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Awesome artists, I call on thee!


King ForumStalker
So it turns out that, once again, I require help from this crazy universe that is hollowworld, more specifically their artists.

You see, in a lot of my spare time I design and create custom Pokemon games, and it is very fun. The problem is a lot of the time the really "out there" ideas fall flat on their face because I cannot bring them to life due to my lack of art skills. Guess where you come in?

I will need some dedicated artists to help me with a couple of projects, One of them being a pokemon/LoL hybrid, and the other being a "next generation" classic style pokemon game.

To help on either project, you will need:

  • Graphical drawing programme or tool of some sort as long as it can save into the basic image file types. I cannot use paper drawings, sorry!
  • The ability to visualise from description, and being able to draw that visualisation. Don't worry about the fancy words, it merely means that if I describe something to you, you should be able to picture it and draw it.
  • Experience or at least an idea on how to do low resolution (64 x 64) pixel arts well (or at least a want to learn).
  • A determination to carry on with big projects.
Things that will help include:
  • Access to TeamSpeak.
  • A love and/or knowledge of the pokemon games.
  • Past experience with Pokemon spriting (backspirtes will be extra handy!) or tiling.
  • Past experience with the use of UnlzGba.
  • Being able to take criticism. I like to think i'm not too harsh when I critique someone elses work, and i'll usually only suggest changes because it isn't what I visualised
  • Not being a "yes man". I'm super open to suggestions, and if you think i've gone wrong somewhere, or you think you have an idea to improve something, by all means tell me!
I know i'm asking a lot, but I shall be eternally grateful if I could get any help on this. I'm sure I can pull together some form of repayment, although all I can really guarantee right now is eternal thanks.

Any takers?


Zalenfal Guardian
Experience or at least an idea on how to do low resolution (64 x 64) pixel arts well (or at least a want to learn)
Past experience with Pokemon spriting
You know I have these (at least, so you say :p), but as you are aware, I'm difficult to get to work xD
But I'm happy to try to help if you'll let me :3
I can also give drawing from the whole visualisation thing a go, but I wouldn't really say I'm great at drawing. STILL don't have my tablet, so I'd have to do some scanning/colour replacing xD


King ForumStalker
I can also give drawing from the whole visualisation thing a go, but I wouldn't really say I'm great at drawing. STILL don't have my tablet, so I'd have to do some scanning/colour replacing xD
Each sprite is 64x64, so use of a tablet wouldn't be that necessary.

With exception to the spriting and the ulzlgba, this is me all over! I have one question though...

Do I get dental?
1 month dental plan after 3000 sprites.

Jokes aside, i'd be glad to see what you could come up with.

:oops: Ill help, not sure if im classified under "Awesome Artist" but art is fun...!
any and all talent is appreciated!


King ForumStalker
I'm going to upload a template of the 64x64 area you'll be working with.

Feel free to download it, play around with it a bit. The background is that colour for when it is used with unzl, so don't worry about changing the background colour.

If you do any practice sprites of Pokemon, whether they be originals, re-poses or pokemon from your own imagination, please post em here so I can get a read of what you can do.


The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Itzzaboy said:
I'm going to upload a template of the 64x64 area you'll be working with.

Feel free to download it, play around with it a bit. The background is that colour for when it is used with unzl, so don't worry about changing the background colour.

If you do any practice sprites of Pokemon, whether they be originals, re-poses or pokemon from your own imagination, please post em here so I can get a read of what you can do.
Ah, the first challenge of many! Pokemon sprites it is then! And il try to refrain from the jokes as best I can, but I can't promise anything


Zalenfal Guardian
I've seen that before. Isn't it made by some custom sprite generator?

Also, it doesnt follow the 64x64 dimensions.
That one is done by a generator, you can see because all it does is change the colours and face to the secondary Pokémon. Do you have any descriptions of a 'new' Pokémon I could try? :3
And in reference to the Tablet thing - I thought you meant drawing real images of them as well, not just sprites :p


King ForumStalker
Just sprites for now.

By new pokemon, I mean using your imagination to think something up.

If not I can post some of the ideas I want to implement and you can attempt to draw them?


Lord of Altera
I've seen that before. Isn't it made by some custom sprite generator?

Also, it doesnt follow the 64x64 dimensions.
Nah i did that one myself oh photoshop, and its just an example of what i can do. i know its not the right dimensions :3

Edit: yea it looks like the kind from the pokemon combiner thing i posted, but thats the first thing ive seen of pokemon sprites so i thought you were supposed to only change the face and color :O


King ForumStalker
Nah i did that one myself oh photoshop, and its just an example of what i can do. i know its not the right dimensions :3

Edit: yea it looks like the kind from the pokemon combiner thing i posted, but thats the first thing ive seen of pokemon sprites so i thought you were supposed to only change the face and color :O
Look up pokemon scratch sprites on youtube or something. Don't follow HOW they do them, because it doesn't work for this, but look at what they draw.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Itzzaboy said:
What?! Your Weedor is evolving!

*cue evolution music*

Congratulations, your Weedor evolved into Chompiweed!

(PS. what is your "pixel art software?")
Um, the name is a little complicated, and I'm on my phone :S I'll edit this post later on the name
Also, nice chompiweed! Will it evolve again I wonder..


King ForumStalker
I'm thinking Weedor could be just grass type, while Chompiweed gains dark type upon evolution, getting a nice STAB bonus on moves like bite and crunch (which would make sense).

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Itzzaboy said:
I'm thinking Weedor could be just grass type, while Chompiweed gains dark type upon evolution, getting a nice STAB bonus on moves like bite and crunch (which would make sense).
How about a triple evolution? Weedor, chompiweed, and gargantuweed?


The White Mage
Hey! My art skills may be non-existant, but my love of pokemon shall hopefully outweigh those! I've had some experiance in sprite editing, so do you want it as a .spr file or .png (if I can join? :3 )