Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Character Artwork


Official Alteran
Hey Bette! I know Sally's been stealin' yer thunder lately and I saw you were taking requests, so I was wonderin' if ye could draw me? I've always wanted to see you draw me! I'd be really grateful. :)


The original mute
I want to contribute to this thread in someway, so I decided to guess who the mystery art subject is. I think it's wait, I forgot. Let me go remember then I'll post who I thought it was.


Roleplay keeper
*gets the first drawing scanned* Yay! *starts to get other-* *scanner begins to get spastic and break* NOOOOO D:
T.T Only got one in.. sorry guys <.< as soon as it's fixed (should be tomorrow) I'll get the others in :/
So far! I've got the mysterious one scanned in <.< Here he comes :D
(Psst, if anyone think it looks like their character, please tell) Btw he's the most realistic character i've ever made!



Lord of Altera
Is it!? Fffffff!!!! I remember you telling me about a person with pentagrams on their gloves!!! I just can't remember the name!! Gah... it's ummm, ummmm... UMMM!!! I can't remember...


The original mute
So let's see, it looks male, it's obviously a fighter. It has no colour and the gloves are marked with pentagrams. It looks ready for a fight without looking too aggressive, And there is a sort of half smile on its face... For some reason I keep getting reminded of one of my old characters, can't be him though. Hmmm, I really have no idea other than one of the Xens or Xeenal. I've read a lot of rp bios trying to find one that matches this and non I could find described something similar to that. Gath, why does this answer escape my grasp?


Lord of Altera
May I please get one done? My character looks like this;

Arthur was fairly average in height, and had very fair brown hair and glistening blue eyes. He wore a woollen jumper which was a gleaming white and over it he wore a modest brown overcoat that stretched from shoulder to kneecap while wearing a rather somber grey pair of leg garments which fit him perfectly.

A more full description is in my RP profile in my siganture if you wish :)