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Wow seems death


Anyone else think wow has been a bit death lately since Diablo 3 came out? As well as the long wait for new content think blizzard is running out of ideas.


Loyal Servant of Altera
same thing when sc2 came out ppl will love it for awhile then after a couple month will get bored of it will come back to wow. yes the wow is boring but its end of the exp. its always boring at the same with endless raid farming for gear on alt to make lvling slightly easyer


King of the north!
yeah most people i know finished cata content months ago, they've just been grinding dailies and raids since then and diablo has given them something else to play. I see sub numbers dropping massively until MOP comes out.


Yeah it just sorta sad seeing no1 on in my guilds n every1 on real id on d3 :( trying installing it n had issues /sigh lack of wow content is sorta what got me playing minecraft


Grand Architect
Dont worry it will come alive soon,
Personally I think Diablo 3 is WAY and i mean WAAAYY overrated.
I finnished the game once and I'm bored of it allready, there is hardlly any replay value.
When you finnish it you simply start over again on a harder mode the game is way to short for that
Furthermore I like games with a good story...well this one doesn't really have one

PS sorry to critisize but i expected much much more

PSPS Im on Arathor


Loyal Servant of Altera
Well i can say that WoW is an okey game but not as good as Daoc . then we have Diablo 3 ... bad game .. bad game


Lord of Altera
Lol i only still play wow cos of the friends i made. Really i wanna go rp with some people from hollow on LotRO :3


Loyal Servant of Altera
Lol i only still play wow cos of the friends i made. Really i wanna go rp with some people from hollow on LotRO :3
LoTRO? That's still running? (Not saying it's bad)
I played for a couple days as a hobbit and I couldn't get into it :/

Anyone looking into torchlight II? It's developed by the original Diablo team. (2 of the 3 lead developers compared to the 1 that worked on D3) Looks promising and the pet system looks interesting (No more long hauls to sell loot?! Sweet!)


Real life redstone crafter
LoTRO? That's still running? (Not saying it's bad)
I played for a couple days as a hobbit and I couldn't get into it :/

Anyone looking into torchlight II? It's developed by the original Diablo team. (2 of the 3 lead developers compared to the 1 that worked on D3) Looks promising and the pet system looks interesting (No more long hauls to sell loot?! Sweet!)
It looks too kiddy for my taste...

I want to make my own action RPG :(


Loyal Servant of Altera
It looks too kiddy for my taste...

I want to make my own action RPG :(
Good luck with that. On completion I require many copies.
Too kiddy? It has the exact same graphical style as WoW just enhanced >_>'
It also has an expansive story and things to do aside work the daily grind or quest.
This game will inspire so many LAN parties :D


im hoping MoP will bring back all the players...I said the same thing about WoW being like a ghost town when i logged onto my old character.


Lord of Altera
Servers do matter, I love my server even though it's Low population most people there are nice and I'm in an awesome guild, Xavius Realm and The Trivium is the guild. Trivium is the only thing that competes with HW...Even though HW kinda won a long time ago :p


Lord of Altera
Meh, I used to play WoW. My Favourite Realm was Magtheridon, had one of the nicest guilds ever there, Dunadain. But then we ran into some issues and it started splitting apart, so I left especially as I didn't enjoy just the Hotkey Bashing


I jouined Wow on the free version, because I never played it before.
I got a dwarf, with an axe, and ran into some weird fighting lagging, and some weird guy giving me quests.
I gave up in the first half hour, because I was given a mission to get some ale, but they never told me where, the bloody dwarfs.
This is why I don't play it.
It was too....Dwarf-ish. I like dwarfs, sure, but no one was....roleplaying, and no one was really talking!
Everyone seemed death. The mission were old-school guild wars, and, bah, Guild wars had better grathics!
So yes, I think WoW is Dead.