Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Character Artwork


The Arbiter of the Gods
Faces............ Faces......................... *goes pale*
Why did God have to give us faces?!!?!?!


Legend of Altera
Oh! Oh! Oh! Can I have one Bette? I need to do some as well, but with school and whatnot, I've been busy. I need to do Gibble's picture, then I'll do one of you! ^_^


Legend of Altera
Alright, I totally understand! I've been doing a Web Design/ Digital Media class, so I've actually been coding a page for Funera... I think it might actually work out well!


The original mute
Bette how's mine coming along, xenais backstory is coming along ok, though it wont be portable for a while.


Roleplay keeper
Lemme introduce you guys to some details on the drawings :D
Rhaegar, see what thingy he is holding in his hand? And does anybody see the background? And another effect, if you hold you hand over the werewolf part, you see a boy, hold your hand over the human part (AND remove hand from other part) And you'll see a werewolf! :D

*sidenote* Does anybody see the creeper face on Legion's right/left arm?


Roleplay keeper
Um, I guess I could post this one.. It's an idea I had, and I made this sort of, manga/anime people :p I quite like the style.. Not gonna be the only one :D

