, as well as against the practice of making assumptions.
I know you say the situation has been calmed down and there was no big deal out of it, but while I was trying to get all the information released and clarified, I had more then five of your group members (I am not going to name names right now) harassing me about changing the material or about the decisions involved in creating the new lore with various tactics that included but were not limited too- Guilt tripping, spamming, threats, hateful ranting and general complaining of the more intense nature. This is only mentioning the more hurtful stuff, and it was all sent through these forums and ingame (I've decided for the time being to let the matter rest and not pull logs because it seems you guys have 'calmed down', however please keep in mind if anything of this sort happens again I will take it to the staff team to be prosecuted). Do I need to mention that this harassment greatly slowed the release times?

I understand that the matter has been settled, but I would very much appreciate it if in the future this community can remain friendly, helpful, and collaborative.



Lord of Altera
I had more then five of your group members (I am not going to name names right now) harassing me about changing the material or about the decisions involved in creating the new lore with various tactics that included but were not limited too- Guilt tripping, spamming, threats, hateful ranting and general complaining of the more intense nature.
I had no idea about this...
I'm really sorry, Mich.

I feel dishonored.


Lord of Altera
I think if you look all the threads have been updated and filled out.
I'm sorry your group of friends are so volatile, but I really don't see how there could be any changes to our modus operandi that would not only solve your issue, but be beneficial.

Because of the state of my internet sometimes, if I had tried releasing all the threads at once I might have lost content and hours of formatting. Staggering them was a personal decision to keep things moving smoothly. If it isn't too much trouble, I think something that could help make this clearer is to count how many pages the entirety of the new content would take up (More pages then the Nakam lore, if you want somewhere to begin). Each of those was entered into the forums oddly spaced, with odd font, and lacking any italics/bolds/colours or formatting of any form because I transferred them from my GoogleDocs. I had to format each and every one of those releases, coupled with how I didn't want to lose content (And have to start all over again) by trying to post everything at the exact same time.

All in all, I can only give some advice I hope you find helpful. If the wait of ~2 days is too much for the patience of your group to handle, then I kindly recommend you take actions to focus group tactics more around tolerance and self-restraint, as well as against the practice of making assumptions.
I know you say the situation has been calmed down and there was no big deal out of it, but while I was trying to get all the information released and clarified, I had more then five of your group members (I am not going to name names right now) harassing me about changing the material or about the decisions involved in creating the new lore with various tactics that included but were not limited too- Guilt tripping, spamming, threats, hateful ranting and general complaining of the more intense nature. This is only mentioning the more hurtful stuff, and it was all sent through these forums and ingame (I've decided for the time being to let the matter rest and not pull logs because it seems you guys have 'calmed down', however please keep in mind if anything of this sort happens again I will take it to the staff team to be prosecuted). Do I need to mention that this harassment greatly slowed the release times?

I understand that the matter has been settled, but I would very much appreciate it if in the future this community can remain friendly, helpful, and collaborative.

You have done a great job at releasing all of this lore ( and Church stuff ). I am quite ashamed that people /I/ personally talk to can act how they did. I am with Val on this matter, and I agree, tightening of our ranks, and how we act oocly as a group must be talked about.

But over everything else, You have done a wonderful job! Keep at it please :heart:

And.. here is some ice cream <# <# <# <# <#


Lord of Altera
I think if you look all the threads have been updated and filled out.
I'm sorry your group of friends are so volatile, but I really don't see how there could be any changes to our modus operandi that would not only solve your issue, but be beneficial.

Because of the state of my internet sometimes, if I had tried releasing all the threads at once I might have lost content and hours of formatting. Staggering them was a personal decision to keep things moving smoothly. If it isn't too much trouble, I think something that could help make this clearer is to count how many pages the entirety of the new content would take up (More pages then the Nakam lore, if you want somewhere to begin). Each of those was entered into the forums oddly spaced, with odd font, and lacking any italics/bolds/colours or formatting of any form because I transferred them from my GoogleDocs. I had to format each and every one of those releases, coupled with how I didn't want to lose content (And have to start all over again) by trying to post everything at the exact same time.

All in all, I can only give some advice I hope you find helpful. If the wait of ~2 days is too much for the patience of your group to handle, then I kindly recommend you take actions to focus group tactics more around tolerance and self-restraint, as well as against the practice of making assumptions.
I know you say the situation has been calmed down and there was no big deal out of it, but while I was trying to get all the information released and clarified, I had more then five of your group members (I am not going to name names right now) harassing me about changing the material or about the decisions involved in creating the new lore with various tactics that included but were not limited too- Guilt tripping, spamming, threats, hateful ranting and general complaining of the more intense nature. This is only mentioning the more hurtful stuff, and it was all sent through these forums and ingame (I've decided for the time being to let the matter rest and not pull logs because it seems you guys have 'calmed down', however please keep in mind if anything of this sort happens again I will take it to the staff team to be prosecuted). Do I need to mention that this harassment greatly slowed the release times?

I understand that the matter has been settled, but I would very much appreciate it if in the future this community can remain friendly, helpful, and collaborative.

I took an OoC break from the server for two days for this exact reason.
Probably going to have to take another one, too.

Heh. Oh well.


Lord of Altera
I'm bitting my tongue on this issue unroll the weekend, when i assume all this is out... And then whenever this comes into effect.
I will deal with this as a major rule change, however. I will look to what is here then wait a week to see how the rules play out.

However this does not mean i do not have an opinion, infact, if I had not wanted to keep the confession thread clean i wouldn't have posted it here as it seems no one is saying my fears out loud.
Firstly, I respect all the staff and the work they do, the quility of mich's work is, indeed, second to none. however I would have staggered the release for a different reason.

Secondly: as it stands the divine law is a little constictive as it stands, to have everyone worship one or more of the Gods or be burned seem a bit extreme. It is to the point that I may need to change both of my characters or kill them off in fear of bad roleplay ... And i shuder to think what a newplayer might need to do if he wishes to play a heretic.

Third: the inquisition and the exalted seem a tad on the gimic side, instead of having the gods respond to the will of the people, this is the other way around, which I find less interesting.

But i shall be away for a while to wait out the storm.... There is more I wish to say but I don't have a keyboard.