Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Awesome artists, I call on thee!


The Arbiter of the Gods
"Awesome Artists"​
Oh, bugger...​
Also, never played any Pokemon, the voices in the series make me sick (Seriously! So squeeeeeky!!!!) and stuffs. I guess I could try and draw it though :l​


Zalenfal Guardian
If not I can post some of the ideas I want to implement and you can attempt to draw them?
This please. I'm not so good at thinking of ideas for creatures :p
I can give it a go, but I'll probably be better at making something someone describes :p


King ForumStalker
Idea's i've wanted to implement:
A possessed suit of armour (Ghost/Steel)
A spiked armadillo (Normal/Ground)
A hedgehog with crystal spikes (Rock)
A fire breathing tulip (Grass/Fire)
A skeletal bird (Ghost/Flying)

Try some of these


Zalenfal Guardian
I'm in the process of coming up with something for that 'spiked armadillo' - I've realised how much I suck at drawing xD
If you want to see how it's gone so far, you're welcome to - but I warn you, it kinda sucks :p


Zalenfal Guardian
Wait, by liking it does that mean you want to see it, or you just like that I'm progressing? I'm confused :(


Zalenfal Guardian
Whilst I have difficulty with the damn armadillo thing (I shall post him so far anyways), I had a go at Ghosty's Weedor... Hope you don't mind :3
Weedor v2.png

I call him Karmadillo :D
The feet are all screwed up, and I need to add the spikes and perhaps a mouth.