Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Awesome artists, I call on thee!


Hollows Explorer
You know what I'll give it a go using mad graphics skills.
Plus if I need more technology I can always use the graphics department at school :)


Hollows Explorer
I started drawing and it got out of hand I just kept on adding to a once simple looking pokemon ill scan him in and see what people think then photoshop colours into him and finally change him into the right format :D


Lord of Altera
*runs to Paint.NET to begin editing but remembers he has to post something* Oh yeah! I have been looking for a project like this forever! Thank you for giving me something to do for the next week! I've actually got a ton of ideas for Pokemon I could make... time to get started!


Hollows Explorer
Spriglets pretty cool now I challenge myself to make him evolve.......
You shall see......
What I am going to do......
Mwa ha ha ha ha ha........


Lord of Altera
Spriglets pretty cool now I challenge myself to make him evolve.......
You shall see......
What I am going to do......
Mwa ha ha ha ha ha........
If I might make a suggestion... Perhaps you could switch the body colour and head colour around... I think it would look better for an evolved Pokemon. :)

And yeah... I didn't like Flirtet much either...


Hollows Explorer
I was thinking of like making a sapling appear on his head where the top leaf thing is, grow out his tail a bit, darken his colours, make him rear up on his hind legs and add a beard of vines


Lord of Altera
I was thinking of like making a sapling appear on his head where the top leaf thing is, grow out his tail a bit, darken his colours, make him rear up on his hind legs and add a beard of vines
I do like that idea... but say there was a third evolution stage... what would that look like? ITZZA! We have a starter for you, coming right up!:D


Lord of Altera
Alright i made one, i didnt bother trying to add shading because it would probably just get in the way of JustShadows editing :/



Zalenfal Guardian
I'm kind of curious, how do you choose your colour palette for shading?
I take the original hue from the sprite, then go up two... I don't know what you'd call it in colour terms, but in music it'd be referred to as an 'octave'. And then you also go down two 'octaves'.


King ForumStalker
I'm lazy, i'll do some more sprites tomorrow!

Also, we need someone to do some backsprites, as once all the front and back sprites are done the sooner I can begin to create the game itself.

Also, everyone who has posted a sprite (or edited one) so far will get due credit within the game, maybe even a dedicated character, who knows?