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an observation about current roleplay


The original mute
I have noticed something interesting in the way hollowworld roleplay has gone. If there is no speach accompanying an action it is less likely to be noticed. Why is this? It used to be you paid attention to everything being put to see if it was relevant to your roleplay now it seems unless some pushes into your rp in some way then your actions won't get noticed. and this annoys me.
I rolpelay the only mute currently on the server, and i find it difficult to rp, not beecause i'm bad at roleplaying but because people genuinely ignore my music that i roleplay. Again why? When someone does something that affects the ambience of a roleplay try to achknowledge it. Here are some examples of actions adding to the ambience of roleplay. Music being played, someone singing, people fighting, people arguing, people shouting.
So today i issue a challenge to all roleplayers, get out of the moulds you have made for yourselves and pay attention to actions, even if the person isn't in your rp. Someone singing badly might be a great way to get to know someone elses character just that bit better. or a piece of music could make your character feel something, or want to dance or sing, or even want to tip the musician (this doesn't have to involve the transfer of anything actually of value but it is a way of letting the person know you appreciate their attempts).


The Arbiter of the Gods
Words of a saint.
I personally try my best to notice the surroundings either before, or during the RP (sometimes the RP chat gets too loud though). Not only the sounds now, but surroundings as a whole. This can benefit not only you, but people around you and the RP. If you see a table when fighting, by some chance you may fall on it. When talking and someone's shouting, you can hear that, and it's hard to talk on. That rarely happens in RP though :/


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
+1 to you, Good Sir! Forgive my cowardice in not bringing this up more often, but from now on I most definitely will. It always bothered me when people slide about ignoring the happenings around them.
If I ever stumble across your character, I'll most definitely listen to his music.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I acknowledge emotes that Basil would acknowledge. He tends to ignore bad singing, music playing, things of that nature. Though I do love this idea.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I acknowledge emotes that Basil would acknowledge. He tends to ignore bad singing, music playing, things of that nature. Though I do love this idea.
My character once had a pissy-hissy fit over a bad musician playing in the Laughing Lamb, before proceeding to getting into a screaming match with said entertainer, insisting that his fingers should be broken. It was my impression, afterwards, that this happens a lot.


The original mute
Yesterday one of my characters started an rp with someone by telling them to stop playing music and go do something that won't cause the surrounding populates ears fall off. Feel free to add examples of actions that have wider effects. Here are some more from me: an arrow misses its target, the shadows appearing in an odd fashion, magic, (and in an event) the event master saying that there is some kind of wind, or nor wind.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Jak, as his Halfling character (currently played by his other account) used to play music on flutes, and would post youtube links to those songs. I really liked that idea and always in RP commented on it :3


The original mute
Jak, as his Halfling character (currently played by his other account) used to play music on flutes, and would post youtube links to those songs. I really liked that idea and always in RP commented on it :3
I do that when I can find a tune that sounds right, otherwise i try and give enough information for you guys to hear it in your heads.


Retired Staff
I find that a lot of people cluster in one place nowadays. It isn't a matter of paying attention to one or two people outside of your RP but sometimes over a dozen, all using the RP channel and drowning everyone else out. Unless you're actively searching for the names of the people in your RP, you aren't going to be able to keep up with what even they are saying.


Anymore than two RP's in one asrea makes me unable to work with it. So i use rp to move to a quieter location so we dont get destroyed by conflicting RP's.

My fight against dislexia is futile when the chat is being flooded.


To be fair if theres a fight or argument or sonething like that and someone walks over and randomly starts playing music I would just ignore them simoly because thats not a very immersive situation. If it was, said musician would most likely get 7 barrels of dung beaten out of him...not her....because thats mean..


The original mute
And that's fine spark. I wrote what I wrote after several rps either in the laughing lamb where people were drinking, chatting, and no fights were happening. Or in a peaceful area where no fights were happening. If my character gets in the extreme of one emotion his instrument might play one chord by itself to sow this, but otherwise he'd watch a fight with a worried look on his face.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
To be fair if theres a fight or argument or sonething like that and someone walks over and randomly starts playing music I would just ignore them simoly because thats not a very immersive situation. If it was, said musician would most likely get 7 barrels of dung beaten out of him...not her....because thats mean..
who would be playing something during a fight?