Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Wow seems death


I jouined Wow on the free version, because I never played it before.
I got a dwarf, with an axe, and ran into some weird fighting lagging, and some weird guy giving me quests.
I gave up in the first half hour, because I was given a mission to get some ale, but they never told me where, the bloody dwarfs.
This is why I don't play it.
It was too....Dwarf-ish. I like dwarfs, sure, but no one was....roleplaying, and no one was really talking!
Everyone seemed death. The mission were old-school guild wars, and, bah, Guild wars had better grathics!
So yes, I think WoW is Dead.
I Doubt you will ever find an MMORPG, were people are actully all role playing together. If you do, let me know.


I Doubt you will ever find an MMORPG, were people are actully all role playing together. If you do, let me know.
I did friend.
It's called HollowWorld. And it's the best bloody thing I have ever heard of.
Note: HollowWorld is compleatly different to minecraft itself. Because of the plugins, HW is the best around!


Lord of Altera
I think its mainly because of the community...

I dont think Hollowworld is a server. It is a community. We are alot more than just a server.


I think its mainly because of the community...

We are alot more than just a server.
How true!
We make it a different game itself!
With dwarf's, elf's, Mermaids, and ghosts, (And humans...) and no bloody monsters bashing at our windows and doors, and without bloody idiots in Diamond Armour teleporting everywhere and killing anyone in sight, and without any annoying griefers, we are the best around!
We are Hollowworld, and we are better because together...
...We all make perfect!


I think I might like it here
I jouined Wow on the free version, because I never played it before.
I got a dwarf, with an axe, and ran into some weird fighting lagging, and some weird guy giving me quests.
I gave up in the first half hour, because I was given a mission to get some ale, but they never told me where, the bloody dwarfs.
This is why I don't play it.
It was too....Dwarf-ish. I like dwarfs, sure, but no one was....roleplaying, and no one was really talking!
Everyone seemed death. The mission were old-school guild wars, and, bah, Guild wars had better grathics!
So yes, I think WoW is Dead.

I agree whit you about that, And i would like to recommend everyone to check out the new vanilla server Feenix had opend on wow. Its in the vanilla patch so its exactly like the old classic world of warcraft where u had to socialize. Everyting is so much better in the first version of wow... Blizzard turned world of wacraft into someting shitty over the time!


Lord of Altera
Blizzard should make a Warcraft IV... I played Warcraft III all the time, never got bored of it, campaign was awesome. And even after playing regular maps for a while, War III WorldEdit was so user friendly everyone could make an awesome map and share it with the world... and because of that Dota was made, then LoL, HoN and DotA 2!