Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished [Peaceful] Spring Festival


Coffee Enthusiast

Character name: Octavius Umprah IV
IGN: Deash12 will still work, will be using Cake_and_Wenches in game, though! :D
Times available: Anytimmmee!~
Setup: .. O' course!~
Desired job:
Those willing to compete in mini-tournaments/judge mini-tournaments.


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Going to be going through this evening to make sure I know who all is willing to participate~


Lord of Altera
Character name: Avalyn
IGN: Uncrazygirl
Times available: Not sure but probably on and off throughout the day.
Setup: Probably not, depends what it is D:
Desired job: She won't really run a booth but she'll run around doing errands and helping people sell things ;)
Skit, comedy, music: Nopee


Lord of Altera
Character name: Therry
IGN: Exclaimer999
Times available: Nearly all day on Saturday, from noon to midnight (central US standard)
Setup: I can gather, but you'll need to tell me what to gather. I can provide for my own stall.
Desired job: Fishing booth: Food, lessons, and equipment (probably not enchanted stuff)
Skit, comedy, music: Sorry, I no has. :(


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Ehm. Currently...."preoccupied" rp wise... *shifty eyes*
But if things look up then I'll still want to hand out funeral flowers to people.
Like a random nut though..

Character name: Ashna
IGN: solusrequiem
Times available: Depends if I have work. It's been changing from morning shifts to eve shifts :(
Setup: Will have a few baskets full of flowers. Not necessarily a stall. Hrm. Just that handing out flowers would require me to actually have plenty enough for all~!
Desired job: Handing out flowers
Skit, comedy, music: -


Lord of Altera
Oh my, sorry for being so late.
Character name: Mhaegan Spicer
IGN: TurtlePrada
Times available: Looks like I should be free the whole time, for once.
Setup: Yes, I'm totally up for gathering some resources.
Desired job: I'd love to run a gambling table though I'd also be willing to run a small booth selling fresh melons and kisses, though I'm up for anything. Might sell some pressed herbs/flowers?
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Lord of Altera
Character name: Blunthoof
IGN: AusGremlinBoy
Times available: Around 6:30am to 7:00pm Victoria time. But it may be longer or shorter. It will be about 8:30 pm for you in the UK.
Setup: Probably not. I could get some wood and cobble though.
Desired job: Run a gambling table
Actually. Blunt stopped following Jax. Sorry :3


Lord of Altera
Character name: Iteraldi
IGN: landem
Times available: Hm. About 3pm-10pm est? This is a little unreliable but about then should be okay.
Setup: She can bring her cello, and I can help gather something if it is needed.
Desired job: If there is dances or whatnot, she's certainly up to helping everyone get into the spirit, or judging dances or whatever~ She can also play her cello.
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Not A Pirate
Retired Staff
Character name: Ardaric Tideborne
IGN: Deathseal123
Times available: Around 10am PSt - 11pm PST
Setup: May be able to donate some stuff, yes
Desired job: Gambling table/Performer if need be
Skit, comedy, music: Knife throwing routine, again if need be


Dark Council Elite

Character name: Archaeus Fronte

IGN: Glados101 / @Archaeus Fronte
Times available: I'll be available literally (probably) almost all day.
Setup: I'm not sure about resources, but I have a lot of spare things that could be used if needed :p
Desired job: I'd love to perform in tournaments, and I would definitely run a play or skit / performance, Archaeus was a member of the Riddleport theater and has all that experience!
Skit, comedy, music: Whee, it would probably be a comedy act, or as a mime-like person. It all depends on other performers.

... well, all of the participation depends on if Archaeus can be released/broken out of the Planar Infinity before Saturday. Hopefully the corrupt don't intend to keep me there until the end of the entire campaign. :I


Legend of Altera
Character name: Galomaltus Fiora
IGN: redworrior83
Times available: Check the info section on my forum profile.
Setup: I might be able to donate some stuff
Desired job: Galo doesn't like being the center of attention im afraid, though he is a very good shot so could take part in an archery tornament.
Skit, comedy, music: He can play the birdpipes, but wouldn't play them in public.


Based on what?
Retired Staff
I'm sure I could joust if asked to, I missed my last chance, I enjoy jousting but it's only Fair when neither player is laggy.


Lord of Altera
Character name: Gabriela
IGN: gabythedinogirl
Times available: not running anything, but will be availible any time, mostly
Setup: I can gather odds and ends. likely wont have a stall, but can sell various red things
Desired job: fairgoer here. will have things to sell and stuff. assorted curios
Skit, comedy, music: I can dance! :D

Mad Hatter

All is as it should be.
Character name: Benjamin Birchwood
IGN: SilverRain4
Times available: I cannot say for sure, yet...
Setup: If I can offer any materials I am happy to :)
Desired job: I would run a booth for you, or whatever you needed at the time.
Skit, comedy, music: I think I could do some poetry or limericks :p

To be honest I don't know if I will even be able to attend, BUT, I want to, and if I can I will do anything you want me to! :D This is a great idea, it sounds like a lot of fun. I am going to figure out what day and time it is now...