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an observation about current roleplay


Lord of Altera
Oh, I definitely agree with what you're saying, mat. I'd also like to add that if people often make spelling/grammar mistakes, people RP with them less too.


Lord of Altera
Some people often have grammar-nazi-itus :p I understand, but it sorta bugs me sometimes too.


well if you see me on ts, poke me and i'll tell you if i'm on.

thats understandable, its something i try to avoid, around 50% of my close friends being dyslexic also helps.
I'm dyslexic also.... I think i held that rp together pretty well... except typo'ing my own name... twice.


The original mute
I'm dyslexic also.... I think i held that rp together pretty well... except typo'ing my own name... twice.
Did I forget to put in a while in that message? Not saying its not the best, but I have a bad memory so I generally say a while. Also sorry for the long pauses, sometimes I take a while to think of the correct words to use. I hope you enjoyed it.

In other news it seems people are becoming more receptive to actions alone, I've noticed a dramatic increase in the rps I've spied on recently.


Did I forget to put in a while in that message? Not saying its not the best, but I have a bad memory so I generally say a while. Also sorry for the long pauses, sometimes I take a while to think of the correct words to use. I hope you enjoyed it.

In other news it seems people are becoming more receptive to actions alone, I've noticed a dramatic increase in the rps I've spied on recently.
Ahh i see, also im used to waiting for responses, sometimes i do the same!

(Ps like my new signature?)


Lord of Altera

I love the idea. I try to take note of actions like this whenever possible, and will often emote things like wind or sounds in to make the RP more natural. Things like *Aspen grins, looking out over the landscape. His hair blows back in the breeze.* Mich can vouch for me here. XD


The original mute

I love the idea. I try to take note of actions like this whenever possible, and will often emote things like wind or sounds in to make the RP more natural. Things like *Aspen grins, looking out over the landscape. His hair blows back in the breeze.* Mich can vouch for me here. XD
I wish there were more of you on this server.


Lord of Altera
Not sure if this counts as an example:

My character(Sonallius, Sonne for short) was minding his own business when walking around Port Silver, he would then notice that he was being followed by a girl(Machy234), all around Port Silver, but pretend that he didn't know. He went inside the Laughing Lamb(Which was not flooded by that time) and sat on a table and waited. After a while, the girl he suspected was in the Lamb, looking at him from a distance. He asked her if she was following him, but she replied in a shake of the head, then a smile. This only caused Sonne's suspicions to raise higher, but he shoved the thought aside and continued to wander into his thoughts.

After a bit, a half-fish, half-human man(Chaoticdog118) walked up to the girl Sonne was suspecting, and called her out to get her attention. After she saw the man, he asked her if she was water blessed, she responded with a shrug of her shoulders. He asked again, she replied the same way, and added a shake of her head. Sonne didn't look that way, because he thought he shouldn't get involved in matters that don't concern him(Especially since he's a stranger, the same way I'm still new to the server and practically a stranger too).

In this moment, another man, who this time was entirely human(Can't remember his username), walked up to her, and held a knife the size of a normal person's index finger(That size is the size of the blade), and insisted that she told the half-fish man if she was water blessed, this time, Sonne turned slightly, enough so that he wouldn't be noticed, to watch the event unfold. Sonne saw the girl's expression, she was already induced with fear. After attempts of more asking the same thing, another person showed up at the scene, my character learned later on that this person was Queen Abbey. She then said that she and her kind were inferior, something like that. Queen Abbey ordered the half-fish man to stab the girl in the foot(Not sure which one) with a trident, Sonne was completely shocked.

It ended up in me successfully saving the girl from getting killed with the help of two more people(Silverthread was one of the person's username or something close, and Mistika[Numbers]) and getting my eye almost cut out due to trying to fight the half-fish man, hence my profile picture and actual In-game skin. Perhaps if my character knew beforehand that she was Queen Abbey, he would have reacted differently? Who knows, all I know is that I enjoyed that RP segment, being my first big RP moment on the server. I'd post the entire thing, but I'd be just making a big wall of text not a lot of people would wanna see in a thread like this(Will post the entire thing at the request of numerous people. I don't think I should have written such a long example too...).


We demons of our solemn hour
Not sure if this counts as an example:

My character(Sonallius, Sonne for short) was minding his own business when walking around Port Silver, he would then notice that he was being followed by a girl(Machy234), all around Port Silver, but pretend that he didn't know. He went inside the Laughing Lamb(Which was not flooded by that time) and sat on a table and waited. After a while, the girl he suspected was in the Lamb, looking at him from a distance. He asked her if she was following him, but she replied in a shake of the head, then a smile. This only caused Sonne's suspicions to raise higher, but he shoved the thought aside and continued to wander into his thoughts.

After a bit, a half-fish, half-human man(Chaoticdog118) walked up to the girl Sonne was suspecting, and called her out to get her attention. After she saw the man, he asked her if she was water blessed, she responded with a shrug of her shoulders. He asked again, she replied the same way, and added a shake of her head. Sonne didn't look that way, because he thought he shouldn't get involved in matters that don't concern him(Especially since he's a stranger, the same way I'm still new to the server and practically a stranger too).

In this moment, another man, who this time was entirely human(Can't remember his username), walked up to her, and held a knife the size of a normal person's index finger(That size is the size of the blade), and insisted that she told the half-fish man if she was water blessed, this time, Sonne turned slightly, enough so that he wouldn't be noticed, to watch the event unfold. Sonne saw the girl's expression, she was already induced with fear. After attempts of more asking the same thing, another person showed up at the scene, my character learned later on that this person was Queen Abbey. She then said that she and her kind were inferior, something like that. Queen Abbey ordered the half-fish man to stab the girl in the foot(Not sure which one) with a trident, Sonne was completely shocked.

It ended up in me successfully saving the girl from getting killed with the help of two more people(Silverthread was one of the person's username or something close, and Mistika[Numbers]) and getting my eye almost cut out due to trying to fight the half-fish man, hence my profile picture and actual In-game skin. Perhaps if my character knew beforehand that she was Queen Abbey, he would have reacted differently? Who knows, all I know is that I enjoyed that RP segment, being my first big RP moment on the server. I'd post the entire thing, but I'd be just making a big wall of text not a lot of people would wanna see in a thread like this(Will post the entire thing at the request of numerous people. I don't think I should have written such a long example too...).
What is your point in this?
*sits down smiling*