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Finished [Peaceful] Spring Festival


Puppycat Herder
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April 26, 2014

Kelta Brinn, a scholar who was recently displaced from her home in Port Silver has organized a festival to help lift her own spirits, and hopefully the spirits of those around her.

It was wonderful! Thank you to everyone who helped out!!


OOC: I need these kinds of people, still~

Those willing to compete in mini-tournaments/judge mini-tournaments.
Those willing to perform, either singing, comedy, or a small skit.

I especially need those last ones.

Character name: (self-explanatory)
IGN: (where to I send the PM?)
Times available: (If you are willing to run something, what time during the day are you available?)
Setup: (are you available to help gather any needed resources?)
Desired job: (run a booth? If so what kind. Gambling table? Performer?)
Skit, comedy, music: (If you are a performer, put such here~)
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Puppycat Herder
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Volunteers so far:

Character name: Aster Master
IGN: Master_Aster
Times available: This is difficult as things like to randomly appear for me, so I'd say from 5gmt-12gmt
Setup: I can supply the goods
Desired job: Kissing Booth Wine Tasting Booth
Skit, comedy, music: May randomly start playing the harp and singing if no one else is doing anything.

Character name: Amaryllis Quinn
IGN: Amaryllis_Quinn
Times available: Assuming it's April 26th for everyone but Australia (Which'll be the 27th) then I'll be online all day or at least 7 hours- starting bout' 5-6am my time so 9pm GMT (UK)
Setup: I cooould help gather and food supplies required- but other than that I have no storages to handle building blocks, but plenty of farms-
Desired job: I'd prefer the run a booth, I suppose a food booth doesn't need an attendant if it just has chestshops- so if it is setup with chestshops I'd gladly walk around to help the other stalls and entertainment

Character name: Octavius Umprah IV
IGN: Deash12 will still work, will be using Cake_and_Wenches in game, though! :D
Times available: Anytimmmee!~
Setup: .. O' course!~
Desired job: (tourney judge)

Character name: Avalyn
IGN: Uncrazygirl
Times available: Not sure but probably on and off throughout the day.
Setup: Probably not, depends what it is D:
Desired job: She won't really run a booth but she'll run around doing errands and helping people sell things ;)
Skit, comedy, music: Nopee

Character name: Therry
IGN: Exclaimer999
Times available: Nearly all day on Saturday, from noon to midnight (central US standard)
Setup: I can gather, but you'll need to tell me what to gather. I can provide for my own stall.
Desired job: Fishing booth: Food, lessons, and equipment (probably not enchanted stuff)
Skit, comedy, music: Sorry, I no has. :(

Character name: Ashna
IGN: solusrequiem
Times available: Depends if I have work. It's been changing from morning shifts to eve shifts :(
Setup: Will have a few baskets full of flowers. Not necessarily a stall. Hrm. Just that handing out flowers would require me to actually have plenty enough for all~!
Desired job: Handing out flowers
Skit, comedy, music: -

Character name: Mhaegan Spicer
IGN: TurtlePrada
Times available: Looks like I should be free the whole time, for once.
Setup: Yes, I'm totally up for gathering some resources.
Desired job: I'd love to run a gambling table though I'd also be willing to run a small booth selling fresh melons and kisses, though I'm up for anything. Might sell some pressed herbs/flowers?

Character name: Ardaric Tideborne
IGN: Deathseal123
Times available: Around 10am PSt - 11pm PST
Setup: May be able to donate some stuff, yes
Desired job: Gambling table/Performer if need be
Skit, comedy, music: Knife throwing routine, again if need be

Performers (@IceandFire):

Character name: Rebecca (aka Becky)
IGN: Delta_61251 or Tavros_61251
Times available: Any time really, unless things change
Setup: Any open area that a bunch of people can dance in, because you'll want to dance to her music.
Desired job: Musician
Skit, comedy, music: See above.

Character name: Anna
IGN: mokwar
Times available: Possibly most of the day, but with some little pauses
Setup: Wouldn't mind
Desired job: Playing music!
Skit, comedy, music: Music

Character name: Dayter Arretez
IGN: I'm sure you know ;)
Times available: Free all week/weekends!
Setup: O' course!
Desired job: Ima have a think on this, have a few ideas. :D
Skit, comedy, music: That fine, fine mandolin~

Character name: Archaeus Fronte
IGN: Glados101 / @Archaeus Fronte
Times available: I'll be available literally (probably) almost all day.
Setup: I'm not sure about resources, but I have a lot of spare things that could be used if needed :p
Desired job: I'd love to perform in tournaments, and I would definitely run a play or skit / performance, Archaeus was a member of the Riddleport theater and has all that experience!
Skit, comedy, music: Whee, it would probably be a comedy act, or as a mime-like person. It all depends on other performers.

Other folks who mentioned they might be interested in running a table/having a booth:

@Ginger Beard
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Puppycat Herder
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What kind of tourneys? And hehe gambling
Swordfighting, jousting (maybe)

What kind of booths? Vendors? Games?
Food, flowers, maybe some kind of souvenir type thing, if someone can come up with something.

And as for games: Dice. :D Think... a combination between .. normal dice and roulette. Trying to figure out betting right now, but that's more or less all I'm left with.


Lord of Altera
Swordfighting, jousting (maybe)

Food, flowers, maybe some kind of souvenir type thing, if someone can come up with something.

And as for games: Dice. :D Think... a combination between .. normal dice and roulette. Trying to figure out betting right now, but that's more or less all I'm left with.
Sign me up!
And gambling, I won't stop till I lose absolutely everything!


Puppycat Herder
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The crime ring could "help" with the gambling
Mmm... I think it'd make RP sense, but I would like to ask that there be nooooo shady business going on. I don't want people to have a reason to poke at the Peaceful restriction.


Not A Pirate
Retired Staff
Mmm... I think it'd make RP sense, but I would like to ask that there be nooooo shady business going on. I don't want people to have a reason to poke at the Peaceful restriction.
Might skim a little off the top, but nothing too shady~